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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. I'd bet she'd make a great Cocktail Mixer......................
  2. Thanks db, just spooked me cause I've haven't run across this before, and after noticing the game it came with was made by Macrovision............................... . Guess I was just being too careful.
  3. Shamus, just go to www.kewlbox.com , click on play on the Holiday Express Game and it will take you to a PC download area. Download this game and see what I mean. The game plays fine but then you have this additional program built in there. First time ever I've seen a game developed by Macrovision on Kewlbox site. Just got my alarm bells ringing.
  4. Travelman, I do know what your asking can be done. I've never done it myself so can't be much help on telling you what program you could use. I do know that it takes many hours to convert widescreen format to fullscreen format. Might be easier just to obtain a fullscreen format of the original movie your after, if one exsists. .
  5. I Just got an e-mail from Kewlbox, you know the makers of elf bowling games. Downloaded a game called Holiday Express, immediately after it started to setup it tried to access the internet, I didn't let it. Played the game then quit. The game is made by MACROVISION. Well alright, so then I see the notification of a new program in my All Programs box on desktop. Well what the fuck its a program called Program Updates by installshield which, if I let it, will scan my computer and notify me of updates to any or all current programs on my computer......... hmmmmmm Macrovision game installs this additional helpful program by installshield............... would find my backing up programs and everything............ What the fuck is this shit!!!!!!!!!! I'm uninstalling now both game and this additional program and doing registry clean just to make sure. Ran regisry cleaner and found 9 entries from this update program plus quite a number of files. Deleted everything............. . This may be a perfectly alright game and update program but don't like the idea that a MACROVISION product installs a second program without first asking me to do so. Where does this update program send the list of the programs it finds on my computer?? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but thought I should post this as a word of caution. P.S. I've downloaded and used many other games from Kewlbowl and never have come across something like this before. Could this be a Macrovision sneak peek attempt.?
  6. Welcome to the forum Flag! You won't be disappointed, IMGburn is an excellent image burning program with excellent features and support. Any probs, just post in the appropriate thread and one of the peeps will be happy to help you.
  7. Defenestration, you can't make an image file with IMGburn, as its name states it strickly burns images to disc. Use any quality program to create your image and then use IMGburn to burn it to a disc. With its' qeueing feature this should be ideal for your purpose. It burns a high quality image.
  8. Sorry Corny, guess part of my arm must have gotten into the picture................
  9. LoL, If my dvd's misbehave I just pee on them, also helps to clean them up.......... . Read that somewhere before............
  10. Shit Shamus, wish I had your way with words............. Great post man!!
  11. @ Polo........... uh huh................
  12. six months............ #39;( #39;( #39;( Thats where I first met all you guys and learned all about ISO stuff .......
  13. C'mon Zac.................. you know man............... BADDER is BETTER .................
  14. Snapper, you must change your Audio and Video ts files to an iso file in order to burn with imgburn. Please read the posts 2 above you for your answer.
  15. Nice Version Boss............... @Jmet, think you better wipe your nose off mate...............
  16. DVDD fade away.................. #39;( #39;( #39;(
  17. kevdriver


    After seeing all you guys hyping this Firefox Browser, my curiosity is overflowing...... . What makes this different and better than IE. I've never used anything but IE but knowing that you guys wouldn't use anything but what you thought was best, maybe I could pick your minds a bit and perhaps think about switching over to Firefox. Thanks Guys. Whats the diff between Firefox and Opera?
  18. kevdriver

    XBOX 360

    If everybody would do as you did, maybe the policies of stores would change, stand up for your rights and stores will back down, afterall it's our money that keeps them opened. Way to go Zac.......
  19. kevdriver

    XBOX 360

    You make excellent valid points though Shamus..................
  20. JNM, Img is probabley recognizing that your media will burn best at 4x so its selecting that speed to burn at. Some media don't burn at 2x speed well. What media are you using? .
  21. Zac, your a poet but you don't know it....................
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