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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Could be a few things going on here. Some PS1 discs simply cannot be read in by ImgBurn and certain hardware. For instance, on my rig, I cannot image Mega Man 8 from my collection with ImgBurn. Someone else posted a problem with the same disc. The solution I found was to try using Alcohol 120% to read to an image file and write that image file. I believe there is a limited free version of it. Your drive appears to be an LG one. In the past, LG drives have proven to be not as reliable readers as other drives. You could try getting a different kind of USB drive, preferably from some other manufacturer besides LG, and see if you have better luck. You probably won't, though. Your disc may simply have degradated with age. It may simply no longer be fully readable anymore. One way you can check, though it is not a foolproof method as this won't copy all of a PS1 game's contents, is to open the disc in File Explorer and attempt to copy and paste all the contents in the root directory to somewhere else. If it fails to complete, then the disc may be unreadable. Which trying a new drive would be recommended then, too.
  2. I am starting to believe all those random crashes reports I used to send in were this issue. I had a crash just now and I'd been doing roughly the same thing. While I didn't notice the change to Chinese characters, this issue sometimes manifests itself as the ISO9660 Label field clearing itself out instead of changing the UDF Label to Chinese characters.
  3. @LIGHTNING UK! This happened again after creating a new BD sized ISO. But, it wasn't anywhere near 100% full; it was only 79%. However, this time it said something different. I should have selected the DVD file instead.
  4. If what LUK suggested doesn't work, try not using CMC Magentics junk discs. I 13:28:17 Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: CMCMAG-BA5-000) CMC Magnetics makes the worst discs out there. Over 50% of the problems on this board are caused by CMC junk. Most of those are usually resolved by switching away from CMC media.
  5. I was thinking of a Clone Disc button for real beginners. What Clone would do is read a disc to an image file, then automatically eject the disc, load the image for writing, and ask for insertion of a writable disc for burning. Thanks!
  6. The only thing I could think of as to why an Audio CD might be saved as an ISO is it's not technically an Audio CD but a Mixed Mode CD, an Audio CD track with another track for data files. I'm not entirely sure, but that may be the case.
  7. I'm not sure this is a bug, but given what I believe, I think it is. I was creating an image file in Build mode that was like 99% filling to a DVD-R. (Well, the Disc Layout Editor said it was 99%. Information said 100% with free space a little over 720K. So, that may be a bug in its own right.) Right at the end of the actual Build, ImgBurn tells me something I'd never seen before: "You should have selected the MDS file and not this one. I'll do it for you automatically this time, but don't do it again!" As I said, I don't know if that's a bug, but that kind of error I'd have expected on loading an image file for Writing instead of during Building an ISO. Thanks!
  8. I don't have AnyDVD running at all when ImgBurn is open. So, I don't know if setting AnyDVD to Disabled is enough. The ImgBurn prompt does say to make sure it's disabled, but, @LIGHTNING UK! does that mean to completely exit AnyDVD or is disabling AnyDVD but it still resident enough? If it should be totally shutdown instead of disabled, maybe the AnyDVD prompt in the ImgBurn log should be changed to reflect this?
  9. I noticed this in your log: W 13:07:30 AnyDVD can interfere with ImgBurn's ability to verify accurately, please ensure it's disabled! Did you try shutting down AnyDVD first before attempting to read to an image file? It probably doesn't matter, but it should be tried to isolate it's not the problem. As for Windows 10 showing up as Windows 8, that's a cosmetic issue. Microsoft changed how Windows 10 identifies itself so newer versions afterwards show up as Windows 8. This will be fixed in the upcoming release, and, no, don't ask when it will be out.
  10. Yes, that error message came as a surprise to me, too.
  11. ImgBurn does no conversion. It just creates images/burns what you feed into it. ConvertXToDVD, last I remember, did have an unlimited 7 day free trial. So, you can test it out and give it a throw. See if it meets your needs and your level of ease of use. I find it extremely easy to use and intuitive. I think the only limitation on the free trial is the video may have a watermark on it. Still, it should give you a good indication of what you'll get even with a watermark. I've been using it for like over a decade, since version 4.x and it's now on 7.x.
  12. That's the problem. Your players probably don't support natively playing container files. You are trying to play these video files like a DVD, correct? You will need to use some kind of conversion software to convert the two movie files to VIDEO_TS for DVD Video playback. I use a paid software called ConvertXToDVD. There are free alternatives but I don't follow those because last time I saw them years ago, they took too long to convert, the results weren't of the same quality, and/or the software was extremely buggy.
  13. Well, you could rename the entire mode if you wanted to. You could call it Monkey Bum or anything!
  14. There's a function key to enable more verbose debugging. LUK will have to tell you what it is and even if he wants to look at detailed debugging logs.
  15. Oh, I failed to see that part in your original post. You're right, that wouldn't explain why only ImgBurn is having a problem. It would be because there's a difference in the code in what ImgBurn does versus that other application.
  16. Yet, you called it Verify in your own software. I'm just teasing you; I get what you're saying.
  17. Wouldn't Verify mode still work to do a plain media read test? Just not a Verify against image file test because no image file was created.
  18. My guess is your NEC gave up the ghost. You said it's 10 years old, which is an amazing life span for an optical disc burner. Plus, you said your other drive was writing to the same media fine? Which leads me to believe the Optiarc is at fault.
  19. Under Mode, there should be a Verify option. Be sure to check Verify against image file if you still have the image file you burned for best Verify results. Otherwise, the Verify will just perform a basic Read operation to a file without creating the ISO.
  20. Considering I can't reliably trigger the problem, the resulting logs would probably be so large with unrelated data it's probably not feasible to enable additional debugging. I mean, I can go for days without it happening.
  21. So, it's related to that old chestnut crash I keep reporting every so often? The crash on close down of ImgBurn? The error I send when it occurs with each new PC I buy?
  22. @LIGHTNING UK! I managed to replicate this issue. I got a bug report ready. It hasn't been sent yet; it's been queued in my e-mail application for sending in about 15 minutes.
  23. It should be possible to read in XBox 360, PS3, GameCube, and Wii discs. Everything but the PS3 would be DVD data discs, and the PS3 would be BD data discs. Of course, without modification, the copies are useless, but reading to image files does prove the discs can be read. This means they should still be good for playing. Of those, I only have a PS3, so I don't know, for sure, the formats used by the other systems. And I'd guess the PS3 uses BD; I've only ever played 1 PS3 game on it as I use it for my media player in my bedroom. It will turn 10 years old next year, if it makes it, and it's still going.
  24. There is one last option if those I mentioned don't pan out, but it requires a bit of work. You could post your BIN/CUE combo to cloud storage and give me a link to it. I can then burn the BIN/CUE to a rewritable disc on my end, create a new set with CCD/IMG from it, and put those files on my cloud storage, sending you a link to the new files. You can then mount the CCD in Virtual CloneDrive and treat it like a physical CD.
  25. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that error message. So, I'd see if Alcohol 120% has a virtual drive driver that supports BIN/CUE. If it doesn't, see if Daemon Tools Lite will mount BIN/CUE as virtual drives. It's been even longer than Alcohol 120% since I last used Daemon Tools Lite, so I'm not sure. Those are the only 3 programs I've used that might/have virtual drive support.
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