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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. If you chose to create and ISO from shrink you will use write mode, if you chose hard disc folder you will use build mode. Otherwise we can't help you with the operation of DVD Shrink.
  2. D01 on 7300 D01 on Pioneer 215 D01 on Samsung 203b
  3. That's what I thought that number was...thanks for the clarification Although it could mean 28 inches.
  4. Me?
  5. It should do it from your DVD player as corny stated...otherwise that is something to be done with your authoring software and has nothing to do with Imgburn.
  6. It contains all the important information telling the program how to burn your disc...such as the layer break etc.
  7. Are those guppies?
  8. The logs should still be there unless you deleted them too. Imgburn/Help/logs
  9. Post a log
  10. Glad you got it working.
  11. I thought I suggested DVD Flick in my first post? It comes with Imgburn too and both are free.
  12. Slow your burn down not to exceed 24X...just a suggestion. You only got a warning in the log which I wouldn't worry about as the burn completed and varified successfully. If you get an error the burn would have been a coaster.
  13. It's not the drive, it's the media. Inconsistencies with various brands is why we only recommend Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden and why some of your's burn and some don't.
  14. You've done everything except change your media...we suggest Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden.
  15. Congrats Rick and thanks for getting back to us. Happy burning


    Newegg opened up a Canadian site recently and I'm pretty sure they sell the Verbs.
  17. D'oh, I read the entire thread wrong. All this for an icon?
  18. So what's that at the very top?
  19. If you like the Lite-On drive they make newer models or I'd look at a Samsung.
  20. How many have you used? Try taking them back with the argument that they aren't compatible with your drive...can't hurt to try.
  21. Is that one in an external enclosure or is it actually an external drive?
  22. That is your error. Power calibration errors are due to: 1. Cheap media, which you don't have. 2. Bad connection to drive. 3. Bad drive. http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/dvdguide001.html
  23. I'll bet if you go back through your logs you'll find the singles you bought show a different MID than the ones you are having problems with now....another reason we only recommend Verbatim. If you buy Verbatim MIS that is what you'll get. Memorex/OD/Sony/Imation etc. all outsource to different companies to manufacture their media it's likely you'll actually be getting a different disc with each new spindle.
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