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Posts posted by ianymaty

  1. If the burn and verify was succesfull don't bother that change in coloration, it's due to different speeds used to burn different parts of the disc.


    As you have buffering problems happening frequently, you should stop heavy tasks while burning discs. Defragmenting the drive may help also.


    Make sure you have the latest chipset/storage drivers installed. This site may help identifying what's need to update.

  2. I 15:04:39 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x)

    I 15:04:39 Write Speed: 2x

    W 15:04:39 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 2.770 KB/s (2x), Got: 5.540 KB/s (4x)

    No matter the speed of burn as long as the disc is readable. (Verify OK)


    The drive can burn that disc only at those speeds, no matter what you select.


    You need a drive that can do quality scan (Lite-On) to actualy compare how good the burn is between speeds

  3. Was the update succesful?


    You don't need to burn a disc for update the firmware.


    Just download the .exe and run it, reboot after.


    You do the update in order to your (old) drive can recognize the (new) media.


    If the update don't solve the problem, I suggest to invest in a new drive.

  4. I just got this weird "write speed miscompare" message, but it recorded fine.

    You can't force the drive to burn slower if the drive can't. (if that's what you want)


    You won't get the message if you adapt the burn speed to one that is supported by the drive for that disc.


    Look on the right side in Device tab at "Supported Write Speeds:"

  5. I 20:13:49 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x)

    MAX would be 10x while the discs are 8x rated.


    That's normal for majority of drives but not all can handle it well.


    You have to find out what speed from those available will produce a working disc and eventualy the best burn, than stick with it.

  6. I 12:12:40 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-003-00) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x)


    The drive can burn that disc slower but is not that the problem.


    The log don't show the verify part.


    Burn again and enable verify, only then you will know that the disc is readable, at least in that drive.


    Probably you will have to try burn faster rather than slower.

  7. Changing the partition size has nothing to do with "Power Calibration Area Error"


    You can search about that errors on the forum.


    Your drive don't like that discs you use.


    You should post a log though as the pink box say above if you want further help.

  8. There's not much to explain.


    Since it's new you could send it back as RMA.


    But, as you find out it can burn a Sony, and probably other discs from different manufacturer, you can't return it, it will not be accepted, I think.


    Some drives can burn on any discs you throw in it, some are picky. Yours is one that is picky.


    You have to find out what disc it likes and just stick with them and live with that fact.

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