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Everything posted by polopony

  1. oh oh, could explain me talking to myself lately too ,yeah me too
  2. yep he gave them the boot, we are in the last couple of weeks of finishing a remodeling job and the owner of the house is up our ass to get finished so them taking off was bad timing and where does their loyalty lie To protest that they shouldn't have to go through the same steps as the people who came here legally was bullshit, that you 've managed to stay under the radar for a few years gives you any standing or the right to bypass the immigration laws doesn't fly with me .I dont see any of them paying a dime in taxes , use the system at no cost to them ,ship what money they do make out of the country ,I can't count how many I've talked to that are only here to make enough to set themselves up back in their country. Pain Man in the construction buissness its real common to hire and let go depending on the amount of work that you have lined up if you dont have jobs lined up then you're LAID OFF call it what you will you're not working .These guys were picked up every morning and dropped home every night at no cost to them a nice deal. I'd like to not have to pay for gas ,insurance ,upkeep ,hell the truck itself 'I could go on and on but I think my views are pretty clear
  3. and everyone in the parliment stood up and said here here and there was much nodding
  4. do you have a burner for sure and not a cdburner/dvdrom ? burns cd's but will only read dvd's
  5. and when you get to Virginia you'll be able to tell the married couples real easy there will be tobacco juice on both doors of the pickup
  6. we had 2 workers who took off that Monday to protest I dont know what and I sincerely hope they find the time to protest the fact that they no longer have jobs ,we'll yeah I guess they have plenty of time to protest all sorts of things.They were well taken care of by the owner of the company and he was so mad he said keep going you're fired
  7. they fucked up big time opening their doors to all the dregs ,into the country and right on the dole and other giveaway programs free housing that no Irishborn person can get etc etc .My sister in law said it best " Irelands a great country to live in provided you're not Irish "
  8. I have to agree with lfc' in that none of my electrical goodies have an alternate power settings on the back and i don't recall ever seeing said switches/buttons on any items sold here....? The general consensus seems to be " get new goodies ", i may need to work on the missus a bit longer to convince her, if that fails I'll pass her over to my " reputable source ", I hope you are ready for that polopony....... ........... bring her on if I cant dazzle her with brilliance then its baffle her with bullshit
  9. yes it is as its video, and burning to CMC MAG discs, well good luck and the next one you burn check VERIFY and see what happens, verify compares whats written on the disc to the original file (ISO).You wont find anyone here whose a CMC MAG fan its was and is the dye manufacturer responsible for most of the media problems in this forum and in the dearly departed dvdd forum .Try to play them say 6 months down the road or play it now and see if theres any freezing or pixilation etc .The Ricoh Japan is good media but apparently not for your burner ps saw the verify was ok, still, try to read it down the road
  10. check on the back of the equipment many things have dual voltages. you can choose with a flip of a switch .Most of the Euro stuff is like you say 220 but where its noticable is we run 60hz and you run 50 HZ(cycles )the 50 will run a little slower, electric motors that is .If you're set on getting all new stuff disregard the above post and you can tell the wife that a reputable source says it wont work we need all new equipment
  11. Disc ID: INFODISC-A10-01) (Speeds: 2.4x) more truly forgettable media try verbatim, taiyo Yudens and go to this site to see whats what www.digitalfaq.com just a small comment from Googleing the media "INFODISC = Infodisc Media = (+RW) 3RD CLASS MEDIA Quality can be very questionable, about 50-80% ... "
  12. congrats on the strangest write speed I've seen 3.1x . never saw anything like that before
  13. it goes back to the drive and its firmware ,the firmware is a set of instructions that the drive uses and part of it is support for different types or brands of media, if the media is recognized by the drive you should have no problem if its not you might get an error .You might want to clean the laser for the drive they have a cd you insert that has a couple of soft brushes that will clean the lens
  14. polopony

    Darkside Facts

    driving to work yesterday they mentioned that Dark Side of The Moon has been on the charts continously for 15,000 weeks .I have a huge collection of LP,s with lots of Floyd and I bought them for about $2.50 new some years ago .I recorded all new albums to cassette so they are all in great condition
  15. Here's the drive: HL-DT-ST DVD+RW GCA-4040N 1.19 (ATA) the 4040 part of the drives description makes me believe its an LG drive .Check out this site www.videohelp.com it may help you make up your mind, the consensus was the drive is a piece of crap sorry. It appears that there are some hacked firmwares for it .When it comes to HP stick with their printers and leave everything else alone
  16. that particular media supports write speeds up to 16x this is what my drive reports for the same ID _NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG 2.1A (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 2,295,104 Free Space: 4,700,372,992 bytes Free Time: 510:03:29 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x Physical Format Information (ADIP): Disc ID: MCC-004-00 Book Type: DVD+R that your drive only supports 2.4x and 4x is a problem with the drives firmware and write strategy.What drive is it. and is the firmware up to date .You can see if you need a newer firmware by going to TOOLS ,DRIVE, CHECk FOR FIRMWARE UPDATE or by right clicking on the drive in the destination box of IMGburn PS does this drive happen to be in a Dell computer if it is you might have to go to Dell for firmware . Google your drive there seems to be a lot of people asking about it in particular the firmware or the firmware update
  17. it was the same in hospitals both Kodak and Konica just about giving away the hardware for X rays and Cat Scans so they could sell the film, thats the money. HP selling printers so they can sell the ink ,ink comes to about $1200 a gallon when its sold as cartridges
  18. all hail the KING, never met a drive he couldn't trash
  19. the thing costs more than I paid for a few cars I owned
  20. right away you mention Memorex if its CMC dye its some of the worst crap there is suitable for landfill .The dye manufacturer is the all important thing to consider when buying media brands dont mean a thing .To see who manufactures your discs open IMGburn put a blank in the BURNER and read off the manufacturers ID it looks like this_NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG 2.1A (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-R Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 1,797,934 Size: 3,682,168,832 bytes Time: 399:34:34 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: MCC 03RG20 these are Verbatim 16x blanks with MCC dye Mitsibushi Chemicals just about the best also Taiyo Yuden as I mentioned above .Any files you have VOBs, BUPs etc must be changed into an ISO image in order for IMGburn to write it .DVD Shrink can make iso's
  21. dont know of any drives and media that support 1 X its really a thing of the past .I burn everything at 6X and get beautifull discs that verify every time and stuff thats a couple of years old still plays perfect
  22. polopony

    Best scan ever

    Grain's gotten some slightly better ones. Must be the Canadian electricity. I hear it's real pure and clean up there. nah its the exchange rate
  23. IMGburn will not convert anything it simply burns ISO'S.Backing up dvd's is illegal in most places whether you own it or not and the legalaties of it caused the demise of a certain ripping program and for that reason we don't tutor anyone on how to back up copyrighted products .Thats why IMGburn doesn't rip anything ,just burns ISO's.
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