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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. Do they have pawn shops in Canada?

    DL vs Blu-Ray

    More life in SL discs to come as far as I'm concerned...no intentions on moving on to either of the unproven formats and as with the others, I've never been a big fan of the DL hype either.
  3. I hate to sound like an xbox fanboy, but my money would go for the 360 if I were in the market for one. After the first of the year I'm gonna breath new life into my old xbox with a shiney new HDD and put all my music on it as it's already hooked up to the stereo and use it as a jukebox...still being able to play the old reliable games and what not. As for the HD vs. BD war, I'm hoping HD takes the win as all the tricks that $sony tries seem to blow up in their faces. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/557450/3558187
  4. She's a whore...I could have a talk with her for you. A couple here have already had their way with her and I'm not sure I'd want to follow.
  5. Just to contribute a little bit....power calibration (if you don't already know) 1. Cheap media, you state you typically use TY's so shouldn't be a problem. 2. Bad power from PSU or bad PSU, check connections and cables and maybe try different ones. 3. Burner has one foot in grave, replace drive. Since we assume the media is good and we don't want to buy a new drive if it isn't necessary I would try the connections and cable route...just to rule that out as well.
  6. ...you forgot to include "it" as a possibility
  7. I'd hate to see this wonderful little peice of kit get thrown under the bus as well....same goes for LUK.
  8. I use ConvertXtoDVD to create my DVD files from avi or other formats and then manually burn with Imgburn in build mode. Never faced any problems with file compliance via this method. Alternatly you can use DVD Flick in the same manner as ConvertXtoDVD, but it will create the ISO for you and then simply put the ISO into Imgburn in "write" mode. viola! But of course check out the guides, they will prove to be more than helpful.
  9. There will never be a new version of DVD Shrink as we know it....never pay for it.


    Some would gladly give up their spouse for a new phone...


    Next time you need to knick one from one of your friends that has a few of your other buddies names already in it.


    But they cost $$$$
  13. I think I posted the entire log. (You might have to scroll down, though ) Yann Sorry, my browser screen wasn't maximized and the scroll bar was off the screen. My apologies.
  14. Why are you burning so slow? A new PC with your burner and the TY media should be able to burn much faster.
  15. The entire log might hold some clues.
  16. It appears that I've gone loco...thanks wookie.
  17. If you are going SATA then the Samsung 203B is the top choice right now. If you are going IDE, then the Pioneer as suggested would be a good drive, and LG & Lite-On make excellent drives as well.
  18. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those TDK's are rubbish for DL media... I wouldn't spend my money on anything but Verbatim for DL media. A firmware update may help, but I wouldn't hold my breath... Try 2.88 from here: http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/en/NEC-ND-3500A/

    Happy Birthday

    LOL seriously though and remember when you are on the the are on the house, so before your
  20. I'm sure that one can be found buried somewhere in the backyard next the cat.

    Nice Monitor

    The Vizio will suit my needs just fine and it's 400-500 dollars cheaper than competing brands of the same size. I've got the original Xbox and don't plan on buying anything newer until my boy gets a little older so I have a few years yet. I also have everything running through a Yamaha receiver and Klipsch speakers.

    Nice Monitor

    I know it's a different use, but this is what I'm looking at for the living room... http://www.vizio.com/media/products/pdfs/G..._Spec_Sheet.pdf
  23. Better yet have a friend toss the discs in the air and use them for target practice with bird shot.
  24. Imgburn can burn either so I'd save a step and just burn from the folder. See the guides and good luck.
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