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Everything posted by ianymaty

  1. Usualy half of MAX speed supported should be OK, so 8X, that's my theory.
  2. Does this help you? http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10255-release-gotcha-data-backup/
  3. Did you searched in the Guide section? There is already a guide there how to copy a disc. ISO is a container similar to an archive (RAR, ZIP) and is the mirror of the disc on your hard drive. I'm sure Google will help a lot with acronyms you don't know about.
  4. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=5592
  5. Probably you need to convert them to a standard DVD files before burn. You can use DVDFlick or DVDStyler for the job. ImgBurn is just a burning tool.
  6. Try with your antivirus/security program disabled. If that's the problem, put ImgBurn on exclusions list and report them to fix this.
  7. Can you show us the log of this session you speak? Look in Help menu for it.
  8. You don't need to make an image, you just set up and burn to disc. You make an image if you want to store it on your hard drive for a later burn. Yes, better practice with a CD-RW.
  9. Sure it can be done but you skiped the bootable part. Follow this guide http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=11190
  10. You probably have ISO files associated with an archive program. Look in settings of that program and de-associate ISO files.
  11. Tools > Settings > Device > Cancel AutoPlay
  12. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  13. Burn the image to the disc. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=61
  14. No. ImgBurm don't span on discs. If you want the disc to be usable for install, buy a double layer disc if it doesn't fit on a single layer disc.
  15. Audio CDs made by ImgBurn are default .bin format. ImgBurn will not help you to convert the .gi file you have since isn't its job. Use a CD-RW to burn the images with the program that created them, than read back to a .bin file with ImgBurn. It's a lengthy process but eventualy you'll get there.
  16. If you didn't changed the project folder you should find it in C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\dvd You can fire up again DVD Flick and look at the bottom where the project destination folder points, I think it remembers the last session.
  17. Here are some hints to deal with burning DL's http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  18. Default settings should work out of the box for most of the users. Don't mess with the settings unless you know what you're doing. Lesson learned.
  19. If you create Audio CD the order should be as you set them. If you create an mp3 disc you should rename the files in what order you want them with leading numbers as 001 Track.mp3, 002 Track.mp3... 010 Track.mp3... 099 Track.mp3 and so on. You can do this in Advanced mode or make a "temp" copy of the files to remane them.
  20. DVD Flick has its own (realy old version) of imgburn.exe. If you want to do the thing in one step, replace the the old .exe from Program Files\DVD Flick\imgburn\ with the new one from Program Files\ImgBurn\ I personaly prefer and recommend to do the thing in two steps, that way you can check if everything is as expected before it's too late. Anyway, what "still did not work"? Post a log. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=14632
  21. Don't chase the adds. See the blue menu bar on the main page? Download is the second after News. Pick the last mirror from that list "Mirror 7 - Provided by ImgBurn"
  22. Yes. Write image file to disc.
  23. You need double layer disc for that.
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