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Everything posted by polopony

  1. I have a Sony 510A my first ($304),still works great 3-4 yrs old an NEC2500 and an NEC 3500 all work well and combined with the right media make excellent burns
  2. OK ,you obviously dont know that ripping movies is not legal and any and all discussion about it is off limits here .This was what caused the demise of a great program and legal troubles for its author
  3. I 20:41:39 ImgBurn Version Beta started! I 20:41:39 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 1) I 20:41:39 Initialising SPTI... I 20:41:39 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 20:41:40 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 2 DVD?RWs! this is how the log will start ,copy and paste everything from this point on down ,it will tell us what media youre using, OS and other info that will possibly help in solving your problem
  4. polopony

    G5 MYM

    Hey thats great to hear, MYM has found some peace, ok knock it off I spelled it right
  5. if those discs that you have success with ,the memorex are made with the cmc dye then you're going to have issues with them over time if you plan to keep it for any lenght . Around here we dont reccommend Memorex for anything (CMC MAG) Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim is the way to go
  6. Yeah Shrink can do it .There are guides on the Shrink site for it
  7. if you look in tools, settings ,general it lists all the file associations it supports and IMA is not included. Google " how to burn an IMA file " theres lots of stuff
  8. hey DB its really ..............and you can........ its in win..........and all works just ........ although you......and if you dont.......just go to ......its all exp..........
  9. Let us not forget how great a friend Saddam Hussein was once of the United States. In particular, that lovely ironic photo of Donald Rumsfeld shaking his hand in the early 1980;s Hussein when he was in the US was given the Key To the City in Detroit .He was the last to recieve it untill this year when they gave it to some football player
  10. believe what you want, you complain of bad burns and you're using what amounts to shit media .Verbatim is the ONLY manufacturer of dual layer discs that work time and time again .You came here looking for advice which you dont seem to care for, try creating the ISO with PGC edit and get some decent media, yeah that means Verbatim DLs good luck PS we dont discuss ripping with DVDD as it was the reason for its demise and legal troubles for LUK
  11. soon is relative to every individual ,with the new version notification you'll know when its available each release since its conseption has added new cool features and I'm sure LUKs working on more ,like its been said this program has to work with all sorts of drives and as such that takes time to check and double check all the coding that goes into the software. Its the members that find stuff ,and the beta testers that help work out the kinks .If you have to revert back to a previous version is that really such a big deal and is there anything in the new version that you absolutely cant live without untill the bugs are fixed I know for me there isn't and the new version works just fine for my needs .You want to make multiple copies of something then dont select delete image untill you're working on the last disc you still have to load blank discs into the burner so doing it for the first or last disc to me is nothing to bet bent at you now know that if you want multiple copies and select delete image then its gone after the first .I myself never select this option I just open my D drive and delete stuff when I'm sure it can go a general cleanup of the drive once in awhile. About LUK telling everyone when the new version will be out if he said 6 months then you would say ok 6 months and if he released it in 4 he'd be everyones hero if he said 2 weeks and it was 15 days then he's the goat, a kind of no win situation theres been 20 -30 versions released if you count betas thats a lot of work in a short time
  12. the ability to read was what got the old program scuttled and there wont be any read function that will be able to break copyrighted material in IMGburn
  13. the brand of disc doesn't mean anything its the dye manufacturer thats important best discs are Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim with MCC dye . Can you read anything with the Toshiba rom like a factory DVD ? You can unplug the power for the drive and also reseat the IDE ribbon and let windows find everything again.Some drives are just plain picky about the media they like open IMGburn put a blank disc in the burner write mode and look at the Disc ID mine looks like this its a Verbatim +R 16X disc MCC is Mitsubishi Chemicals Corp dye the best or 1 of the 2 best _NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG 2.1A (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 2,295,104 Free Space: 4,700,372,992 bytes Free Time: 510:03:29 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x Physical Format Information (ADIP): Disc ID: MCC-004-00 Book Type: DVD+R Part Version: 1
  14. "And, you, too, can send your sons to French militaries" what a four year course in how to throw up your hands and surrender sacre bleu
