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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. v2.5.8.0 doesn't have any way of getting around that prompt. I have already added another command line parameter that can, but it'll only be available in the next release... whenever that might be.
  2. Something like lupasrename should work.
  3. Have you tried doing a full format on that discs? If you already have, you should give up with that and switch to different media. Your drive really doesn't like that one.
  4. Ok so the drive no longer recognise a blank one of those discs? You’ll have to try some other discs or get another drive. Cleaning the drive may help... but it also might not. Haha.
  5. Post the log from ImgBurn and post the info Ch3vr0m mentioned from within ImgBurn's drive/disc info window on the right please. Just load the program, go into Write mode, put one of the (new) blank discs in and copy + paste everything from that window on the right.
  6. not sure why or how you'd be picking ImgBurn for use on a Mac.... seeing as there isn't a Mac version. Unless you actually meant 'Machine' when you wrote 'Mac'? This thread looks a lot like spam to me but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
  7. Where did you download it from? Which mirror site?
  8. Ok, so it's a pressed (silver) disc then, not a 'burnt' one? It could be a form of copy protection, yes. The name of the file the problem sector belongs to certainly has a random looking name, but maybe that's normal for that disc? You could just keep ignoring the error (click 'continue') and let it fill the bad sector with zeros.
  9. Do you have access to another computer / drive to try and read the disc in that instead? Is it a disc you've burnt in the past? If so, how long ago? What condition is the disc in? Make sure it's clean.
  10. On some OS's, yes. They changed the way it works a bit in the newer OS's though and so an updated version of ImgBurn would be required for those. It's purely cosmetic though, so don't worry about it too much.
  11. Build mode Set the output to image file.
  12. No, not via CMD line, this is in the program itself. Go into Build mode and then select the 'Advanced' tab on the right, followed by the 'Media' one. Change the Single Layer - Profile to 'Custom' and then enter a larger number. Maybe just copy the value from the double layer DVD+R DL one (i.e. 4173824).
  13. Well, I say that.... if you just want an ISO for playback via a media player rather than for burning to disc (basically anything where the layer break isn't important), you can change the size of single layer media to something larger than DVD9 and it won't prompt you.
  14. In a word, no.
  15. Post the log from ImgBurn please. Copy and paste it all from the log window when you think it's stuck
  16. Turn off (uncheck) the following... Tools -> Settings -> General -> Page 1 -> Display Warnings -> Underburning
  17. It looks like it had trouble writing to the disc - the drive reported a Write error. Maybe it did a better job with power calibration the 2nd time around and so managed to burn it ok. You were lucky the first attempt didn’t render it useless
  18. That's not something you do in ImgBurn. You need some sort of authoring program if you want to add multiple video files along with a menu where you can pick which one plays. Something like ConvertXtoDVD might work here.
  19. The program queries the drive's current setting and that's what is being displayed in the log when you burn. It doesn't actively request that the drive changes the booktype to DVD-ROM if the setting you've mentioned isn't checked.... but it also won't then tell it NOT to booktype to DVD-ROM if that's what it has already defaulted to doing. So.... go into the booktype changing tool/feature and tell the drive that you don't want it to booktype the disc to DVD-ROM.
  20. Add the drive letter (i.e. D:\) of your optical drive to the source box. Set the output to 'image file', fill out the destination file name and press the start button.
  21. Probably from CloneDVD then... I'm not really sure, it was forever ago as I'm pretty sure they were used in DVD Decrypter too.
  22. And you're changing it in Tools -> Settings -> Events -> On Startup -> Check For Program Update? (setting it to 'Never') If you want to do it in regedit, it's the 'EVENTS_CheckForProgramUpdate' setting in the key dbminter mentioned. Set it to 0.
  23. It does 'stick', so maybe it's something to do with how it's being called. Is another program firing ImgBurn up automatically? They often tell the program not to save the settings on exit or provide it with an ini file to control the configuration.
  24. The program is at the mercy of your machine as a whole. If your machine stops processing the I/O requests it tries to send to the drive, it will appear to be frozen - it’s actually just waiting for a response to something. So the problem could be something related to a communication issue with the drive. Load the program up, go into write mode, right click the drive selection box and select ‘family tree’. Close the prompt that comes up and then copy + paste everything from the Log window please.
  25. ImgBurn burns as-is, so your issue is with whatever you've burnt and the way your playback device handles it.
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