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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Okay, now that I've seen the two parter, I more than before stand by my initial impressions. It tries to work in too much yet somehow works as a whole. I think Davros was sadly underused, merely as a Dalek pet. Because, I have to ask: if Davros used his own cells to make new Daleks, why didn't he make them Davros loyal like the white and gold Daleks from Revelation Of The Daleks and Remembrance?
  2. It's about time! http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/images/...=kids&img=2 With all the other voice changers they made, a Cyberman, Sec, and Jadoon version, it took this long to make one for a Dalek.
  3. I haven't seen it all yet, but from what I have seen, I'm kind of on both sides of the fence. On one hand, I think there was a too many cooks situation. Davies tried to stuff in too many characters at once for the script to handle. Strangely enough, though, on the other hand, I find myself surprised at how well the script does work given that I think too many characters are in the thick of it for the story to handle. Plus, I find myself asking a few questions. If the Daleks did a massive appearance on Earth, how come Van Staten doesn't know what a Dalek is in 2010 or 2012, whichever year that story took place in. If Davros was in the Time War, was he a Davros like we see him in this finale or as the Emperor Davros. I know this new series doesn't appear to be trying to keep continuity with the old series, but there is a problem with how Davros looks. Especially since Davros has a robotic hand, which would explain how he lost a hand in Revelation Of The Daleks.
  4. Mostly it's the cost that prohibits me from doing that until absolutely necessary. The primary reason I don't do my own builds is the problem of cobbling together the necessary drivers for specific hardware. If I buy an already made up system, all the software I need for that is included, even if it's just drivers from the OS install disc. Price, too, as I said, is another concern, putting off getting a system until absolutely necessary. A new computer would take up probably a whole month of my disability.
  5. Yeah, that's why, this time, I added the phrase my setup. I got to thinking my faults could be a result of the upgrade over XP. A pure install of Vista might not do these things. Then again, it might. I'll only know for sure if this PC dies on me. The last Micron I had lasted 4 years and only the video card died on that one. Got a new Micron, though, because so much had changed within 4 years. Just like so much has changed in these last 4 years. So, I won't know for sure until and if I need a new computer, which will have Vista on it.
  6. To yet bitch more on Vista, on my setup, Windows Update never works right. I always have to restart Windows first before loading Windows Update. Otherwise, the updates won't download.
  7. I apparently liked Midnight more than others. I thought it was good old fashioned bump in the night story with influences from the Twilight Zone's The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street. I also liked how, for once, the Doctor was powerless to do anything. And it took just an unknown person to save the day. After all, how many times has the nameless, faceless person saved the day? Far more than we can ever count. The ironic thing was the mob mentality turned out to be right. That the right decision was to toss Ms. Whatshername out of the car and into the extonic light. Another aspect I liked was the apparent lower budget (The story was mostly contained to one set.) that reminded me of The Edge Of Destruction, a story that took place entirely on TARDIS sets. And, The Edge Of Destruction is one of my favorite "lesser known" stories.
  8. Then, this ComputerWorld article should help. It tells of the author using Nero and switching to ImgBurn. http://www.computerworld.com/action/articl...ticleId=9025855 It appears to be an older article, though.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if Sci-Fi still trims the episode to get in more commercials. For instance, usually, a 2 hour block is more than fine to fit a movie in, but, they still chop out bits of it to fit in more and more commercials.
  10. Another rather annoying thing for me in Vista is how sometimes you click on a file to do something and it ends up trying to rename the file for you instead.
  11. I don't know how recent this article is, but, I just came across it. It gives a little free advertising for ImgBurn at the bottom paragraph. http://www.pcworld.com/article/147559-2/te...dows_shine.html Don't know if anyone else has pointed this out or not yet either.
  12. What do you know! Big Finish finally took one of my ideas! I once wrote them a while back saying they should do audio adaptations of the two Dalek stage plays, Curse Of The Daleks and The Seven Keys To Doomsday. They went and one upped my idea by also including an adaptation of The Ultimate Adventure! Now, if they'd just accept my other idea and do an adaptation of The Trial Of Davros for charity...
  13. Silence In The Library Just saw this episode, and it was very good! I hope the 2nd part lives up how good the first part was.
  14. I had high hopes for SP1. It got rid of the random changing of the Theme/Desktop I had been experiencing with my initial try outs. Then, a Windows update broke it again.
  15. Another gripe I'd like to make about Vista. It captures files too many times and won't let them go until a restart. Not even Unlocker will clear them because it never finds anything actually locking the files which are actually locked by Vista.
