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Posts posted by ianymaty

  1. The name of the error suggests there is an incompatibility.


    The incompatibility is between drive/firmware/media.


    You need to change one variable to try to pinpoint the problem.


    The easyest would be the firmware if it were any new but isn't any compatible to your OEM drive.


    The second would be the media you use. That wouldn't be so hard to try other disc from other manufacturer that not use the same MID/dye as you currently use.


    Than may be a faulty drive. If it's new as you say, you could send it back as RMA.


    Unless you try, you won't know wich one is the problem.


    Now, with new firmware non existent your next option is the media. Try some different.

  2. I 18:40:12 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: SONY16D1) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x)

    W 18:48:17 Failed to Write Sectors 31104 - 31135 - Reason: Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format


    You have to try all the available speeds to see if one of those speeds will produce a working disc.


    A lens cleaning disc in that drive might help.


    Try other media, different from SONY16D1 MID/dye. Verbatim are recommended.


    If all fails, buy a new drive that can burn that media.

  3. Do they use the exact model of computer/laptop or burner?


    It's all about drive/firmware/media combination incompatibility.


    You have to change one of the variables in order to move somwhere.


    The easyest to change is firmware and since isn't one new compatible you could try change the media.


    Other than that, change the drive.


    Avoid slimline/laptop burner since they arn't reliable double layer burners, regardles of manufacturer.

  4. The discs that it will not read, well some the other comps will read, and some will not

    If you not verify the discs you burn you can't be sure that was a decent burn even if it reached at the end burning succesfuly.


    Some discs burn fine but can't be read back even by the drive that burned them not to mention other readers.


    That's why verify is so important and nobody who cares about their burns shouldn't disable it.


    As you say some read, some don't, probably the drive is not totaly toasted, yet. You can try to clean the laser with a cleaning disc or manual.


    If it gives you some I/O errors it could be chipset/storage drivers related. Try update them.


    Otherwise probably it don't like the discs or the burn quality is poor.

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