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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Now, I'm not entirely sure, but I think if you change the following line set DEST="%DEST%%FolderNameOnly%.ISO" to set DEST="C:\%FolderNameOnly%.ISO" then the ISO's will be saved in a root directory on C:\ So change C:\ to whatever drive and path you want to save the ISO's to. I'm not entirely sure of the logic here, but I think that's what you're looking for.
  2. A little more explanation please as to how this BAT scenario works. When it's run, do you type in a path/folder to save the ISO's to? I'll do my best, but, it's been well like 15 years since I last did any batch programming.
  3. What you only learn from CMC through experience is they make the worst optical discs out there. Over half the problems on this board are caused by CMC Mangetics discs and most disappear when people switch from CMC to something better. CMC now, pretty much, owns all the optical manufacturers out there. Thankfully, thus far, they haven't changed the production of higher end Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden discs. They're still the quality DVD-+R, DVD-+DL, CD-R, and BD-R, although Verbatim still makes cheaper CMC discs, particularly under their Life Series DVD+-R, CD-R, and DVD+R DL.
  4. I know TDK made a decent brand of BD-RE DL that I used to use exclusively back when I was burning on those. To find out who made it, open ImgBurn in Write mode with the TDK BD-RE inserted in the drive. In the pane of information on the right side top, there should be an entry for MID/Manufacturer ID. Copy and paste what that line of text is. As long as it doesn't say CMC, it's not a cheaper CMC disc. As for the warning you're seeing, I've never encountered Internal Target Faulure before.
  5. Unfortunately, CMC owns Verbatim and Verbatim only uses cheap CMC BD-RE for its brand. Verbatim is good if you get the right Verbatim, as Verbatim does farm out to CMC. And Verbatim only uses CMC for its BD-RE. You could try finding Memorex BD-RE, which is what I used to get last time I got any. Memorex uses Ritek, but some BD players like the Playstation 3 don't like playing them back.
  6. It's either a bad disc, which I wouldn't put past CMC Magnetics, but it's most likely a firmware incompatibility between that particular brand of CMC MAG BD-RE and your drive. So, it's either try a different BD-RE brand or try a different BD burner. You could try to see if there's a firmware update. In Write mode, right click on the target drive and select the last option in the context menu, which is something like Check for firmware update. However, be aware CMC MAG makes most BD-RE out there. The other option is Ritek, which is only slightly better than CMC MAG.
  7. Or you could do what I do. When you have a Voulme ID number you want cataloged, before finalizing that disc, make a folder in the root directory with the name using that Volume ID number. This way, you can just look at a disc's root contents in File Explorer for that Volume ID number's folder name and you've found the disc you're looking for. I always create some kind of Volume Label that uniquely identifies the contents. Then, if it's not an Audio CD, I put a folder with that Volume Label name, or a series of subfolders making up that name, in the root directory of the disc.
  8. A Quick Erase looks like it was being performed on an unformatted disc. That could explain such an error message, yes. Make sure you're doing a Full Erase.
  9. Not necessarily something wrong with the BD-RE; could be the drive. It may not like that particular brand of BD-RE. Particularly since it was made by CMC Magnetics, the worst optical disc manufacturer out there.
  10. DVD-R is a WORM, Write Once Read Many, format. It's a one and done affair with writing in ImgBurn. DVD+R and DVD+/-R DL are the same. As LUK said, you need DVD-RW or DVD+RW for erasure.
  11. It's an .IMG file, not a .BIN, but the exact size according to File Explorer is 769,118,112 bytes. ("Size on disk" is 769,118,208 bytes.)
  12. However, there does seem to be some kind of bug here. If the file name is blank, is that preventing the Cancel function from working for some reason? Should there be a check for a blank file name before proceeding? Some kind of warning to the user?
  13. Same behavior with the CUE file. And it doesn't matter from where I had the files stored. I tried it again in the new folder I had moved the files into. Same behavior with the CUE file. I noticed that in the CUE file, there's an entry for FILE NAME, but there is no such corresponding file name entry in the CCD file. Should there be? I've attached the CUE and CCD files if you want to take a look at them. Weird_Al.ccd Weird_Al.cue
  14. If you'd like, I'll put these image files on my OneDrive so you can download them and experiment with them yourself.
  15. I said it could not find the file specified before when I should have said path. My mistake! Sorry. The behavior is still the same. Cancel and the X close button just reload the dialog. Must CTRL+ALT+DEL kill ImgBurn.
