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Posts posted by blutach

  1. it is still easier than cleaning mice balls.
    It's a chore, db, and a bloody nasty one at that. Better than cleaning dog's arses though!!! :D :D :D



  2. The star system gives you an idea of where the best place to put an LB is. Note - it may not ascetically be the best.


    The entry cell of a title is the best - you'll never notice it. Then usually comes the VobID change.


    More info can be found in the technical discussion here.



  3. i.e. if you select 8pm as a time and I write that in the file attributes, if I don't also specify 10 hours timezone offset (if you're in Oz), then you see files (in explorer) with times of 10am (or 6am... can't remember which!)
    Sorry Boss! Blame this thread on the fact we are not in DST :(



  4. @polo - India?


    And 230 years have transpired since the force that was necessary to wrest your country from the poms was exerted. You now have a system which can - and does - replace its government easily. This was not true before independence, where you were simply a colony.



  5. Someone can chart the homicide rate in the US per capita over the years (very long term). I bet it has increased markedly as guns became more and more available to people, who, in fact, didn't have half a brain.



  6. Depends if you like guns and that fuckwit (the late) Charlton Heston or not LFC.


    Personally, I think the existence of guns is abominable - other than for sporting shooters, whose skills I greatly admire. However, in 99% of cases their use is to destroy life. They were invented to kill, not protect. Governments loved them and so did the companies who grew rich selling ever more sophisticated weapons to governments.





  7. Anybody ever see Bowling For Columbine?


    Guns in safe hands of responsible owners - maybe.

    But when they get into the hands of kids (disturbed or otherwise) - no thanks


    Last time I looked, you didn't need a gun to kill masses of people either - just the political will to create a lawless society. For example, in Rwanda, machetes killed almost a million people in a few months of State sponsored genocide.


    And, while we quoting stats, our murder rate per capita with firearms is miniscule (as is that of the UK) compared to the USA. Up 300% probably means (without having examined Shamus's links) up from 2 to 8 in a year (that is of course a morning's "work" in the barrio of LA or in NYC). I think I'll take the no guns, thanks.


    And, I don't need a gun to feel safe. When I leave the home for a short period, I often leave the door unlocked, garage door up (with my car in plain view - also unlocked). I'm pretty sure you can't do that in "the safer society" where "citizens" have guns.



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