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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Have you tried loading the CUE file into ImgBurn for burning to a rewritable CD/DVD/BD and see if it will burn that CUE file? If it does, then burn the BIN/CUE to a rewritable disc and use ImgBurn's Read mode with CCD file generation enabled in the options. This will save the disc to a new image file format of CCD and IMG files. Then the CCD file can be mounted in VirtualClone Drive. Now, I think Alcohol 120% had its own virtual drives driver so it may natively support mounting BIN/CUE files, which would save you the step of having to burn the temporary disc and rereading it. But, as I said, it's been some years since I last used Alcohol 120%.
  2. Without an associated CUE file, I don't know what you can really do with a BIN file. That's why I asked if you had a CUE file associated with it. Do you have a CUE file associated with that BIN file? I haven't used it in years, but I used to use something called Alcohol 120% for images or discs that ImgBurn couldn't handle. I believe there is a freeware version of Alcohol 120%. I'd try that first.
  3. Is there a way to create a .CCD file from a BIN/CUE set? I see there isn't a Create CCD option in Tools like there is for CUE, MDS, and DVD. Is it possible to create a CCD file from a BIN/CUE set so it can be used with Virtual CloneDrive or must CCD be created from a disc at the time it is read in Read mode? It may not be possible because I've noticed when .CCD file generation is enabled in ImgBurn, the file output format is .IMG. Thanks!
  4. Oh, do you want to mount the BIN as a virtual drive so you can treat it like a virtual CD drive? You said you have .BIN files, but do you also have .CUE files or a .CCD file? If you have the original disc, try reading it to an image file set with ImgBurn in Read mode with .CCD file generation enabled. Then, install Virtual CloneDrive, with which you can mount the .CCD file as a virtual drive and copy/run the contents from it like you would a real CD. If you don't have the original CD and only have a BIN/CUE set, then I don't what you could do beyond burning the BIN/CUE file to a rewritable CD/DVD/BD and make a new image from that disc you just burned so you get the proper CUE/CCD/DVD file generation. There's no Create CCD option in ImgBurn like there is for CUE or DVD for use with Virtual CloneDrive. And, you may be unable to burn this BIN. I forget which it is, but ImgBurn doesn't support writing images with multiple sessions or tracks.
  5. Depends on what you mean by "open" and what you want to do with them. Are you trying to open them for writing in ImgBurn?
  6. Yes, try getting an ISO with the Windows Media Creation Tool. You can then burn that ISO to a disc with ImgBurn or write it to a flash drive with something like Rufus. Unless you plan on adding files to the disc before burning/writing it. Which you're best off getting some kind of ISO injector like UltraISO or just writing the ISO to flash drive and copying over the new files to that.
  7. Technically, ImgBurn does no ripping. Ripping is generally a term reserved for copy protected discs and ImgBurn won't read those to image files. Or ripping the tracks of an Audio CD to a container file. If you just mean reading an unprotected disc to an image file, then, as I said, ImgBurn doesn't check against the file contents automatically for the image file created. In the meantime, until/unless that feature is implemented, you'll have to use the Verify mode manually, load the image you just created, and load the disc back in for comparison again, and make sure the Verify Against Image File box is checked. But, you seem to already know about Verify manual mode.
  8. All of these ranging read speeds were on "DVD Video" discs in that that had VIDEO_TS folders, but they were made by a Panasonic DVD video recorder. So, I had to copy the VIDEO_TS into an image file in Build mode since they create multiple sessions/tracks, I forget which. The later ones read faster so I was wondering if there was some kind of read descriptor in them that might have a higher value as they were newer discs and, therefore, had higher speeds available.
  9. Is it just me or does it seem like you get more rewrites out a DVD-RW disc versus a DVD+RW disc? I realize there are various factors involved, such as the MID and the maximum write speed, but it seems I've gotten more rewrites out of, say, a 6x Ritek DVD-RW versus an 8x Ritek DVD+RW. I was just wondering if there is actual concrete data that says DVD-RW lasts longer versus DVD+RW. Thanks!
  10. How are read speeds determined? Are there Read Speed descriptors written to media like there are Write Speed descriptors? I ask because some of my older discs from like 18 years ago read at only like 3x speed. However, some of my later 8x discs from a few years later read at like 7x. Thanks!
  11. By your feature request, do you mean check the image in Read mode of an existing disc you just made against the contents of the disc? If so, no, that isn't available. You'd have to manually do a comparison in Verify mode. If you mean after writing an image to a disc in Write mode to check the image file against the disc you just burned, then, yes, this feature is already available. In Write mode, there's a check box that says Verify.
  12. So, technically, I was right?
  13. Oh, I thought that feature was still to be released. Like the detection of the proper Windows 10 release version number. Shows what I know!
  14. It's a feature limitation in the current build of ImgBurn. ImgBurn's last update was over 5 years ago and, back when it was built, I'm not sure USB 3.0 specifications had been released yet. So, it couldn't differentiate between USB 2.x and USB 3.0. This limitation will be addressed when the next release comes out. And, no, don't ask when that will be. LUK has said he plans to get an update out "this year," but who knows? VSO said 2 years ago that ConvertXToDVD 8 would be out next year and there hasn't been any updates since. There is a speed difference between USB 2.x and USB 3.0 devices. (Actually, it's not the drive that's USB anything. It's the external enclosure it's contained inside that is.) However, if you are talking about a Blu-Ray device, it must be contained in a USB 3.0 enclosure, I think, in order to operate at anywhere near an acceptable rate to complete operations at intended speeds.
