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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. im starting to think you guys are all reps for Verbatim and are pushing the product out for them lol... thanks for the help ill try the verbatims Sure wish I was getting paid....
  2. I've posted your log for all to see.....
  3. Post the log please. Firmware is not current...try version 1.73 from here: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2370
  4. Only if that is what you selected to burn or either you misnamed the file when you created it.

    New PC build

    or ? would be the correct guess.... A friend is sending them to me.

    New PC build

    $20 shipped with two more case fans and some other tidbits.

    New PC build

    Got one of these on the way now... http://www.rosewill.com/product/product.aspx?productId=984
  8. I've been sitting in the corner crying since reading that link blu provided....
  9. I saw that the other week, someone sent me a pps email on it.
  10. Post a log as suggested as it will tell us most of what we need to know to help get you straightened out.

    New PC build

    XP intitially, but Vista is looming in the future I fear.

    New PC build

    I'm looking forward to it. It will be a big improvement over my P4 2.4 machine.

    New PC build

    yea, yea, yea....

    New PC build

    Looks nice and cool to me What mobo are you using? EDIT: NVM....

    New PC build

    I had actually already considered that one as it was also recommend by someone else...I think it was $24 here in the states. The CPU I won was CPU only so I'll definately need a HSF.
  16. Open Imgburn in build mode and dran-n-drop what you want to burn into the file selection window.

    New PC build

    Why do you think I waited? I already pushed the price up for others in three other auctions Dunno about HSF, any suggestions? ($20-$30)
  18. Just curious as to why you would want to do this...unless of course you are constantly checking your stats.
  19. Ity doesn't really matter if you own them or not, we simply can't talk about it here.
  20. I usualy cna't undresnand thme....
  21. color = colour shop = shoppe Sounds like a touchy subject....

    New PC build

    I looked at RAM earlier this morning, but I think I'll stick with what I have for now....like I said I can always upgrade in the future if I feel the extra oomph is needed. Something I've never understood is the timings, my G.Skill is 5-5-5-15, but what does it all mean? http://www.cooltechzone.com/Reviews/Memory..._20040725377/3/ ...it makes a little sense, basically the lower the better...same with CAS latency.

    New PC build

    Well the RAM only set me back $40 for a 2 gig kit, I can always upgrade in the future if I'm not happy with the performance.
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