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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. Yes, I wrote ImgBurn. Sorry, I think it's an MP3 type disc or nothing if you want album art. CD Players didn't have screens capable of displaying images, so it wasn't something they'd have considered. Even CD-TEXT was rare.
  2. Please provide links to such guides and I’ll take a look.
  3. On a proper audio CD, no, I’m afraid not. All you can add are the album / song names in CD-Text etc. As you say though, that sort of thing works if you’re burning an mp3 disc.
  4. Get a new drive.
  5. I'd say so, yes.
  6. You aren't really meant to think about the layers when dealing with BD discs. It's always just one big disc. That said, if you don't want to burn on the 3rd, don't add more data than can fit on the first 2. AFAIK, the drive will only move onto the 3rd once they're full.
  7. Eject the disc and reinsert. Keep an eye on that status bar message as you do so. Does it take quite a while before it finally settles on 'medium not present' ? Do you hear the drive trying to initialise the disc? You'll either have to try some different DVDs or try a different drive with your disc. Can the drive read proper commercial (pressed) DVD Video discs ok?
  8. Making sense or not, I'm just telling you what I've seen over the years. If you haven't already done so, please do what I said and compare the file on the disc with the ones on your storage drive / hdd / whatever. Only then will you be happy that everything is as it should be. It's then down to the player to play the disc as you'd intended it be played. What standalone do you actually have?
  9. It doesn't look like that drive should have a problem burning DVDs. What message is displayed in the status bar when you put a blank dvd in and switch to Write mode?
  10. I doubt it's anything to do with the burning process itself. The files you provide the program with are what gets burnt. You can compare them yourself (MD5 / SHA-1 etc) and you'll see nothing has been changed. Maybe the player ignores HDR when playing from BD-R? Check with whoever makes it. Lots of them have weird limitations when using certain types of media.
  11. Copy and paste everything from the Log window please.
  12. That should not be the case. There’s nothing in the program to be aware of any other instances. Perhaps check the log file when it closes and see if anything gets mentioned. Are you actually enabling any sort of option to make the program close when it has finished anyway? If you are, stop doing so. If not, perhaps something else is actually terminating it.
  13. You said you were burning multiple copies of the same, so I tailored my response accordingly. You can burn what you like, as many times as you’d like. The program will only be closing when it thinks it has finished all the work you’ve given it - assuming you’ve also told it to close when done.
  14. You’d just tell both instances to burn the same image to a different drive multiple times. Sounds like you had 1 instance burning a single copy to one drive and another instance burning multiple copies to the other drive.
  15. Put a new blank disc in and then try to burn. The disc you put in is not empty. The disc info shown on the right says as much. The ‘unknown’ bits are meant to be there. You haven’t selected an image file or anything to burn.
  16. That’s the /noimagedetails command if I remember correctly. Take a look in the readme txt file.
  17. That’s not bytes, it’s sectors - and that’s all the disc has on it. The issue would be with burnplot, it was made before TL discs existed.
  18. So the IMG was 0 bytes in size? That goes along with what's displayed in your screenshot. I don't suppose it'll work unless you have a file that's the size of what's to actually be burnt.
  19. It could just be a CCD that it doesn't like very much. CCD is CloneCD's native file format. My implementation is just a 'best guess' at it. What does the accompanying IMG file look like? Size in bytes etc. Feel free to upload the CCD so I can take a look at it.
  20. You may need RAW mode writing for that... which ImgBurn doesn't support. The image is / was meant for Padus DiscJuggler, but they've shut down, so you probably can't get it now - not legitimately anyway.
  21. ImgBurn won't be shifting anything, so the issue lies elsewhere. Stick to using the special software.
  22. How are you even telling it to start the verify process? I don’t recall giving the user an option to speed things up. It cycles the tray and then proceeds once the drive thinks it’s ready again. If you have to push the tray in manually, it would just wait longer.
  23. I'm pretty sure it's just based on the name of the disc. You might be able to force a name and the program will then try to make it unique (add a '(1)', '(2)' etc to it), but don't quote me on that! There's definitely no support for grabbing names from a CSV or whatever.
  24. The first error is the one you need to focus on. So, your drive is reporting a 'Write Error'. Which other drives have you tested?
  25. If the inserted media doesn't appear to be rewritable (or cannot be determined), you're given the option to override. So the user probably just selected DVD+RW. I've never seen rewritable DVD+R DL media... have you?
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