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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Yes, I'd blame the UMEDISC media, too. I've only heard of them in passing so they're probably cheap media and Verbatim DataLife Plus DVD+R DL are the only really trustworthy DL media out there. Don't get the Life Series you find in brick and mortar stores. They're cheap CMC discs. You'll only find DataLife Plus media from Verbatim online.
  2. Either one of those will do the trick. You just need to look for DataLife Plus first, but, in recent years, DataLife Plus wasn't always applied to Verbatim CD-R packaging; mostly more applied to their DVD media. So, Verbatim was only using AZO on the packaging, but I guess, in recent times, they've added the DataLife Plus name back to the packaging. Which makes it easier on me finding the good stuff. Pretty much, stick with Verbatim DataLife Plus media whenever you can. It costs a little extra, but as the old Spanish saying goes, the cheap comes out expensive. Verbatim is all I use, except for BD-RE SL. Verbatim DVD+R DL is really the only high quality DVD+R DL blank out there. And Verbatim makes the best BD-R (NOT their BD-RE SL, which is CMC only now! ) even though it doesn't say DataLife Plus on it. Pretty much, just avoid any Verbatim that says Life Series on it and their BD-RE SL; their BD-RE DL is good stuff, though, most likely because CMC probably doesn't make BD-RE DL media.
  3. As I said, don't get the Life Series CD-R that you'll find in brick and mortar stores. They use the cheap CMC discs for those. The DataLife Plus/AZO CD-R discs can only be found online.
  4. That's the nature of cheap discs like CMC. Some people never report any errors and some people will have some discs from a stack work and some not. I had some CMC DVD+R's that all burned, but my DVD player did not recognize playable discs had been inserted. Try something other than Ritek discs like Verbatim AZO/DataLife Plus (NOT Life Series, which are CMC discs.) or, as LUK said, try a few more burns to CMC or even Riteks and see if you get a burn that completes properly. It seems you're having better luck with CMC with your drive than Ritek. So, try another CMC disc and see what you get. It could be your combination of drive and firmware doesn't like Ritek CD-R media. If the image is too large for the CD-R you're trying to burn to, ImgBurn will tell you it is before burning it. Ah, you replied why I was adding one. Glad you got it to work. Although it could be a fluke and you just got one of the random burns that works correctly. Still, try using the slower speeds each time and see if you get stable results.
  5. Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't sure if you were differentiating between title sets and chapters. So, if you have a DVD-9 with 8 episodes on it and each episode has 5 chapters in it, ConvertXToVideo will generate 40 different MP4 containers?! That's just plain stupid! That sounds more like a bug to me. Discovered one in ConvertXToDVD last night when importing a BD. It imported the main title set, but all the features on the disc were in the main title set. So, the BD had 3 "movies" but they were all contained in one title set. Thus, ConvertXToDVD wanted to make a 3 hour DVD. So, I had to use the Trim function to eliminate the 90 minute movie before the movie I wanted and the 6 minute extra afterwards. However, ConvertXToDVD did not do a good job on it. First, it imported something entirely different from the BD for the background of the sub menu for the movie I was trying to import. Second, it was retaining a brief frame, for one chapter, from the video I had trimmed out at the end. It wasn't down to user error because I purposefully removed a few extra frames manually before the extra started, just to be sure. And I was able to replicate the problem manually, so it's some kind of bug. Only happened on that one BD out of 6 in the set. Then again, that BD was the only one where all 3 videos were contained in one massive title set. So, that's probably what threw off ConvertXToDVD. I had to jump through some hoops to fix that little DVD output. First, I had to take the DVD output that was "corrupted" with an extra chapter at the beginning and the one at the end into a new VIDEO_TS with DVDShrink. However, ConvertXToDVD choked on that input, too! For some weird reason, it was thinking chapters 1 and 2 had the SAME contents in them! Chapter 1 was just a few seconds long, but it was repeating the first few seconds at the start of the video and moving that chapter into a duplicate video stream in chapter 2! What I had to end up doing was use DVDShrink's trimming functions to import everything, but exclude Chapter 1, the few seconds from the first title I had tried to trim out with ConvertXToDVD and exclude Chapter 10, the brief 1 frame chapter that had the extemporaneous video in it. ConvertXToDVD FINALLY accepted this DVDShrink input as correct, with no duplicate video from Chapter 2 in Chapter 1 and no extemporaneous frame in Chapter 10.
  6. I have to wonder. Are you confusing title sets with chapters? Chapters are individual markers within a title set. For instance, if an episodic DVD has 8 episodes, that's 8 title sets, not chapters. Each title set will, most likely though not always, have chapter divisions within each title set. I can understand making different containers for each title set.
  7. You don't. You can't convert an EXE into an ISO. An EXE is an executable program. An ISO is a container file. If there aren't ISO files in the ZIP file, then the contents are not ISO files to burn. Sounds like these ZIP files you're downloading contain the executable programs, not ISO's for creating discs or using Rufus to make bootable flash drives with. Also, it sounds like your end goal is to use ImgBurn to burn an ISO you're trying to make to a flash drive? Flash drives are not supported target media for ImgBurn. Only optical discs. If you want to burn an ISO to a flash drive, you'll need something like Rufus.
