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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. Your bin and cue file combo is already a disc image. Mount the CUE in a program that supports such a thing - or just burn the CUE using Write mode (and a blank CD)
  2. Yes. Your question was how to create a cue that burns 3 bin files. You don’t need to create one, you already have/had it. Just burn it.
  3. You may have missed my previous reply as you replied at the same time. Go ahead and burn the cue from redump. Your image will work fine.
  4. Oh hang on, I’m confused. If you have the cue files, what’s the problem? Just load the cue in write mode and burn it. That’s the whole point of the cue file... to automatically deal with more complex images.
  5. Not quite, your link to you to a site that then linked to redump Totally different sites and there was nothing to say you’d seen the redump one.
  6. Maybe check here for the correct CUE? http://redump.org/discs/system/psx/
  7. The CUE you found online and posted in your first post would probably work, but it's impossible to say if it's correct or not. It assumes the bin files for track 2 and 3 both have 2 seconds of pregap (basically, nothing) at the start of them. My advice would be to find another source where the disc has been ripped properly and all files (including the CUE file) are present. I'm assuming the image you posted 'about the file' isn't one you've made yourself, because clearly the CUE file is present in that case Unless of course that's the CUE you've made yourself too.
  8. The graph data files are more useful for speed issues. Fluctuations in speed once you hit a certain speed are usually an indication you’ve hit the max of something in your machine.
  9. It can’t pluck the info out of thin air. The choices are... 1. Read it from tags in the file 2. Use the file name 3. Use what you type in
  10. Did you say your new ‘black’ drive is slower than your old ‘blue’ one? That definitely shouldn’t be the case. The blacks are superior to the blue models in every way. Have you done any transfer rate tests on it? It shouldn’t be struggling to stream enough data for a 16x verify operation. Of course if the drive is being accessed by other stuff, that could explain why it can’t cope. Hdds are no good at random access really. I have my pc connected to a ups... no issues to note.
  11. No, but you said you copied the files using your brother's PC. So instead of copying the files on his, you should have tried to make an image. In any case, it would seem you're out of luck and the copy protection would kick in either way.
  12. You should have used ImgBurn to make an image from the original disc, not from the files you'd copied to a USB stick. Is this a game cd? It could be copy protected and that's why it's not working now.
  13. How big is the file? What if you change the file extension to .ISO ?
  14. Edit the single layer media size to something that won't require it to prompt for one. It's on the 'Advanced' -> 'Media' tab.
  15. Your drive reported a 'Write Error'. That's why the burn failed. Just try again. If your drive often fails to burn those discs at MAX speed, try slowing the write speed down a bit (maybe to 16x) and/or getting some different discs.
  16. It isn't really possible to say. It could be the drive or it could be the disc. That said, if the disc were at fault, the drive still shouldn't be behaving like that. It should work or error out and clearly yours isn't doing either of those.
  17. Your drive is still reporting it’s in progress. I guess it’s safe to assume it got stuck. Turn your machine off and on again.
  18. All DL discs we buy are OTP, yes. Retails can be both, but not writable ones. I don't suppose Track Path really applies to single layer ones as you're only walking over the disc in one direction anyway (inner to outer).
  19. Nope, I’m pretty sure I never added anything like that. It’s quite trivial to add it though.
  20. The 'invalid or unsupported image file' message comes up when you're in Write mode and attempt to burn something that isn't a disc image file. Write mode is not for burning your average mp4, avi, mkv etc files. It's for burning disc image files - iso, img, bin etc. Sounds like 'user error' to me.
  21. The drivers are just the ones I got from here - https://www.primera.com/developersupport Of course, they might be older than what's available directly from that site now... the guide was written ages ago. If they find your autoloader, you should be fine. I don't know which exact models they support.
  22. I have no clue. It works with whatever their drivers (the dlls) work with.
  23. Yeah so I guess the cover art is what made the system try and use the sonic hd demuxer filter (built in filters couldn't handle the cover art) and that same filter is probably what caused the issue with it not actually processing the file/data. Glad you found a workaround.
  24. The fact that the sonic hd demuxer was being used by DirectShow makes me think there is something the system doesn’t like about them. Take a copy of a problem file and totally remove the tag. Then see if you get the same filter list / it works correctly.
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