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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. you could of course use imgburn to write it and have the wonderful support that goes with the programme Oops, thought Dyl was talking about doing a straight 1:1 backup, where he would need extra help getting by the ISO read stage............ Just thought it would be easier to use the one proggie. If the first step has already been done, for sure use IMG to write to media.
  2. Welcome Dyl, Yes, your method is okay for backing up on a blank single layer media. If your backing up to a dual layer blank, then just use the aforementioned program, ISO read then ISO write, nothing else is needed. Make sure your using good quality media, Taio Yudens come to mind, no CMC garbage, to get the best possible quality.
  3. Sex Pictures?......... Nasty People...... Who Us ? Nilson, Don't go cutting down a program on its own forum. A program that is far superior to DVD43 an alot of other freeware proggies. You not only insult the Author of these programs but also the people who beta test them and the regulars of us who support the program, the forum, amd most of all the Author. Thats being NASTY......................
  4. Hmm , after seeing some of the old women youve been with i thought you was very good with Grammas
  5. Shit, Shamus, That sucks big time man, been there...................
  6. #39;( #39;( #39;(
  7. Nilson, Thank-you for visiting this forum, be please careful taking that one step out as to not get hit in the ass by the door slamming shut on your way out....... Wanker!
  8. #39;( #39;( Sure hope Polo and family are all right. West Palm Beach is really getting hit hard by Hurricane, apparently they,re under 5 feet of water already and the wind damage is mounting. If somehow you manage to read this Polo, all the best to you and the family mate............. Fixer is also down in that area somewhere too I think, sure hope alls well with him and his family.....
  9. Just remove INCD altogeather, I believe it shows up in add> remove as a separate program........
  10. Elboricua433, Cornholio7 answered you. HC is an excellent encoder program.
  11. Rimfire, alot of these errors can come from bad blank media, what type of media are you using? Also is the firmware for your DVD burner up to date? Post a log of the failed burn so the guys can see whats happening. Also, because one brand of media burns well as a SL media, doesn't mean that the same brand will make good DL media. Here's a link to check for firmware updates for your burner....... http://forum.rpc1.org/portal.php
  12. The hell with the plane Polo, you take care of yourself..........
  13. ............. oops author
  14. Nissmo300, what your mentioning has already been done, This arthor can no longer support that program and is now working on IMGburn. This is a fantastic burning program, but that is all it will EVER be. Weren,t laughing AT you Issmo300, just the irony of your post...........
  15. I believe your turn in front of a Preacher is coming along very soon too Blu...........
  16. Wow, must be a awful feeling not knowing what to expect........ Up here at most we get the tail end of the storms..... mostly just high winds and rain, enough to damage weaker trees but never any serious property damage. Hope your friends place holds up well Polo....... and everyone remains safe.
  17. To all you who may be in the way of Wilma, Take NO chances.......... But Take CARE !!! All the best.....
  18. kevdriver

    Anyone know how

    Probably to the tune of Take Me home Country Roads..................
  19. kevdriver

    Supported Files

    Hmmmmmm, think I'll borrow that wet vac from Jmet, use it for Kirk, .... with all this shit he's spouting lately he must be up to his neck in it by now...............................
  20. kevdriver

    Supported Files

    Ben, IMGTOOL is probably a good bet for what you need to do. If I'n not mistaken it will use IMGBURN to write to disc. http://www.coujo.de/ If you want to read more about it and download.
  21. kevdriver

    Anyone know how

    @ Kirk............................... SMARTASS
  22. Blu is 60ish.............. surely you jest lfc.............
  23. kevdriver

    Supported Files

    That would work fine as Kirk stated Ben. @Kirk............... Nero?!!
  24. kevdriver

    Anyone know how

    Yes, where is Firey Blu............................ #39;( #39;(
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