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Everything posted by blutach

  1. Nice find volvo Regards
  2. My IPs are static but the laptop obviously is different to the desktop, for some reason. Be good to try just regular cookies. Regards
  3. Yeah, that's a bit of a pain. If I wanna login from my laptop, it logs me out here on my desktop and vice versa. Wish that could change. Regards
  4. Modern media might burn well at 8x (some even at 16x) but is worthless at any speed. Regards
  5. Any AVI of a commercial movie is obviously pirated. And it seems whomever made the AVI hasn't ripped it properly to get rid of the tiny cells which cause the AV sync issues. Go buy the DVD. Regards
  6. Buy better blanks. Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden are the only ones we recommend. If in doubt, check out your player/media compatibility here. Regards
  7. The dye is important, too. Well, verrrry important. So, while the manufacturing techniques might be the same, the raw material may differ. You can refer to our rather exhaustive media tests in the media and drives forum. Regards
  8. And if that doesn't work, reboot your machine. But more importantly, why in hell would anyone wanna delete ImgBurn? I think it a wonderful idea to have 2 instances loaded! Regards
  9. Looks snazzy wild77 But don't you do anything except digital video stuff :D Regards
  10. Welcome to ImgBurn Forum. Assuming your disks are unencrypted, use Read mode. We can not help with decryption though, sorry. Regards
  11. Yes, building of files, rather than taking an ISO. Sorry for the confusion. Regards
  12. No, it shouldn't be. There are often many places where a legal LB can be placed. But why bother? Use file mode for maximum flexibility in editing anyway. Regards
  13. Your drive doesn't like those RICOH disks. Switch to Verbatims. Regards
  14. Post a complete log please. Regards
  15. Almost every commercial dual layer DVD has the layer break set to non-seamless (this is to ensure maximum player compatibility, plus I think it was actually the spec). The only ones which aren't are some superbit DVDs. Regards
  16. Reset your settings to defaults and also read the FAQ. Regards
  17. Use VobBlanker - search for posts by me on how. Regards
  18. Those are all the same LB point. If you want to make it closer to 50/50, extract the files, as you say and split the previous cell (cell 29, VCID 1/29) using VobBlanker. Regards
  19. You have a simple verify error near the edge of the disk. Could be the disk, the drive or firmware. Update your firmware - http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2210 And, if possible, select the layer break closer to 50/50 (this would have burned only to about LBA 1,762,000 and then got to layer one, eliminating the more dangerous edge of disk). Regards
  20. Hardly a failure at life. Regards
  21. Try a firmware update - http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1917 Check your DMA and burn slower - 8x maximum. Regards
  22. I feel the lovin' Regards
  23. We've heard worse ideas. Like multi-session over and over and over. Maybe that's why they call it multi-session. Regards
  24. But most people use the media fully or almost so (eg when burning a movie). Regards
  25. This is an interesting thing, but the ecc files take up a lot of space for a full DVD. Assuming they are not stored on optical media, it seems dvdisaster can do the job nicely on its own, can't it? Regards
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