  16. Well, I didn't capture a screenshot because the error was exactly as I stated it. A dialog box with that text in it, an X close button and Retry and Cancel buttons. I'll see if I can recreate it and snag a screenshot. By "see the name," do you mean the name of the file I was burning? I still have the files on hand, although they have been moved to a different folder since burning. I'll try moving them back before attempting another burn.
  17. There was also this on attempting to do a manual Verify against the image file contents: I 11:12:39 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE2/FORM1/2352, LBA: 235847 - 327005) W 11:12:42 Miscompare at LBA: 235863, Offset: 2072 W 11:12:42 Device: 0x91 W 11:12:42 Image File: 0x53 W 11:12:42 Total Errors in Sector: 119 W 11:12:42 Note: The drive probably corrected the EDC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I agreed to let it continue, and another group of sector errors occurred: I 11:12:42 Verifying Sectors... W 11:12:44 Miscompare at LBA: 235864, Offset: 2072 W 11:12:44 Device: 0xEC W 11:12:44 Image File: 0x2A W 11:12:44 Total Errors in Sector: 90 W 11:12:44 Note: The drive probably corrected the EDC Area because it's wrong in the image file. I 11:12:44 Verifying Sectors... After this, it completed. This was an image I had just now made with ImgBurn myself. So, it's not like the image is corrupt, probably. If the image file was made incorrectly, it was done at the time of reading. Whatever the EDC Area is and why it may have been wrong in the image file, I can't say. The data track appears fine. There were 2 files on the data track. I copied them from the CD-R I had just burned and COMPed them to the same files on the original disc. The COMP passed comparisons for both files. I haven't fully played it, but the MOV file on the CD-R does load and starts playing in Media Player Classic. However, as I said, I haven't fully played it to see if it works. I haven't tested the audio tracks yet either, but the miscompares appeared to have come in the data track session.
  18. I was burning a CD that has 2 sessions on it, an audio track and a data track. After cycling the tray for Verify, ImgBurn said "Cannot open file: Reason: The system cannot find the file specified." Pressing Retry, Cancel, or X closing the window just causes it to infinitely reload the window. The only way to close it was to CTRL+ALT+DEL close ImgBurn. The files are there and have not been moved or changed since the burn started. The only difference is I changed the Joliet and ISO9660 Volume Labels in the image set before burning it to CD. Thanks!
  19. Oh, also found this. Don't know if it's the same issue you addressed or not. If you have spaces in the UDF label field, when ImgBurn auto populates the same field data into ISO9660, the spaces are copied over, even though they're not allowed and should be changed to underscores. Is this the same issue you fixed?
  20. Could be the LG drive in question. LG drives are usually not the best at reading things.
  21. Yes, basically, if a disc is suffering from disc rot, it will simply fail to read to an image file. So, you'll know fairly quickly if it is when ImgBurn fails to read the disc fully.
  22. I don't know if this is a bug or not. Begin by creating a job where the UDF Label is Test - Test. Then, add a VIDEO_TS folder to the job. ImgBurn automatically asks if you want to make a DVD Video and set the appropriate settings. If you do, the ISO9660 Volume Label is populated with TEST - TEST. However, the - is not an allowable character and must be changed to _. However, if you do NOT set the UDF Label to Test - Test BEFORE adding the VIDEO_TS and letting ImgBurn make the appropriate settings changes, if you put Test - Test in the UDF Label field AFTER adding the VIDEO_TS and letting ImgBurn make the changes and you press the Copy UDF volume label to other file systems button on the right side of the UDF Label field, the ISO9660 Label field is populated with TEST_TEST, which is the correct, allowable entry for ISO9660. So, is the automatic changes that ImgBurn is making to the IS9660 Label when importing VIDEO_TS with an existing UDF Label correct or is it overlooking the unallowable characters when it should be automatically converting them like the Copy UDF volume label to other file systems button does? Thanks!
  23. Before I was told about the evils of CMC, I spent about $2,000 in discs, new burners, and new DVD video recorders trying to figure out why my discs that had worked fine for so long stopped working. The answer was Optodisc switched to CMC and I never used an Optodisc product again. And now, Optodisc is out of the optical disc business; good riddance! I've only burned a few M-Discs so I don't know from experience. Plus, my M-Disc are nowhere near as old as they need to be to prove any of the claims the manufacturer makes. However, the theory behind M-Discs versus organic dye is that M-Disc is basically akin to a process of chipping pits in stone versus burning ink. So, theoretically, M-Disc should be able to back up its claims. And as long as they make hardware that supports DVD+R reading, M-Disc will never go obsolete.
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