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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. My main reason for suggesting the firmware update was to get some bitsetting ability, which I seem to have overlooked, it already has... if this is an old firmware an update may help with compatability, but the discs play just fine in other standalone's, just not this particular drive.

    New PC build

    I've heard both sides of the JMicron argument....aren't the problems with the PATA controllers mainly?

    New PC build

    You know this is going to be a long painful process don't you? http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=3&amp...amp;modelmenu=1

    New PC build

    D'oh Well an el cheapo gfx card to boot then.

    New PC build

    I'm looking at the ASUS P5K wifi board and have 2 gigs of GSkill ram already in pocket.
  6. I meant on the package the discs came in, not the discs themselves...sorry if I confused you.
  7. Yep, she can be a bit distracting....
  8. So what the hell what I looking at? Custom member title still applies

    Movie Chat

    No country for Old Men was excellent as was American Gangster...both very good movies and worth a watch.
  10. Might be worth your time to visit CDFreaks.com and see if Liggy and Dee would be able to work up a bitsetting firmware for your drive...I think that would do the trick TBH. @Cynthia Do you use the NEC tab to set the booktype with your Optiarc drive and do the new drives require modified firmware like the good old NEC models?

    New PC build

    Thanks borg, but I already have a case. @chewy I'll probably just use onboard gfx for the time being and get a nice card at some time in the future. For now though I don't really play any games so that isn't high on the priority list.
  12. It's not, is it No results for imgburn.log in search That is just the beginning. Burn a disc and post the entire log from that window please. @cynthia I didn't realize they were using Ricoh dye these days
  13. Open Imgburn and press Ctrl +L to open the log window. You can copy and paste information after a burn from that window into this forum/thread. If you don't have anything to burn search for Imgburn.log and post the top log which should be the most recent or they can be found in C:\Documents and Settings\*user name*\Application Data\ImgBurn EDIT: This is the top of the log: ; //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version Beta - Log ; Saturday, 23 February 2008, 21:20:37 ; \\****************************************// We only need to the next banner, not 10-12 logs posted all at one time.

    New PC build

    I've been trying to get parts together for a new build since the fall of last year and I've kinda put it on the backburner for now. So far I've got my case, RAM an ODD and a HDD. I think I'm ready for a PSU this month and then in the next couple months I'll get my processor and mobo and I should be able to slap it all together. The PSU's I'm looking at are these: Corsair HX 520 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817139001 FSP 500W : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817104034 Antec neopower 550 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817103941 I know which is the best and will probably will go with the Corsair or the FSP, but I just would like opinions or thoughts on the others I've listed or others that anyone might prefer. I haven't made up my mind on the mobo or chipset yet either. I know Intel is pounding AMD right now, but the AMD's are so much cheaper and I can get more for my money...although the Intel's are coming down more and more everyday.
  15. Not to mention they are the devil themselves.
  16. Just not on your Philips dvp3055 which appears to be a little picky. Post your log and we might be able to get you a firmware update or somthing else that might help with compatability.
  17. Post a log for better help please. Additionally, the TDK's are actually not great by any means but some people don't have any problems with them. Most here prefer Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden as do I. Have you lent out any that you've burned for others to try on their standalone units?
  18. Certainly does seem to be the way to get things done eh...

    Clear things out

    We can't help you backup your games as this is the Imgburn forum...we can only help if you have problems burning to your discs or a problem with the program itself. Try here to get started, but come back if you have problems with Imgburn.
  20. I really don't plan on buying movies in either of the two HD formats at this time. At this time I prefer the HD-DVD player with the expectation of it being a nicely discounted product, but as donta pointed out there are alot of standalones that will upscale as well.
  21. That should do it...must say I've overlooked that one too as I tend to just drag-n-drop.
  22. support as in a bra...or more like a jock strap?

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