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Posts posted by LOCOENG

  1. Coral's OK - it's even nice!


    Guns, on the other hand, suck.




    You mean Corel? :whistling:


    I'm with Blu though in that politics and religion really don't belong on tech boards, but being such a big part of our lives it's hard for a few topics to arise if even by mistake. As for talk hosts, the only one I follow is Howard Stern.

  2. s there anyway to disable the warning that IB gives me, in the log, that FAT32 drives can't handle files bigger than 4GBs? I already know this. And I have four USB drives connected to my rig; just tired of looking at the explanation points!!


    I really doubt this can be turned off as it only appears in the log.


    Also, why does IB warn me when I have a certain piece of Antiguan software running and IB in read mode?!!


    It's just a warning, as long as it's not running in verify mode you should be fine.

  3. Greetings to you LOCO fresh from aD mediating which is the best next gen format/console


    alterkuno, I prefer to stay away from the format/console wars over there and only sneak in when I'm needed to drop the banhammer.


    PS3 vs. Xbox 360 is really personal choice, but PS3 has BluRay and you don't have to pay to go online.

    BluRay vs. HD-DVD = BluRay, but I think I'd prefer the HD-DVD if the war wasn't over.

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