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Posts posted by ianymaty

  1. That image would fit on a single layer disc.


    You did not let the verify enabled so we don't know if that drive would read it back.


    Try find a firmware update for the drive on Gateway support site.


    You should update Vista to SP2.

  2. Go for an Optiarc 72xx and find a nice USB 2.0 (and/or eSATA if you have it on laptop) external enclosure for it.


    Those that come bundled as external burners may not be as good as the Optiarc drives.

  3. SP1 for Windows 7 is out for a while, you should update.


    I 03:45:35 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00) (Speeds: 4x; 6x; 8x)

    I 03:45:35 Write Speed: 2,4x

    W 03:45:35 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 3.324 KB/s (2,4x), Got: 5.540 KB/s (4x)

    You can't force the drive to burn slower. You are using 8x rated media and 2.4x is not supported in your current drive/firmware/media combo. Try a 8x than 6x.

  4. You only get the prompt at the first folder added than not for the rest of the folders. If you add a file first than the folders the prompt will not come out.


    It shows the prompt again if you delete the rest and remain one single folder.


    Sure, you know all of that. For me the only info I need from the calculator is the media usage %.


    I like it like that. I can do all I want and suits my needs in standard window. I didn't feel that I need more advanced input, at least for now. :)

  5. I 13:51:06 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

    I 13:51:06 Write Speed: 2x

    W 13:51:06 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 2,770 KB/s (2x), Got: 3,324 KB/s (2.4x)


    You can't force the drive to burn slower. 2.4x is the slowest possible on +R media but you can always try higher if the slower speeds don't produce a decent burn.

    The recommendation is to try all available speeds to see which produces the best burn on a specific media.


    As for "Waiting for buffers to recover and Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level" try not to do heavy tasks while burning.

    Sometimes even a scheduled virus scan/windows update runing in background can produce that warning. It's not realy a problem if it is not very frequent.


    The log you provide looks fine, apart of the "Write Speed Miscompare" the burn and verify was succesfully.

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