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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. This is something related to DirectShow, not ImgBurn itself. What sort of files are you trying to add? It looks like you have some iffy filters installed or something. That specific log doesn’t mention the filter dll being used as part of the ‘connect’ process, but maybe it’s visible in another one of the crash logs?
  2. It's probably easier if you just google for the various sector formats/structures possible on a CD. There's Mode 1, Mode 2 Form 1, Mode 2 Form 2 and CD-DA. If you look at the TOC info, you'll see if it has multiple tracks or a non Mode 1 track. If it isn't single session/track/mode 1, use BIN. That's what the program defaults to anyway, so just go with what it suggests. If you want to faithfully reproduce (or emulate) the disc, you should keep its sectors in the format they're supposed to be in.
  3. M4a seems to have 2 codecs associated with it. AAC and ALAC. So even if something says it supports M4A, it doesn’t meant it’ll support both codecs. As your OS install can’t decode the files you’re feeding it (well, feeding into ImgBurn), that tells us you need another codec installed on the system. It sounds like you’ve got it working ok now having installed that DirectShow filter, so that’s good. [emoji1303]
  4. None of these packages are from Microsoft. Anything not supported ‘out of the box’ requires 3rd party DirectShow filters. Having Googled a bit for ‘alac DirectShow filter’, this one got mentioned a lot. http://dsp-worx.de/?n=15
  5. What type of audio files are you actually trying to use? File extension / codec please.
  6. That disc only has a single, mode 1 track on it, so ISO would be the default extension / format. Iso is mode 1 / ‘user data’ of a sector - 2048 bytes per sector. Bin is for raw sectors - 2352 bytes per sector. That’s why the bin is bigger.
  7. There’s overhead of the file system(s) you decide to use on the disc.
  8. Were you using the same drive you're having issues with in one of your threads? Beyond that, I've no idea.
  9. DVD-R holds more. Same for DVD-RW. As taken from the Media Testing section of the forum... DVD-R Free Sectors: 2,298,496 DVD+R Free Sectors: 2,295,104 DVD-RW Free Sectors: 2,298,496 DVD+RW Free Sectors: 2,295,104
  10. I figured you'd just zip it over multiple floppies or something. Another option would be to remove the hdd from that machine, hook it up to another (more recent one!) and back the drive up properly. You may run into issue with the program not being able to read some of the 'in use' files if you're trying to backup the OS drive from within that same OS. ImgBurn is not a hdd backup tool.
  11. I pretty sure even the latest ( works on 98SE.
  12. Discovery mode is for zero filling discs (burning all zeros to them) - used when running disc quality checks. Don’t use it for anything beyond that. The size reported by the program is what the drive reports. If it’s changing, either your drive is messed up or you’ve got some 3rd party software messing around with the response. The program isn’t actually ‘counting’ the sectors itself.
  13. It depends on how your player plays them. It might read their ID3 tags and arrange them into albums. It might then order them by track number from the ID3 tag or by name if that isn't available. At the end of the day, it's a data disc. The files are sorted into alphabetical order within the file system. If your player doesn't make use of the ID3 tags, that's the order it'll end up playing them in and that's when renaming the files to fit your desired order is required. If media player works for what you want, it would make sense to use that instead.
  14. Unfortunately, there’s no way to specify the name of the data file when using CCD. That’s why ImgBurn has to rename its usual ‘bin’ file to ‘img’. The CUE file can then just be told to use the img file. Back when ImgBurn (or perhaps its predecessor) came about, DAEMON Tools was a much simpler application. It grew and grew, had a few driver issues (which slowed down real optical drives) and people liked the basic nature of virtual clone drive. There’s no doubt that Daemon tools is more capable and fully featured (both in terms of features and its ability to faithfully emulate a physical drive), but if VCD works for you, that’s great.
  15. Not where ImgBurn is concerned, no. BIN/CUE is what ImgBurn started off supporting for CD images. I added support for CCD purely so people had the option of using VirtualCloneDrive instead of DAEMON Tools. Yes, you should always point the tools at the info files (CUE/CCD/MDS etc) rather than the data files (BIN/IMG/MDF). Otherwise, you're just giving them a load of data without any info on how to interpret it.
  16. That’s just what CDDA is. Check the MMC specs for optical drives and the various types of sectors used for what can be stored on a CD. Please just take it from me that the program is telling the truth. Don’t attempt to read an audio disc to a single file that you’ve given the ‘iso’ extension to. It won’t work... in anything. Bin/cue is very common for anything CD related. Bin/cue can be mounted in lots of virtual drive programs (the main one is / was Daemon Tools). Virtual CloneDrive is by the same people that made CloneCD, hence why it supports CCD/IMG instead, rather than Bin/cue. A virtual drive program that can fully process a bin/cue combo and emulate an optical drive/disc with it will be usable in the same way as if you had the original disc in a real optical drive.
  17. An ISO is dumb. It's a basic 2048 bytes per sector (purely 'user data') dump of the disc. It knows nothing of sessions, tracks, indexes etc and is always assumed to be single session, single track. Audio discs are complex. 2352 bytes per sector and you have the option of multiple tracks and multiple index points. That's why BIN/CUE is used. The CUE file is required for all of the extra info about the disc and the BIN is a 2352 bytes per sector dump of the disc. Without the CUE, your BIN file is useless - do not delete it. ImgBurn can also create a CCD file - which is very similar in function to the CUE file. VirtualCloneDrive doesn't actually (fully) support BIN/CUE, which is why ImgBurn can make CCD/IMG - VCDs native format.
  18. Post the log please. Chances are, you're trying to erase a disc that can't be erased. Only rewritable discs can be erased, not your standard CD-R/DVD-R/DVD+R/BD-R.
  19. No. I've been very busy for the past 6 or 7 years The version with that in will be released one day. Definitely this year.
  20. Sorry, no. ImgBurn can't help you with this. You've basically made a multisession disc. ImgBurn can send the commands to close tracks, sessions, discs etc.... but they're only useful for when those commands didn't work the first time around. Your disc has been left unfinalised and with a new session open (that you can add data to) on purpose. The only way to finalise it is to add more data to it (again, can't be done with ImgBurn) and then ensure it's closed/finalised - do not let the software make yet another new session. It might just be easier to make a new disc. Use ImgBurn in build mode, add your MP3 files and burn.
  21. You could try enabling the 'Perform OPC Before Write' option in the settings to see if that helps. Failing that, if your drive can't seem to burn the discs you're (MID/Disc ID: MBI 01RG40) using, try some different ones.
  22. The program reads the sectors in chunks. When the drive returns an error, it drops down to reading them 1 at a time so it can pick out the bad one. What’s happened here is that the drive errored out when reading the chunk, but then succeeded to read them all when doing it 1 by 1. I would the disc has the potential to be unreliable. Maybe do a stand-alone verify on it and see if the drive fails to read it again in those same locations.
  23. If you’re trying to burn an XP install CD, why aren’t you following the XP guide instead of the Vista+ one? How to create a Windows XP installation disc (bootable) using ImgBurn. https://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/11190-How-to-create-a-Windows-XP-installation-disc-%28bootable%29-using-ImgBurn
  24. That drive is a dvd writer, not a BD writer. It only ‘reads’ bd-roms.
  25. I've checked the code and can't see any obvious way to silence those I'm afraid.
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