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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. That V was a typo. If you look at my previous use, I spelled it with a v.
  2. It's not the Verify, actually, it's the writing process on the WH16NS60. If I Verify manually in my internal LG, which isn't one of the NS60's, it also fails right at the start. So, the data is not being written properly to the media. The conclusion I've reached is that CMC HAS changed the manufacturing process of the MCC's so that the WH16NS60 does NOT like them, but the LG BU40N does. I tried 2 different NS60's in two different USB enclosures on 2 different ports on 2 different USB hubs and on its own dedicated USB port on the PC that is not one of the 2 USB hub ports, and it always failed. I put in my Pioneer in the same enclosure that started failing and it works! The only common denominator is the MCC discs. The reason the Verbatim discs were working before is they were of the few cake stack ones I had bought back before CMC bought Verbatim. The only rational explanation based on the available data is the MCC discs are to blame and they're only problematic with the WH16NS60. On the BU40N and Pioneer BDR-212U, the first internal and the 2nd in the USB enclosure I've been using for months, these same discs work. And I'm now starting on the most recent MCC's I bought. So, the only conclusion I can draw is that CMC changed the manufacturing process of DataLife Plus MCC DVD+R's so that the WH16NS60 doesn't like them anymore. The only solution for that is for LG to release a firmware update for the WH16NS60 to address this, and that looks highly unlikely as they haven't update the NS60 firmware in nearly 2 years! In the meantime, I'll have to use the Pioneer BDR-212U, but I can't use 8x Ritek DVD+RW on those until Pioneer fixes the firmware, which they won't as they haven't addressed this issue in 2 years! So, I'll have to use some really old Office Depot Ritek 4x DVD-RW. So, I still recommend you perform some test burns on these discs you bought, Ch3Vr0n. Then perform a manual Verify on them. There's even no need to Verify against image file contents. Verify will fail either right away or shortly after right away because the data can't be read at all because it isn't being written to them right. Which is a firmware/media combination conflict. As long as you're not using an LG WH16NS60, you're probably fine, but best to make sure on whatever your preferred hardware is.
  3. Ch3vr0n, be SURE to test some of those Verbatim DVD's you got! I can't nail it down yet, but, so far, I'm getting multiple failures on my new stack of DVD+R. However, I can't necessarily nail down it's the discs. For instance, they always fail Verify on my external drives. I've swapped in 2 WH16NS60's in 2 different USB enclosures on different USB hub ports. They're always failing on DVD+R BUT will PASS on DVD+RW. And these DVD+R are passing on my internal LG BD burner. So, I can't nail down what the cause is on my end. But, you should test some of these discs in your new order, just to be sure CMC didn't actually make them and just slapped MCC on them. I restored my PC back to an image made the day before my last DVD+R worked in an external burner. Still failed. I put in a left over branded DVD-R in my external drive and it worked fine on the same image. However, those DVD-R were bought a long time ago. So, for whatever reason, (God problem.) my system won't write these DVD+R's in the external burners but will in the internal burners. If it were bad CMC discs, you'd think it would fail in both the internal LG and the external LG, even though they are different models. I'll know more when I switch back to inkjet printable DVD-R and see if they work. Got to get some of those. If those fail, then the most likely culprit is CMC changed the formula for these MCC DVD+R and that's why they're failing.
  4. Looks like there's another new ConvertXToDVD beta. Beta. Nothing major. In fact, only one change made to actual operation of the software. [Bug] Preview with subtitles -> Crashing [Feature Request] [VSORep] “app will be closed” warning issued during install/reinstall process [Feature Request] [VSORep] error message if Internet-OFF
  5. I wonder how easy it would be. I've never heard of a DDP file before, so it's probably a proprietary format. Meaning, a license would have to be paid for in order to incorporate it. Sort of like why Nero's .NRG, I believe, is not supported.
  6. ImgBurn can create images from virtual drives. There are supposedly virtual burners that work, but the only I was able to try, I forget which one, because it was free failed miserably to write an image file to the virtual burner. Failed right away, within like the first attempted sector. What exactly do you want ImgBurn to do with a virtual disc drive?