  15. Unfortunately, Blu-Ray conversion is not my area of expertise, unlike DVD conversion. However, I use a piece of software called ConvertXToDVD and VSO Software, which makes it, makes something, I believe, called ConvertXToHD. I believe this achieves the same function of ConvertXToDVD to DVD for conversion of containers to Blu-Ray. So, do a little research into that software. There may be free utilities that do the same thing. I know there were for DVD, but they were slower and produced much less quality results, as well as several usage problems. Be aware ConvertXToHD is paid software, but it probably has an uncrippled trial version for 7 days like ConvertXToDVD had.
  16. Depends. Does your Blu-Ray player support playing container files like MP4 natively from a disc like a Blu-Ray? If it doesn't support native playing of containing files, that's why it doesn't work. If it doesn't, you can't put an MP4 on a disc and get it to play from the disc. You'd need to convert the MP4 to Blu-Ray Movie format.
  17. This is a brief overview of my years of using LG's WH16NS60 BD burner. I use this as my go to BD burner for now. It's the best of worst so far. It has a few drawbacks. For instance, it cannot write to the higher quality Verbatim MCC DVD-R or DVD+R. The MCC 03RG20 DVD-R will either fail to complete burns, fail Verify afterwards, or playback with skips and pops. LG refuses to acknowledge Verbatim/CMC has changed the dye formula, even though 2 years of results on different samples of the drive, 2 different firmware revisions, and different cake stacks bear this out, when the MID had been working before. Other than the above, the NS60 has passed every single quality disc I thew at it. For instance, it may choke on CMC MID discs but I don't use those. It is also, unusually for an LG drive, a pretty good reader. It's not failed to read anything I've thrown at it that wasn't degraded to begin with and failed in other drives. This is a change of pace for LG's drive which I've found to be problematic in the past failing to read discs other drives would. The drive is slower at Verifies, though, versus, say, a Pioneer or ASUS. Another speed issue is when the drive encounters a buffering issue, regardless of how fast it reached before. When it resumes writing, it's maximum write speed is significantly slower than the maximum allowed. Another speed issue is 16x DVD-R will write at 16x but only gets there with under 1 minute before the burn ends. Also, 16x rated Verbatim BD-R burns at a maximum of 12x only, unlike Pioneer or ASUS.
  18. I get 2 different values for MID and DID, though. For instance, my Taiyo Yuden DVD-R have an MID of TYG03, but the Disc ID is 0@P-!-00, some apparently random text.
  19. What exactly is the Disc ID? The Manufacturer ID, of course, lists who made the disc, but the Disc ID has me confused. The Disc ID seems to be the same for all the discs in the cake stack. Thanks!
  20. I've gone through almost 50 of the 100 supply of CMCPro I bought. No errors burning thus far. And what few I actually watched all the way through played back without errors. Most of these burns were discs I'd already burned nearly 20 years ago. However, they didn't have inkjet printable covers and some were of lesser (And even bad.) quality. Plus, many were Panasonic DVD video recorder discs, which cannot be read to ISO's natively. But, you can copy the VIDEO_TS from them to a new ISO, burn that ISO, and can image that new disc. So, many of these discs weren't watched because there was no need to. @ianymaty Thanks for pointing those out to me!
  21. I had an extra drive lying around so I tried this out. As I TOLD you Ghostbuster failed miserably. The ghosted device was removed, but when the enclosure was powered off and back on, Windows never recognized the device until Windows was restarted. Disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable doesn't cause this. Only powering off the enclosure does it. Scanning for hardware changes in Device Manager never finds the device. And the device is not in the list of CD/DVD drives. Only cycling Windows with the enclosure powered on causes the OS to find the device when its power cycled. Which is why I cannot recommend the Other World Computing enclosure.
  22. I definitely wouldn't put it past a 6 year old drive to need replacing. I have only ever seen 1 report, on this board, where someone had a drive still using it after that long. Someone said their drive was 10 years old.
  23. You'd be surprised at how fast a drive can die. Defective units, within a month or 2. Somewhat defective ones, 4 months. Standard 9 to 12 months. The best I ever got out of a drive was 2 and a half years, but that was back when Pioneer made a quality product. It's not an all or none situation. When a drive goes bad, it's not uncommon for only one aspect of it to stop working. The rest will work fine. Plus, reads are less error prone than writes. However, I am still looking at the CMC discs as the problem. If they really have been sitting around for 4 yeas, they probably went bad. Try some new media.
  24. Well, it probably won't solve the immediate problem. If you've been using these CMC MAG's for a while without a problem, the problem is either CMC changed the formula for those discs or your drive is going bad. However, you say these discs have been sitting around for 4 years before you used them? I wouldn't put it past cheap CMC junk to be unusable after 4 years. And, if these aren't new discs, you can rule out a change in disc formulation. I can't guarantee it will solve your problem, but that's what I'd do first. It's the cheapest and easiest solution. And, if it doesn't work, at least you have quality media to use with another drive if you need to replace it. Disc cleaners rarely do any good. They're designed to be sold. However, some people have had luck using them or blowing some compressed air into a drive. Or, at worst, a total disassembly of the drive for a thorough cleaning.
  25. This is probably your problem: I 12:22:37 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: CMC MAG. AM3) Have you used these same discs before back when you said you had recorded to DVD-R before? CMC Magnetics makes the worst media out there. Incompatible media errors and errors such as inserting a disc after burn not being recognized are common with CMC media. Try powering off the PC and cycling it back on, but, next time, don't use the CMC MAG junk. Use Verbatim DataLife Plus (NOT the Life Series you find in brick and mortar stores. Those are CMC.) or AZO DVD-R, which you will only find in online stores.
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