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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. The privacy policy is linked at the bottom of every page on the website. They can't have looked too hard! Yes, the ImgBurn exe might appear old, but the optical disc world simply hasn't changed since then. The installer used to include a 3rd party plug-in that handled a bit of 'within the installation wizard' advertising of 3rd party programs. That plug-in is no longer included and the company that used to run it has closed off that section of their business. As such, that classification is out of date. Scan the current setup exe and you'll see it's perfectly clean.
  2. Yes. It was taking the volume label from one file system and applying it (verbatim) to another - without any sort of compliancy checks.
  3. I always wrap mine in a towel and store them in the freezer.
  4. Seems like something is wrong with madFlac on your system. DirectShow is reporting it can't be loaded for some reason.
  5. Chance are (as per the 'hint' in that messagebox), you don't have a DirectShow filter installed that can cope with converting your source (flac) files into CDDA. If such a DirectShow filter is impossible to find, you could always go the route of using a sound editing program to convert/export them in the standard WAV 44kHz/16 bit /stereo format.
  6. EAC is a good choice for audio stuff. No idea how well that’ll work for data+audio discs.
  7. You have to download the appropriate language file and do what it tells you to do on the download page of the website. https://imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
  8. There's error correction built into most data sectors, so the drive should know if it has read a sector correctly. If it hasn't/can't, it should return an error to the program and the program will then inform you. Audio tracks / sectors don't work like that though. If there's an error in one of those, you'll just have to live with it - but I'm sure it would only be a tiny blip. 1 bad sector is 1/75th of a second. The program should suggest an appropriate image format type for the disc in the drive. It'll use ISO for basic discs with a single Mode 1 track and it'll use BIN/CUE for everything else.
  9. As they’re meant to last for hundreds of years, I doubt it makes much difference to you if you used a simple ‘read’ operation to check the disc or if you look at pif type levels. If it passes a read operation now, it’ll still do so in 50 years time. That said, if you have the ability to scan for such info, why risk the long term archiving of important data on a disc that is of immediately questionable readability?
  10. Of course, nothing is perfect. Like I said, the ‘amount’ of errors depends on your drive and how well it can burn them. Some will be better at burning them than others. Btw, if you just ask the same question over and over again, I’ll simply ban this new account you’ve made too.
  11. That would depend on how well your drive can burn them. I doubt usage has any effect on the speed at which a disc deteriorates. Plus, if you're talking about M-Disc, they're designed to last for ages.
  12. You haven’t included/enabled cd-text info when creating the cue.
  13. You can't. You'd need to extract the contents from each one, merge them (contents of each ISO into its own folder or something) and then burn the entire thing. If you just want to archive the ISO's on 1 disc (as in, back them up), use build mode.
  14. Load the program without a disc in the drive. Go into Read mode Put the disc in the drive and keep an eye on the status bar of the main window. If the drive goes through the motions of trying to initialise the disc and then just ends up saying medium not present, it means your drive can't read the disc (at all). This is not an ImgBurn issue. Another drive may have more luck reading the disc.
  15. Already done.
  16. It already uses the name of a (data) disc for exactly that. I expect the problem you’re having is that you’re taking an image of an audio cd, which don’t actually have names. For those discs, it would involve querying some sort of online database.
  17. So you set it burning and then cancelled it once it had begun? If you were too late and the drive had already started burning, you're out of luck. Unless you happened to be using rewritable discs, a burnt disc stays burnt - that's the nature of burning optical discs. Don't blame the app for your own mistakes.
  18. If it stops, it generally means there's some sort of communications issue between your computer and the drive. ImgBurn will have sent a command to it for processing and is simply waiting for a response. Does it have enough power? Try another USB cable / port perhaps. When it appears to be stuck, if you unplug the burner, your system should error out.
  19. It isn't... the calculation is just a bit off. Drives usually ramp up to their chosen speed slowly throughout the burn. So if you pick 32x, it may start at 16x and then build up to 32x... which would only be reached at the very outer edges of the disc (i.e. when you've filled the disc up 100%).
  20. What happens if you pick 24 or 32 as the write rate? Does it still max out at 14x? The 14x could actually be a cosmetic issue as I fixed an issue to do with CD read and write rates a million years ago. There hasn't been a new 'public' release since I fixed it.
  21. If you get an actual error during the verify phase, it shouldn’t be ignored. If your drive just stops doing anything, it’s probably more of an issue with your setup than the burn / discs. Do you have the drive’s data usb cable plugged into a usb 3.0 port? I’m assuming it’s designed for usb 3.0. Most BD drives would be.
  22. Yes, definitely use both usb plugs, otherwise it won’t have enough power to actually burn!
  23. If the drive has just stopped doing anything, you’re probably out of luck. The I/O (commands and data) going to and from the drive must have got stuck. Pull the plug on the drive and the program will probably be able to display an error.
  24. You must have that option being forced by something (a settings file maybe?) as it certainly remembers what I set it to after being closed / reopened.
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