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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. Seeing as though ripping discussions aren't allowed here that should be as far as this discussion goes in that direction.
  2. Choose the .cue for burning and to extract them use something like ISOBuster.
  3. I'd like to have one of the HD-DVD drives just for the upscaling ability....'course I'll be waiting on the price to come down well under $100, which I'm sure all the surplus drives will eventually sell for.
  4. different logic in standalone player vs. Rom drive found in PC.
  5. Take a screenshot and upload it to ImageShack or Photobucket and insert the link as a picture in post.
  6. Congrats, but what was the solution?
  7. You mean Corel? I'm with Blu though in that politics and religion really don't belong on tech boards, but being such a big part of our lives it's hard for a few topics to arise if even by mistake. As for talk hosts, the only one I follow is Howard Stern.
  8. http://www.seeklyrics.com/lyrics/Leonard-C...This-Waltz.html
  9. I really doubt this can be turned off as it only appears in the log. It's just a warning, as long as it's not running in verify mode you should be fine.
  10. Firmware still hasn't been updated as requested, this will increase your chances of success.
  11. Those MKM001's are supposed to be the good ones DB. Is there a "made in" indicator anywhere on the label...should be Singapore.
  12. No firmware update available for your drive so the best suggestion would still be to get Verbatim media and try again.
  13. Still using an old version of Imgburn too.
  14. Maybe the drive is having trouble reading from the dodgy media...or is the case no matter what is being read, commercial and/or your own compilations from various brands.
  15. alterkuno, I prefer to stay away from the format/console wars over there and only sneak in when I'm needed to drop the banhammer. PS3 vs. Xbox 360 is really personal choice, but PS3 has BluRay and you don't have to pay to go online. BluRay vs. HD-DVD = BluRay, but I think I'd prefer the HD-DVD if the war wasn't over.
  16. NEC's typically need modified firmware to allow for bitsetting anyway, you may need to crossflash your drive to a 7170A. http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?printe...7f40274bb970487 ...and then apply modified firmware from L&G. http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/en/Optiarc-AD-7170A/
  17. haven't watched it since I was a kid, probably will stay that way...I've moved on to Mythbusters & Top Gear.
  18. Sorry I had to look it up ~ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/irreproducibility
  19. It's actually tdb.rpc1.org http://tdb.rpc1.org/#DVR111D ...or MSCE ~ http://ala42.cdfreaks.com/MCSE/


    Your PS skills are much better than mine, I may get with you for some tips in the near future


    Thanks for the congrats....we'll all have to get together for a group hug real soon.
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