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Posts posted by ianymaty

  1. Can the drive read any previous burns or original pressed discs?


    Try installing latest chipset/storage drivers. This site may help http://www.ma-config.com/


    You can have as many burning programs you want as long as they not running some services in background that can keep the drive occupied.


    Could be bad media. What it say in status bar with a disc inserted?


    Do you have more than one drive? The program may point to the other.

  2. SP1 will help your computer (the system) not the drive itself.


    You still not post the full log, it should similar end like this

    I 00:46:18 Export Successfully Completed!

    I 00:46:18 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:06:12

    I 00:46:18 Average Verify Rate: 12.377 KB/s (8.9x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 22.535 KB/s (16.3x)


    You did not responde to spinningwheel. Are you deleting the info

    E 15:14:55 Graph Data File: Here should be a path to a location like C:\Users\YOUR_YOUSER\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\YOUR_DRIVE_NAME...


    Do you get a prompt with an error? Post a screenshot of it.


    To restore the default settings in ImgBurn go to Tools > Settings and click the Restore Defaults button on bottom left.

  3. Did you let it to verify?


    If the burn and verify was "successfully completed" as you say there's no real reason the disc not to work except reader compatibility with the media perhaps.


    The log would tell us more but you don't have it anymore.


    In the end it's alright.

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