  16. Sci-Fi already does edits for time and content. Dalek had the scene removed where the Doctor produces that alien musical instrument for Van Staten. Then, later on, they blanked out Van Statten's "goddamn it" into just "damn it." I can't see Sci-Fi giving more time to a non-Christmas themed episode. For those, they devote 90 minutes, with ads. But, regular episodes get just 60 minutes, with ads. I appreciate getting the episodes because as you say they're complete and have no ads. Plus, I get to see the credits! In the US, they're scrunched up to the side of the screen while they advertise what happens on next week's Doctor Who. So, if I want to see who played a particular part, I must check TV.COM. Hell, Sci-Fi has even done really dumb things like remove the title and writer cards from episodes. The Master three part arc had no titles or writer credits whatsoever.
  17. I had to laugh this afternoon. I don't know if you have them in the UK and other countries but in the US we have a sub-genre of TV shows I call the judge shows. Shows involving some judge judicating cases between litigants who agree to appear on the show rather than in a court of law. The People's Court is probably the best known of these shows, as it is still on the air here in the US. Anyway, I had the TV on a random station in the background while I was working on various projects on the PC. The show was Judge Joe Brown when a litigant appeared named Sarah Jane Smith! Actually, as it turned out, her name as it appeared on screen later on was SarahJane Smith.
  18. Well, the finale must take place before Remembrance Of The Daleks then. As it's classic Davros, with some new head tubes. And not head in a Dalek shell Emperor Davros. Now that I think about it, based on that latest trailer, the finale must take place after Revelation Of The Daleks. Because it appears Davros had his blown off hand replaced with a mechanical one.
  19. I had to think about the Great Healer for a moment. I couldn't think of who that was. Then, I remembered Revelation Of The Daleks.
  20. You know? I can actually see Ben Kingsley as Davros. Though as I've said I'd much rather they'd stick with Terry Molloy, Kingsley already has the classic Davros profile going right in, without the same amount of make up necessary.
  21. Yeah, the end of The Doctor's Daughter simply screams spin-off.
  22. http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/14477.cfm "RIAA allegedly seeking piracy tax on internet access 14 June 2008 2:56 by Rich "vurbal" Fiscus RIAA allegedly seeking piracy tax on internet access The folks at the Digital Freedom website are hearing whispers of a new tax some RIAA lobbyists are trying to get enacted which would be applied to every internet account in the US. The so-called Piracy Tax would be used to "compensate" record labels for internet piracy." As the article rightly points out, if this so called tax were to actually be implemented, tax payers expect to get something in return for their taxes being paid. You think the RIAA is going to do anything for the consumer if it gets its tax? Who would be the real pirates then?
  23. http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/14530.cfm "Gamers upset over Mass Effect DRM 18 June 2008 12:31 by Andre "DVDBack23" Yoskowitz Last month, we reported that the blockbuster PC game Mass Effect was set to have rolling DRM, the form of DRM unflatteringly known as "phoning home" as every 10 days the game would connect to Bioware's servers and re-activate itself. After the report surfaced around the Internet though, the backlash was too much for the company and they decided to remove the DRM from the game." Chalk up a small one for the consumer.
  24. I got to thinking. If that picture of Davros is Davros as he appears in the new series, inferring he actually does appear with the Daleks in the season finale, it begs a few questions. According to TV.COM, the finale deals with a newly resuscitated Dalek Empire. Last we saw, there was one Dalek left. Was it Dalek Thay? I forget. I think it was the one who donated its back panel of globes to top the Empire State Building. So, one Dalek manages to rebuild the entire Dalek army? That's inferring if this story does indeed take place in chronological order like the past Dalek stories have done. Maybe Thay had to dig up Davros in order to do it. But, it begs another question. The last time we saw Davros in the old series, he was just a head inside a Dalek shell. This image from Lying In The Gutters shows a classic Davros. So, it does beg the question of in time period this season finale is set in.
  25. I would just hope that if Davros returns, they get Terry Molloy to play him. He's now so associated with Davros thanks to the Big Finish Productions and that the fact that he's played the character more often than anyone else on the old series. I'd be afraid that since this is new Who, they'd be too anxious to cast someone else in the role. Kind of like Roy Skelton not doing the Daleks. Maybe he doesn't want to or is too old, but, it's kind of not the same with Nicholas Briggs. Although Briggs does a startling good job imitating the old style Dalek voices. Nothing against his performance, I just wax nostalgic.
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