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Everything posted by polopony

  1. if he was that smart he would have paid for her dry cleaning
  2. yep those Indiana cops are the greatest ,I was going back to Shaw AFB in S Carolina with one of my buddies I was driving and I had the pedal to the floor I came up on a brown car just putting along in the left lane (speed Lane for the Euro crowd ) I made eye contact in the mirrors signaled him to move over he did and I flew past him and when I was even with his car I saw the Indiana State Police patch, he shook his head and signaled me to slow down and thats all that happened ,when we hit Columbia ,S carolina we were crusing at 115mph blew past a cop sitting on the side of the road and the chase was on he eventually caught us when we slowed down for the city limits ,took all the money we had except $5 bucks we needed for gas and let us off with a warning ticket ,we didn't have much cash left after being on leave so it was worth it
  3. as you can see neither 2.4x or 4x are speeds that are supported by the drive so it defaults to a speed that is supported (I 01:47:46 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00) (Speeds: 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x) its nothing to worry about, make sure your firmware is up to date Nero doesn't always report the correct speed so if you use nero look at the burning time if you in fact did burn at 2.4 then the time it took would be around 20 minutes ( a guess)
  4. SMD put a blank DVD in your burner and open IMGburn and in the info window you'll see something like this NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG 2.1A (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-R Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 2,297,888 Free Space: 4,706,074,624 bytes Free Time: 510:40:38 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: MCC 03RG20 this is what you look for (manufacturer ID) these discs a re Verbatim 16X -R media with MCC dye one of the best dyes Taiyo Yuden being the other copy and paste yours here and we'll see if your ID comes up as CMC MAG then change media its crap and has caused nothing but problems and has problems being read months later
  5. give us all a clue WHAT media are you using and what manufacturer ID thats the info thats important
  6. you know what they say if you can't dazzle them with brilliance baffle em with B.S. which sounds about right with the answer they gave you.Personally I don't believe it ,it would be too big of an issue for Intel and they just threw that out there for lack of a proper answer
  7. there aren't any real release dates its more like test the betas try to find stuff that doesn't work right or in many cases have forum members find things from a release, post a bug then Luk works on that checks his coding then double checks stuff, impliments suggestions from members where he can then that gets checked again with beta testers and IMGburn members using all sorts of different drives and then when all looks good a newer version is released and the process basically starts again so its not like an anouncement stating the new version will be out on such and such a date its no different than the old forum
  8. Bingo. Came out in 1985. Methinkso thou art north of 30 to remember that one. Great album. Lots of blurred memories of, ah, extended braincell desctruction sessions. north of 30 is right I was living in NYC, only in West Palm a little over a year before I came down I saw ,Clapton ,Blue Oyster Cult ,Marshall Tucker ,Robin Trower,Buddy Guy, John Mayall ,Johnny Winter ,Edgar , BB King just to name a few saw most at BB Kings club on 42nd St. Manhattan, a small club about 400 seats, great view from everywhere anyone ever visiting New York should catch a shoe www.bbkingblues.com
  9. yep welcome back, and did I mention that I've patented every 6th word in your post but not ones that begin with the letter C, so you'll be hearing from my lawyers
  10. I just signed on to this forum and this is my first post. I really just wanted to stress how unhappy I am with this shutdown error. For me this is a major problem and inconvinence. . I hate coming home to see my computer still running for 8 hours because of this bug that won't let image burn shutdown my computer after it is finished burning my dvd. I thought this problem would have been fixed by now, but sadly it hasn't. I'd really really appreciate it if you could spend some time fixing this bug even if it means releasing another updated version. I'm sure there are people who don't care as someone listed above, but I care and this is an important feature to me that I'd like to use successfully sometime soon. Thank you. A major problem and inconvinence ,you're truly blessed if that constitutes a "major problem " .My computer has been running for 6-8 YEARS barring the shut downs for poweroutages due to hurricanes ,tornados ,reboots for windows to properly install software/hardware and a truly sucky power company .Hang in there LUK is tenatious when it comes to his second child and as the problems are found they are fixed and cool new features added all the time when all seems well then the new version is released
  11. yeah I think that version 4 was the first version from PowerDVD that supported XP .I have a powerDVD XP 4 got 5 with some hardware or something and dont see much difference except for the icon .If the version 3 you have was a Dell version then they were screwing with PowerDVD to make it Dells version you couldn't open dvd files on the HD and watch them on the box
  12. somebody wins somebody loses and the price of a rental goes up F'ed again
  13. yer not related to DB by any chance ,theres a man who can demolish some hardware
  14. I ran powerDVD 4 and currently 5 with no issues with IMGburn
  15. polopony


    Happy Birthday LUK and many more to come
  16. polopony

    Voltage spikes?

    get a 480 watt or better Antec True Blue power supply they are excellent and then bury the other in your own personal Boot Hill
  17. polopony


    Happy Birthday Spinner ,day off with nothing to do sounds about right
  18. should have given Noxema a shot its pretty good at removing stuff just leave it on for awhile and wipe off
  19. polopony

    G5 MYM

    hey Mike congrats ,it'll be an easy date to remember my sis's birthday is the 16th.I know what you mean about the grocery bills my nephew also Mike has 7 boys aged 15 to 1 year and had to go with an extended ford van also a commercial fridge and a 6 burner stove dinner looks like a crowded resturant when we are all visiting
  20. explains a lot are you going to audition for the vacant spot in the group
  21. If you had to sing "In The Navy" and YMCA night after night you would turn violent and crazy too,probably drink excessivly do drugs insult people just carry on in general ,I know if I hear them again someone is going to pay
  22. Sorry to hear meritline is going down the tubes .I used them all the time for media but since I keep an eye out for Best Buy sales I've been able to get Verbs 16x for $10/25 on sale I stock up. I've always used New Egg for drives and always been satisfied with the service ,price and really fast shipping great company
  23. 1 ) yeah "the bollocks" in this case is good media, the cats meow .Yudens were counterfitted though so maybe you got a batch or a bad batch of originals, it happens .If all the other burns on that media were good and all you did was get a new batch of discs I'd look there first 2 ) before you rush out and get another burner you might want to try Verbatim discs ,the ones with MCC dye and see if that will make a difference you could also try different speeds for burning the TY's, 6X and burn one at 8x and do the scans and see if there's a difference in the quality of the burn, experiment, try some +R media then you will be able to change the book type to have the players see the media as DVD Rom seems to make the media more compatible with players 3 ) I like the NEC drives I have two models a 2500 and a 3500 a little older but they produce beautiful burns .I'm waiting for the mysterious firmware 2R8 that will supposedly allow the 3500 to do scans .If I get another it will be an NEC because of the great results I've had with these 2
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