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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. A log could prove useful. Until then, your firmware is older than my granny. Current version is 1.29 and can be found here: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2220 Also put the disc that your standalone claims is blank, but that Imgburn verified back in your burner and fire up Imgburn in Read or Write mode and copy/paste all the information contained there in this thread.
  2. Once you get the DMA sorted get some decent discs...Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden.
  3. BTW, what brand discs are you using? Post a log please.
  4. What was your read speed set to? You can change it ya know...
  5. START->MY COMPUTER right click et cetera et cetera et cetera
  6. Those discs were good in their day, but that is long time past in PC years...and the last support for your drive was almost four years ago. I think your best option would be to get a new drive. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1598
  7. That runs on my dad's side too and I've unfortunately inherited it, just ask my wife and most of the people I work with.
  8. Sweet, here are the new restrooms located at most poll locations
  9. You think it'll work then? It does for most.
  10. Congrats, happy burning.
  11. Suggested media include Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden for SL and Verbatim only for DL. Any comments on the drive blu?
  12. Must have been a big itch...a whole 17 minutes, you really shouldn't spend so much time in one place either.
  13. I don't see any logs in this hijacked thread yet.
  14. Lite-On make solid drives.
  15. Hardly sarcasm, just banter until a log file appears Banter? You mean that thingy across the top of the page that tells you to post a log....no wait, that's called a banner. D'oh
  16. A little short on resources too, you won't want to do any multitasking while burning...RAM is cheap, might want to add some to make life easier.
  17. Don't forget in some cases it can be due to unremoved copy protection, which we can't talk about here, and faulty discs from the manufacturer as in commercial movies.
  18. So you don't want to play spinner? Tons have, now if you'll post the log as requested on several occasions maybe we can help get you sorted.
  19. Did you forget the correct punctuation "?" Donta, or was it a statement and not a question....
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