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Everything posted by blutach

  1. Pick the one that was where the original LB was. Or preview the cells and pick one that is pleasing and seems less noticable. Or, if you don't want to do that, pick any one - 50/50 is good enough. Regards
  2. @calweycn Understand this. It's LUK!'s program. It's his to do with what he wants. He's written every line of code in it and you are getting his expertise and incredibly hard work for free. And you have the gall to sit there and order people around and tell them what you want and hold your breath and stamp your feet if you don't get it. Your behaviour here is as unbelievable as it is reprehensible and childish. Normally, when I encounter this behaviour I tell the offender to go to his room. Now, if this program does not suit your needs - fgs, go buy one that does (or get your mom to do so). But stop the complaining. You made a suggestion. It was answered by the author. Subject should be closed.
  3. G'day Al, I kinda remember my drive didn't flash while the formatting was happening either, but it was, in fact, formatting. Your log shows 15:16 seconds of formatting, which seems right (or was that done manually via the Tools menu)? For mine, if your disk was not formatted, and you answered yes to wanting it formatted, and then 15 minutes later it begins to burn, then all is well with the world, despite the lack of an amber light. ImgBurn will not continue with the write if it shows formatted=no. Hope this helps. Regards
  4. The no bit, spinner. Whinge whinge whinge. Regards
  5. Got me beat why he keeps on and on and on and on. Same with the other crap. Back in post 2, the boss said no. Like a little kid, he can't accept it. Terrible state to be in. @calweycn - If the prog doesn't do what you want, time for you to go and write one that will. And please, fgs, stop whinging. Regards
  6. Then it is not something for this Forum. ImgBurn is clearly working as it should. What AnyDVD (or D-Tools) reports is not our business or concern. As for invective, after so many repeated pleas to stay away from this crap, you need a good dressing down. My 12 year old wouldn't go on like you do.
  7. Ok - I'll say it. Blutach thinks you're a dickhead, who, despite repeated protestations in several threads from LUK! and others asking you not to talk about rippers on this forums for legal reasons, continues to debate the point like a brainless twit (did I say "like a"?) Why the hell keeping asking about AnyDVD? What do we know about it (other than it is overpriced)? Go ask James or send an email to Slysoft. You paid for AnyDVD, bugger off and get support from their offical forum at CD Freaks, not here. Same goes for DVDFab. That's what blutach thinks. I do hope it's clear. Regards
  8. This has been discussed many times before. If formatted=no appears on the top right, a full format is required (only need to do it once). After that, a quick format can be done. Regards
  10. Don't let corny post his times. They makes me sick with how fast they are. Regards
  11. I am reasonably (but not quite) sure the maximum allowable jitter prescribed by ECMA-337 is around 13.5% (to be within standard) Regards
  12. If you wish to ifree your process, perhaps set the app to below normal priority. ISO take about 2 minutes to make, however. Regards
  13. blutach

    Gun Control

    what would the crime be assault with a friendly weapon Depends who he's pointing it at polo. Regards
  14. blutach

    Gun Control

    As long at they come out with a bang, it seems real enough Oily. Regards
  15. blutach

    Gun Control

  16. Can't you drag to the taskbar button to move focus to ImgBurn? I suppose you'd need to be in build mode. Or if you double click an MDS, it will start in write mode anyway. Regards
  17. RecordNow is very compliant, AFAIK and respects the authoring, unlike Ner0. Regards
  18. And some will bend over forwards, too, eh Oily??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hmmm - where did that Oily moniker come from again? Regards
  19. I can certainly attest that regular data NRG images work well in ImgBurn. Regards
  20. blutach

    Gun Control

    Somebody PLEASE re-hijack this thread. LFC we need you! First bloody time the hijackers have been hijacked. Who's great a great joke? Or better still, wants to talk about ImgBurn? Regards
  21. Sorry LUK - it's been years since I downloaded it! Regards
  22. OMFG sacrilege!!! @volvo - bloody goodpost! Regards
  23. Even worse!!!! A downloaded DVD - your friend didn't even bother buying it either. You'll find no help here. Only advice to read section 1201 of the DMCA. Very carefully. Regards
  24. I got totally lost in all the BS in that thread volvo. My eyes just glazed over, particualr one bloke who wrote War and Peace every time sat down at the keyboard. Maybe they are RecordNow's answer to the AnyDVD forum at CD Freaks? Regards
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