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Everything posted by blutach

  1. It is in the readme (although I don't have installed). But you can always bring up a screen of CLI switches. Go into DOS (Start, Run, Cmd) Nav to ImgBurn folder Type ImgBurn /? They're all there. Regards
  2. There is a /MODE CLI switch Jason. All of this is documented. Regards
  3. There is a /MODE CLI switch Jason. All of this is documented. Regards
  4. And please don't booktype -Rs. Even +RWs have different booktypes (9). Regards
  5. Good idea. I'll second that one. Let's see if the boss likes it Regards
  6. Yes, it is that annoying pause when focus is shifting form layer 0 to layer 1. Make it seamless and chances are you will not experience it again. Regards
  7. I'd actually out it on VTS_04_0.IFO as that way all of VTS 3 is on layer 0 and VTS_04 and above is on layer 1. Just prevents fuffing around a bit. No real biggie though. Regards
  8. Aaah - but you opened the door. Regards
  9. You can run 2 instances of it, AFAIK. To reduce risk, I'd have the drives on different IDE channels. Regards
  10. A US-based friend of mine recently had the same problem and pestered Dell so much that they gave him a decent drive. Their recent problems may make them less pliable, however. Still, I have a 4163B and have never had an issue with it. So you may just have got a bad one. Good luck Regards
  11. Surprised you didn't mention Alex Noe's little utility for bitsetting LGs LUK. http://www.alexander-noe.com/cdvd/bitsetting/index.eng.php Regards
  12. No doubt about it. That would do it, alright. Regards
  13. You can see this from the dialogue that ImgBurn provides while burning lemonlovr Regards
  14. blutach


    He's got more fans than The Beatles!!! Still, he's nice and cool (but his Vcore is a bit high for no load - I run at 1.12 normally). Under full load, I go to 50C on the CPU and mid 30s on the MB. Might go a trifle hotter now I'm OC'ing a bit (as an experiment). Regards
  15. @Mohawk3 I'd give up trying to write DLs at 8x for the moment until the possible HW issues are sorted out. Regards
  16. PgcEdit also does it. Regards
  17. blutach


    I got it : 2-3-3-8 and it's terrific. Just had a glitch on one of the modules that had to be returned. All's well now, touch wood. Regards
  18. blutach


    wot? Regards
  19. Try it once! Only way to find out. All my players do - including the SONYs, so chances are that you may be in luck. Regards
  20. @rcubed - you might like to try Imagshack Quickshot, which allows you to upload in your desired format (PNG) in just 1 keysdroke. www.imageshack.us Regards
  21. I strongly doubt that a cheapie like Circuit will have high end product like Yudens. BB might though. Regards
  22. All I can say is both mkisofs/PgcEdit and ImgBurn make lovely ISOs. The rest is down to the burner and the fundamentals that go along with it. You seem to have problems on layer 1 and around the LB. Have you checked all the basic things like firmware, DMA, drive cleanliness and burn speed? Regards
  23. Just so long as it is complimentary MJ! Regards
  24. Sorry to hear you were ripped off. If you can find the site that did this, let us know please. Chuck out the CMC Mags - they are awful. Try Verbatims or Taiyo Yudens. Update your firmware - you are miles behind - http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1726 Regards
  25. No he's not. Regards
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