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Posts posted by LOCOENG

  1. On the back of the drive above the jumper pins there should be either a label or engraving that follows as such:


    CS = Cable Select

    MA = Master

    SL = Slave


    If the drive is at the end of the IDE cable, this drive should be set to MA. If it is connected intermediately the setting should be SL.

  2. drats....sorry, I guess. :o


    Well at least you got to ring in the new year in New Orleans.


    I guess we can look forward to more pics of you in womens clothes then?

  3. Good to hear everything is well jmet and I know what you mean with the Websense ordeal, but at least I'm able to still surf the forums while I'm at work...even though donta's sigs are always blocked. :)


    I trust the marriage is still rock solid.

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