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Everything posted by polopony

  1. I am QUITE suprised. I have NEVER seen you or LFC talk like that before. The both of you should be unless you each promise to refrain from such language. all they keep saying is yes and no damned if I can understand ii
  2. 70 million customers who'll have to wing it or upgrade at what $150 each x 70 mil serious money for Gates like he needs it
  3. Tizz if you dont know www.cdcovers.cc has the greatest collection of covers there is awesome and they have a template or something related to making covers you can download for free .I use Hewlett HPDirector and it works really well .There are a number of printers that can actually print to the top of DVD's you just have to buy the white printable blanks.The affordable ones a re Epson
  4. I 'm thinking of getting a Benq (what model ?)or a Pio111 dont know for sure I currently use an NEC3500 and all the burns are A1 its a really sweet drive ,I would like to be able to scan some of the burns it made to check the quality .I'll be watching to see the outcome it may sway me one way or another
  5. just so you don't run into another headache if you use Verbs or anything else ,I don't think you're going to be able to burn at 1X its a speed thats not supported these days at least I've never seen it .You can burn faster with no problems if both the media and drive support it .Some menbers here burn at some really fast speeds and still get disc quality in the high 90%'s.I burn everything at 6X and all play fine
  6. media quality plays a big part in whether a disc will play or not ,if the player will recognize it, some older players wont support RW's at all you have to look at the model either Google to see what it supports or maybe you have the paperwork that came with it have a Happy 4th yourself ,I'm stuck working a few hours tomorrow but its Ok nothing is planned or happening untill the PM.
  7. Ah, but, that was a COMET! Anyone who believes aliens are coming on COMETS to get them is a deluded fool! Unlike those who believe in the one truth of the Asteroid Venusians. When my friends get here, we shall be in paradise, where we shall partake of the holy sacraments of the blood and body of that which sustains us: then I'd like to be the first to say EAT ME make like a moth and bite through the cloth
  8. hello Tizz glad to hear everything is going well for you yes you can put 3 hrs on a single layer disc you're going to have to compress a lot but you can enable the Quality settings in Shrink and it will help with the loss due to compression .You can also burn the file to a Dual Layer disc which will hold 8.5 gigs and the whole 3 hrs will fit no problem .If you go the Dual Layer route only use Verbatim +R Dual layer discs they're the only ones that really work all the rest are crap
  9. you have to wonder how they can make great DL + media and the - DL is crap and with it being crap then why bother?
  10. or an exchange of massive amount of money into the right hands if ya cant pass it buy it
  11. I have a friend who's on the Vancouver city police force, they too have way more wacko's on full moons (pretty sure it's a world wide phenomenon, with the possible exception of Spain, they're mad b'tards every day with their giants and all ). Spain what are you going to do today Jose oh I don't know maybe I'll run in front of a bunch of angry bulls and hope I dont get a horn in the ass now there's a sport .They should play the world cup with those bulls running all over the field and what the hell use a red ball ,then I'd definetly watch
  12. polopony


    Happy Birthday Cynthia
  13. she was nuts most of the time so I didn't wonder ,if you get a woman who has pms and esp you have a bitch who nows it all
  14. at that price seems that they're trying to sel off the stock they have .Its a shame whats happened to Ritek ,I used the GO4 4x media all the time with great results and they still play great today about 4 yrs later .I'll have to do a read on 1 and see how it comes out
  15. if it did hit the moon and break the tidal lock would that fix the lunatics who seem to really howl when the moon is full .The body being about 70% water or so has to be affected by the same forces that control the oceans and seas .An old girlfriend of mine was a nurse in a psychiatric ward and they handed out more medication during full moon than anytime else
  16. the waiting for the celestial body to pass earth and to be whisked away on the mothership was done a few years back when that cult Heavens Gate was waiting for the Hale/Bopp comet, while you're waiting make sure you have $5 in your left rear pocket so you dont get pinched for vagarancy,new sneakers and dress all in black it seems thats the official waiting uniform
  17. I'm sure he'll run it by you he's always open to suggestions he's really great like that, so many suggestions from members have made it into the new releases its amazing and I believe he's going to include some new stuff thats going to blow everybody away but I'm probably out of line for even mentioning it so I wont really get into it ,the program has come such a long way since its inception I stand in awe
  18. D ,you seem really knowledgable in the programming dept., have you ever considered writing your own burning program I'm sure it would be incredible with all the bells and whistles it would be massive ,cant have enough free programs out there
  19. Theres problems with CMC and Princo ? ,next you'll be saying Ritek is down the tube ,this is how nasty rumors get started
  20. good deal, if you want to supply some info it might help someone else, or a link
  21. "We don't have any further details of the model of the computer in question. In light of the evidence, however, we'd suggest you avoid actually using a laptop on your lap. Ouch. " I believe thats their new Al Qaeda line ,they sink to new lows everyday dont they
  22. polopony

    Movie Junk Man

  23. I get the same not responding prompts also for different programs ,reboot your computer first, power off and then restart it ,You could remove Shrink and reload it (control add/remove programs) or ,Start, all programs, DVD Shrink uninstall, or System Restore to a date where everything worked . Id uninstall and re install the program if you dont have it on a disk Google DVD Shrink and do a clean install Re Reading your post open Shrink first and then put the disc in see what happens
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