  7. I would say it's stored in the same place as all the other ImgBurn software settings. In the Registry. Particularly, this branch: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ImgBurn However, there's a lot of settings there, so finding it may not be easy. Perhaps, LUK can pinpoint where it is.
  8. The only reason I upgraded is because my last 4 year old Dell was having some kind of HDD thrashing problem. Could probably have been fixed by just swapping out the HDD, but after 4 years of advances, I wanted to take advantage of them and pulled the trigger on an entirely new rig.
  9. For the audio, you've got a freebie installed on your Windows PC in the form of Windows Media Player. Another freebie which has a wide variety of functions is Apple's iTunes. I'd use the former still if Microsoft hadn't screwed up Windows 10 so much with a massively stupid bug they refuse to address that only manifests itself in extremely unlikely scenarios but ones I encountered that prevent me from even using the software.
  10. I'd build my own rig if my big ass hands were up to working in such tiny spaces. Even tower models aren't as spacious as I need for working around inside of. One of the drawbacks of being 6 foot 6 and a half. You have these massive hands. I only got a Dell because the only thing I could find in town besides HP, and I know from experience never to buy an HP product, was Dell. That was 2011, and ever since then, I've just stuck with Dells. Granted, each one has been "worse" than the last. Still, there's worse and then there's downright unacceptable. e.g. HP.
  11. Wow, that new Dell XPS 8930 I got last year is now reduced by $400!
  12. Got my DVD+R DL's. They are the quality DataLife Plus stuff from Mitsubishi! At least according to the MID. MID: MKM-003-00 Which can always be faked, of course.
  13. That's good to know about CMC buying up Taiyo Yuden. I hadn't heard any stories, positive or negative, about TY quality since the buyout by JVC/CMC.
  14. I've got 3 packages scheduled for delivery today. Here's HOPING the USPS delivers them all to the RIGHT house! Two of them are imported items, so if they get delivered to the wrong house, it will be a real pisser!
  15. My DVD+R DL's are already out for delivery today. So, I should know some time later today.
  16. I posted the change log in my 2nd post before this one. Not much was changed. Just a new error reporting tool and something about subtitles not displaying correctly.
  17. I wouldn't bet my ass. If I wagered it and lost, I'd no longer be able to say CMC
  18. Well, VSO DID release a new version of ConvertXToDVD... but it was a beta version! Released 2019-10-02 Upgrade bug reporting tools ============================================== 0013678: [Bug] Editable subtitles + Button Overlays => colours change after conversion 0013705: [Suggestion] Even if the project has been saved - it asks again when closing the software 0013715: [Bug] All VSO products not opening for no obvious reason 0013721: [Feature Request] VSO Reporting Tool is not user-friendly. Still, it does show some progress being made on the software. I guess the next gold release won't be until the software goes full blown 64 bit.
  19. What would really suck is to get a mixture. Some cake stacks are the good MCC/MKM stuff and some are the CMC
  20. I have some of the branded ones I use for temporary backups. I believe my order for the DataLife Plus discs came out to $56 before tax.
  21. Amazon.com has already shipped the order I placed today for the Verbatim DataLife Plus DVD+R DL. We'll see what arrives when it does.
  22. There MIGHT be a new release version of ConvertXToDVD "tomorrow." From a post on their support forum: " Jacques is working on the last 32bits version (to have clean versions before jumping to the big work like Coral advice rightfully said once :p) We are 99.99% sure we will release them tomorrow (maybe today but Jacques want the new reporting tool to be perfect) After that, we jump on the huge-amount-of-work 64bits versions. 8) " So, it looks like they will be releasing one last 32 bit version before working exclusively on the 64 bit version. That 64 bit version will probably be the next major release after that.
  23. About inkjet printers. Are they also regular paper printers or just dedicated units for printing CD labels?
  24. Just ordered a cake stack of 50 Verbatim DataLife Plus inkjet DVD+R DL's. I'll see what I get. Probably some left over stock of the good MKM stuff.
  25. Each disc has a UDF and ISO9660 label. The limited descriptor label Windows/File Explorer sometimes returns and the longer 128 character one that it sometimes returns. Then, the disc has a folder in the root directory that has some kind of brief description of the contents. And then there may be sub folders with further descriptions.
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