  15. friends in the middle east what a crock of bullshit what you have is a group of countries that will appear to be friendly with the US as long as theres something in it for them . Bin Laden was a "great friend" of the US when Russia was in Afganastan and the US was supplying him with arms and money , Russians out then look what happened the US became Bin Ladens new enemy. Isreal was caught spying on the US Gov. some friend , how long would they last if the US might wasn't behind them. When the US needed rights to fly their military planes over some of our "friends countries " what happened ,they couldn't get permission . I cant believe how naive the US government can be when it comes to the relationships they form with other countries its like people you know who say he's my friend or she's my friend what you mean is aquaintance .You'll go through your lifetime and your true friends you'll be able to count on one hand and I'll guarrantee you'll have fingers left over .
  16. Ok ,maybe I see it differently , its a free program , I save all the releases to my hard drive and have done for a few years so I have all the IMGburn versions and a good few of others and if I have to revert back to one of those no big deal . I currently have 3 burning programs on my box and if by some reason 1 doesn't work then there's another and a disc is going to be burned one way or another . If this was commercial software I paid for then I would be upset if something didn't work. Nero has bugs and they fix them only to sometimes create others and the fixes dont happen overnight, YOU PAY and you wait . Img burn is always a work in progress always will be and problems occur ,show me anything in development that doesn't go through find and fix, bottom line is theres no program that doesn't go through it .The bugs will get fixed by LUK no doubt about it and with the addition of new features it will be the best, probably already is ..I remember another program he was involved with and it was and I'm sure still is the best at what it was meant to do and again FREE. Everyone has a job LUK included thats involved with IMGburn and has familys to support and as such cant spend 24/7 working on the program. I know my time is limited because of a hectic work schedule,the bills dont wait. This is LUK's baby and he releases the next version when he thinks its ready , if a bug is found so be it, if it was perfect then there would be one version and no others forthcoming ,its not, but that doesn't mean everyone isn't trying to make it perfect, we are. If you're short on patience then nothing is ever going to be fast enough or good enough and there is always going to be something that will F-up your day. Look at the bright side today IMGburn didn't fry any drives ,delete partitions , shift the earths axis or create any mayhem thats been attributed to it in past posts, tomorrow I'm not sure
  17. stay away from Ritek Dual Layer discs Verbatim are the onlt Dual Layer discs that work time after time they are also the only Dual Layer discs recommended by NEC.If you Google NEC media list you'll get a complete breakdown of what they recommend for all sorts of media
  18. yep CMC MAG is a perfect example and some of the other garbage can become unreadable in months
  19. convinced or not you cant get the size file you have 4.54 Gigs on to a 4.7 without compression and like its been said its really a 4.377 gig dvd5 single layer dvd . It would helo if when you quote a program giving you an error you poated a log or screenshot of the error
  20. you can do multiple clips with Shrink you would put the various clips on your HD in seperate folders .Then with Shrink you could open the browser find the clip(video ts folder and open it , shrink analyzes the clip ,then you drag and drop the clip from right to left under DVD structure go back to the DVD browser( drive where the clips are ,its next to the compression settings ) and you would do the same thing with the next clip and the next untill you have what you want then hit backup and Shrik will create an ISO of everything and you can burn that with IMGburn
  21. considering the Taiyo Yudens are failing if you can get a replacement burner for the one you have jump on it ,If you cant get a replacement buy a reputable drive NEC, Pioneer ,or a BenQ they supposedly are good these days and theres also Plextor to consider. For less than a $100 you can get a Plex and for the most part for less than $50 you can get a great drive .I have an NEC 3500 that I bought 2 -3 years ago and coupled with Yudens and Verbatim Mcc dye I cant remember the last time I burned a coaster. Its worth a couple of bucks to not have to deal with the headaches and frustration good luck
  22. polopony

    The Drunk

    at the risk of being a pain in the ass what does this have to do with IMGburn support
  23. I see, thanks for the suggestion. Great, thank! One weird thing is that when a manual try for closing an "Incomplete" DVD failed, it may succeed on a later try. The disc will then be fully recognized and works fine, but ImgBurn reads some strange properties from the "Last Recorded" Physical Format Informations: The full info for that disc is PHILIPS DVDR824DP P3.4 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 2.285.872 Size: 4.681.465.856 bytes Time: 508:00:22 (MM:SS:FF) Physical Format Information (ADIP): Disc ID: TDK-002-00 Book Type: DVD+R Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2.491.711 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: =?U6?6??-???-21 Book Type: DVD-ROM Part Version: 6 Disc Size: Reserved (0x08) Maximum Read Rate: 30.24Mbps Number of Layers: Reserved (0x03) Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: Reserved (0x08) First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196.608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2.482.479 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 how did you come up with that Disc ID in the IMGburn screen thats a first ,I've never seen anything like it?
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