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Everything posted by polopony

  1. I guess I should catch hell considering my Audigy sound card has a remote for it
  2. the open/close tray is included in Ver.2 and so many new things you'll be amazed
  3. we dont support anything that has to do with bypassing copyright protection as the 3 programs you mentioned do .You could google logical block etc and do some reading ,might help
  4. Maxell (actually a "RITEK") DVD+R DL save a lot of research and ditch these discs the only discs that perform right are the Verbatim DL's.Theres lots of posts from members having nothing but problems with Ritek DL
  5. have to agree with the steer clear of these systems for the above reasons .You can assemble a great computer if you dont want to use the latest and fastest processor and other components .If you use a cpu and other hardware thats a few steps down from the fastest the prices are reasonable and you have the option of upgrading parts when you feel like it .It wasn't mentioned but you dont get an actual OS with the budget systems only a recover/repair and in my opinion having the OS disc is a must.Since you built one yourself putting together another will be a snap or help him build one it would be a great learning experience.I know that lots of people dont like ebay but I built a comp for a friends mom for about $160 not the fastest by any means but all she uses it for is the net ,e mail and swapping photos of family and some card games
  6. look at the top of this forum and you'll see a topic on this its a " Pinned Topic "
  7. polopony

    pinki floyd

    I did the same and now have some LP's that play perfectly on a Technics 1200.I've always been meaning to put the LP's on CD with creative audigy software but something always has to be done first.One day' one day
  8. polopony

    pinki floyd

    just heard on the radio that he passed away a couple of days ago, R.I.P.
  9. "I' m using DVD Memorex with allow 1x, 2x and 4x (4x is the max of my burner)." you're off to a horrible start by using Memorex blanks they're most likely CMC Mag dye one of the worst if not the worst dyes there is .We see hundreds of problems from members using them. Verbatim or TaiyoYuden is the choice for media everything else is a gamble . Like you've been told burning at 1X is just ancient history I dont know of any drives that support it and you wont get a better burn by doing it or trying, burn at 4x if you need to burn slow because 4x IS slow by todays standards. If 4x is the max for your burner then you're using some pretty old hardware. New burners are around $40 for top of the line " Problems I've seen on this forum is that imgBurn burn to slow, in my case it doesn't care about my requested speed " you havent really read through the forum then, theres people burning at 12x and better but 12x seems to be the upper limit for reliable burns . I burn 6x and 8x all the time with perfect results and FYI its not IMGburn that burns slow its the relationship between the media and the drive firmware that determines the speed that discs are burn at .You see where the speed can be set to MAX after that its up to the drive and media .Keep reading and learn BTW if you have discs that support 1x 2x 4x they must be what 5-6 years old ?
  10. polopony


    happy birthday Kev
  11. Tizz your post is in a real gray area ,by posting that you're trying to make a copy of a dvd movie you make it impossible to really reply .You could discuss why Shrink errors out at 40% at www.digital digest or check to see if Shrink has a forum where you could post but I don't think it would be possible to help you as your post is worded .We dont want any legal hassles for IMGburn .If I'm wrong someone else will be along to help
  12. The Hunchback of Notre Dame has been done
  13. in the lower right hand corner of IMGburn's main window you'll see a little icon that looks like a book click on it and a window will open showing different drives if your drive is listed click on that and where it says "change for" click on the drop down menu arrow for your options, choose one and below that you'll see "new setting " you select from the drop down DVD-ROM, this makes your player think the disc is a factory pressed dvd .You leave out a lot of info in your post the best thing when coming here with a problem is to post a log of the burn which has all sorts of info we can use . In shrink you want to leave the AC3 audio unless you have hardware that can play the DTS like Lightning says .The error you posted I've never seen either .It does sound like you re authored the disc incorrectly.get back with some info and we'll clear up the problem
  14. thanks for the heads up haven't stuck my nose in the papers for a couple of weeks,thats a sweet deal 100/$30
  15. kinda like an Englishman coming to America and saying I need a fag or an Irishman saying where can I go for a bit of crack(In Gaelic craic means fun, good company, good times.) and is pronounced crack
  16. I dont do any CD stuff with IMGburn but from what I see your drive doesn't recognize the media so I'd start there by trying other media BTW what media is it.I saw stuff on Google Failed to send cue sheet and there are some posts on the forum where LUK did answer questions about Failed to send cue sheet .I believe he said if disc at once (DOA) doesn't work try TAO track at once this might be called incremental in the settings . Tools ,settings,write hang in there someone whose more knolagable will be along
  17. what do you have kirk on your mind .Theres places in London where your dance card would be full if you did say it
  18. I'm in almost the same boat as I mostly still use w2k (which is 7 years old now). I find it alot easier and faster to navigate than XP. Hmm.... Lightning, are you going to dump 98/Me support as well? Lightning? Hello? <tap> <tap> <tap> Is this thing working? from the looks of it Luk's still supporting 98 a member found a bug with it a the Big Kahoona fixed it right away
  19. has to be gay he tries to back into everything friggin doorknobs at his house are scared to death
  20. you dont have access to version 2 but neither does anyone else we are still testing betas. I think all LUK's spare time is geared towards IMGburn, fixing bugs ,new features ,tweaks and the like and the members handle putting together guides .The forum is also a source for those members who have unanswered questions . While a guide for 2 would be ok they will not be up to date when new features are added .and as such will always have to be re written .The program is always changing .I think the primary function here is helping members get over stumbling blocks they may encounter when using the program and getting them to burn their first ISO ,learning the process. There are many suggestions for best media and drives also many links to relevant sites that has to do with burning ,free software etc .There is 24/7 support because there is a core of members that go back 5 years or so and have stayed together even though one program is discontinued and another started
  21. polopony


    Google Vob to Mpeg theres a bunch of stuff and I think some free programs to do it
  22. whose Charity his mistress or a stripper at the local titty bar,his favorite hooker ,do you have any pics Speaking of which Charity always means something different to each individual. For Charity was remembered, as she was by all the other boys in my 5th grade class, as the only gal who had developed boobs by then. any word on how Faith and Hope are doing
  23. whose Charity his mistress or a stripper at the local titty bar,his favorite hooker ,do you have any pics
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