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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. I'd forgotten about that! Oh, and let us not forget the mouse mating with the dead one in the trap.
  2. Yeah, I posted before reading the link. I wanted to take a stab at the lawsuits against the person who had no computer.
  3. This Gleason record was in his older days, though. Later 1970's, early 1980's. When he had grown a mustache.
  4. Basically. Two guys stole a prototype robot, intending to hold it for ransom. They piss off the Duke boys when they try to pass them and nearly cause a wreck. This brings Roscoe and Hogg by proxy in when they're all fined, only to discover the robot. The two robbers then wheedle their way out when Hogg is fascinated by the machine and agree to sell it to him as his new security force. When they discover the robot will be protecting the bank, naturally, they program the robot to steal the money and plan on framing the fired Roscoe and the Duke boys for the actual theft while they run off with the cash. The script is so bad it even has a mathematical error in it! They planned on ransoming the robot for $2 million, but, when they succeed in getting the $325,000 from the bank, they make this idiotic statement: "What about the robot?" "Just leave it! We have twice what we'd get for him here in this bag!" $650,000 is hardly twice times 2 million. Interestingly enough, the robot was played by Bob Shields, aka Robert Shields, the mime of the famous married duo of Shields And Yarnell.
  5. Let's see, if memory serves me correctly, the following "brands" worked for me with the 500a: Optodisc 2x DVD-RW Optodisc 4x DVD-RW HP DVD+RW Maxell DVD+RW Maxell DVD-RW As for the Manufacturer ID's on the discs, like I can remember.
  6. Well, did this grandma HAVE a PC this time?
  7. No, Horace Ott. (Horace Ott was part of the musicians who composed and played for the Village People. )
  8. It was said it was going to be released on DVD after TV Land aired it. I taped it when TV Land aired it. (In fact, the Honeymooners entry for this episode on TV.com is mine from TVTome.com. ) MPI had intended to include this episode in a new, repackaged "Lost Episodes" DVD boxed set sometime last year or this. Funny, I was in a used records, etc. store on Thursday and the one thing I immediately noticed on the wall was a record released by Jackie Gleason. Also, remember, that there is an existing episode already called The Love Letter, remade 2 years after the original version.
  9. Speaking of Dukes, I actually taped today's episode! I wasn't a huge fan of the show. I mostly only watched it because the other kids were, but, grew tired of it pretty quick. My mother did give me the Dukes watch, though, and I had an Ertl model of Daisy's truck. Oh, and who remembers the Dukes Of Hazzard cartoon? Anyway, I needed today's episode because it was such an outlandishly stupid one, even by Dukes' standards: Boss Hogg replaces Roscoe with a robot!
  10. Actually, I have tested Version 2003. I got like 3 or 4 copies of it on a disc with various DVD burners. I didn't see anything different enough to make me switch over from what worked for me. That and it was a Symantec product, so, if I don't need it, I'm not going to switch over to one of their products. And, eventually, I'll ween myself off the ones I do use.
  11. I, too, like the fact that you can run the Verify separately.
  12. dbminter

    A Riddle

    I can do it without even going up the stairs at all. Use a phone, call a friend and tell him which switch you're turning on and ask him to check the bulbs.
  13. Version 9 was terribly buggy out of the gate. Basically, they released a beta to the public and made them unsuspecting beta testers who paid to do their job for them. Version 9 is now, at least, usable, but, still has errors that should have been caught before it went gold.
  14. dbminter

    another riddle

    The third word has to be antidisestablishmentarianism.
  15. We could stop all the hate if we just do as I said and use the money to fight terrorism and buy everyone in the world 72 virgins. Starting with me.
  16. SIGHTING UPDATE! He was last seen Going West!
  17. I believe NTFS is natively supported by, at least, DI 7, possibly in DI 6. DI 5, though, was absolutely the best version they ever made! After DI 5, the software started going downhill. DI 6 was still marginally usable; DI 5 could amazingly read DI 6's images! So, I mixed and matched DI 6 and 5, keeping the DOS parts from 5 with the Windows capable version of 6. 6 could read images, save the active OS partition, within Windows, so, temporary backups of other partitions were easier to make. I'm an old at the prog, going back to 1.01, I think. As far as I know I was the first person to come up with the idea of imaging the factory partition before booting into Windows, thus, having a virgin partition to restore, without having to run the factory restore discs. Back then, they were just mostly fancy PKZIP set ups. From that, I developed the idea of imaging Windows after setting up common options and applications. I believe I started doing that in 1997. I'll freely admit, though, 20 images a day... Can't get anywhere near that. I've done that many RESTORES before. Over the weekend was doing a lot of them trying to track down a culprit app. But, as a software designer, one would want to take images whenever they are testing a new build, etc. because you never know.
  18. I found Corny! He's seen here with several of his kind celebrating their integration into Earthen society: http://www.deviantart.com/view/29600763/
  19. Supposedly, Miami Vice was pitched to NBC as just two words: "MTV cops." I was around when the show was new, but, I never got into it. Relatively mindless, to me. All flash, no substance, which was what they were going for.
  20. Had another marvelous revelation on how to stop Islamo-terrorists! Okay, follow the reasoning here. The suicide bombers are basically willing to do what they're told because they have been duped into believing that if they do what someone else wants them to do for them, God will give them 72 perpetual virgins. Well, why no proactively take on the situation? I believe there's something like $25 million reward for Osama Bin Laden. Why not use that $25 million and make sure every person already HAS 72 virgins? While they won't re-pertetuate as in the silly dream they're fed, still, you'll have a harem of 72 women. IN your life time! No need to die for something you MIGHT get when you have the guaranteed sure thing of 72 's Whaddya think?
  21. All of my partitions are FAT32 except for one partition for Windows files, work files, temporary files, etc. I keep my partitions as FAT32 so I can access them in DOS to fix any errors that cannot be fixed in Windows. NTFS is a good idea, but, it only works well IF nothing goes wrong. If something does, fixing it is too problematic, and, this IS Microsoft we're talking about here. Problems are par.
  22. Well, at least you didn't ask. I met one of the voices of Dick Dastardly. When he was briefly known as the Dread Baron for Laff-A-Lympics, Paul Winchell, the voice of Dastardly, apparently wasn't available, so, Hans Conreid took over. But, it seems, that Hans Conreid sometimes wasn't available, and his substitute was John Stephenson, probably best known as Mr. Slate from The Flintstones. I met Stephenson at a Transformers convention in 2001. British writer, Simon Furman, was there that year, too.
  23. WOW! Are you ever bringing back memories. I have every episode of the Honeymooners, including the "Lost Episodes" Including The Love Letter, the lost episode that wasn't recovered until 2004 and reran for the first time in 40 years on TV Land?
  24. When I tested the image Ghost made, it wouldn't restore. I forget the reason why. After such a vital tool failed to do its main function correctly, I never tested it any further until versions 8 and 9. But, they were built off of Drive Image 7, which was a really awful version of a product that had been spectacular. e.g. Symantec touched it and it started withering on the vine. I was using DI up until version 7, then switched to something else, ultimating preferring TrueImage, because of how slow Powerquest programs were when detecting the USB drives. On a magnitude of minutes. Plus, Version 6 and earlier didn't image Windows within Windows.
  25. Most here are probably too young to have seen reruns of The Steve Allen Show. I only saw them back when Comedy Central was HA! But, Knotts was fantastic as this man on the street who was in a state on perpetual nervousness. "Excuse me, sir... are you nervous?" "WHO?! Me? N- no..."
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