  8. If you've got DVD's that play on your PC but not on your DVD player, the most likely culprit is you're using cheap discs. Your DVD player doesn't recognize them as having been inserted because of read compatibility issues with cheap media. Put one of these discs in a PC drive, open ImgBurn in Write Mode, and look in the pane of information on the right hand side. Look for something listed as Manufacturer ID/MID/Disc ID/DID and paste that information into a reply. That will say who actually made the disc. If it says CMC in it, that's definitely your culprit. Now, if you're actually using a DVD+RW and not a DVD+R, it could be your DVD player does not like rewritable media. Or maybe your DVD player, depending on its age, doesn't support reading DVD+ media at all. Older players will have a higher likelihood of not supporting DVD+ media. And, as I said before, cheap media like CMC discs have a higher readability problem in some players. Now, does an erase actually start and do nothing? e.g. does it stick at 0% or does it return a message saying something? If it's stuck at 0% and it's a DVD+RW, you may need to simply wait for the erase to finish. 8x DVD+RW can take between 6 to 8 minutes to complete a full erase. Slower media will take longer than that, with 4 media taking 15 minutes for a Full Erase. And it depends on if you're doing a Full Erase or a Quick Erase. Quick Erase will be done in under a minute unless it's never been formatted before.
  9. Oh, IC what you were originally saying. Yeah, I think you're right; I don't think -R media supports booktype setting. Only +R.
  10. I thought you could set the booktype on DVD+R DL at the time it's burned with some drives. So, you probably can't change the booktype, like you say, except on rewritable media, but you can set the booktype on DVD+R DL. At least, that's what I remember, but it's not my field of expertise, obviously.
  11. Well, if the drive doesn't support booktype changing, nothing will get it to support it. I don't think any Pioneer BD drive I've ever had supported changing the booktype. Don't know about their DVD drives. So, maybe it's that no Pioneer drives support changing the booktype. If that's the case, you'll simply have to Google for drives that support changing booktype and get one of those.
  12. So, you're saying if a title set has chapters in it, ConvertXToVideo will create a separate MP4 for each chapter? That's useless and a pain! I want an entire movie as 1 title set, not 20 separate MP4's I have to merge.
  13. Why is it that Layer 1 is smaller in capacity size than Layer 0 on DL media? Why couldn't they just put in two DVD-5 layers to make DVD-9? They were able to do it with BD-25 versus BD-50. Thanks!
  14. Are you saying ConvertXToVideo won't make the same kind of DVD menu that ConvertXToDVD does when you use ToVideo to make a VIDEO_TS? Meaning, the VIDEO_TS just starts playing the moment the disc starts? If it does, I can still use ConvertXtoVideo to import a BD, create a VIDEO_TS, then use that VIDEO_TS as input in ConvertXToDVD to create the kind of menu discs I'm used to.
  15. Even with DVD Video sometimes split up into multiple title sets, I prefer leaving them as separate episodes in ConvertXToDVD. I don't like it when all episodes on a DVD are placed in the same title set. For instance, what if I only needed 1 episode? Or multiple different episodes? I'd have to load the same large title set and use the trim function. However, the trim function is not an exact science to navigate with.
  16. I generally prefer to leave my inputs as separate titles versus merging them together. While there were some cases where I had to merge multiple files into one stream, they were few and far between.
  17. Just downloaded the free trial of ConvertXToVideo. Wow, it seems it's been a while since the last update. According to the change log, April of 2018 was when the last gold build was released.
  18. I suppose PTP was only created as a designation once DL media, OTP, was invented to differentiate it from SL media.
  19. Are all single layer discs Parallel Track Path and all double layer discs Opposite Track Path? I don't think I've ever seen PTP applied to DL discs.
  20. That's what I was wondering. If the newer ConvertXToBD did what I was trying to describe. Why should the older software support it when they can sell you a newer one? I can always install the trial version and check to see that it loads all the BD contents when the index.bdmv file is selected. Since it apparently will convert to VIDEO_TS and handles DVD VIDEO_TS input, it could potentially replace my ConvertXToDVD. As for trying to get ConvertXToDVD to read in full BD's, it is probably just designed not to do that. I doubt there's any setting to change or any sort of tinkering in the interface that will get it to work.
  21. Unfortunately, ConvertXToDVD is relatively useless for converting Blu-Ray discs. Regardless of what you load, the software ONLY loads the main title stream. You can select other MTS's that are not part of the main title stream, but ConvertXToDVD ALWAYS loads ONLY the main title stream. This makes the software relatively useless for what I need it to do, which is convert an entire Blu-Ray's contents to DVD. So, it's back to using Handbrake and my old method of converting to containers first.
  22. And? You need to know how to do it? You're getting an error when you try it? Either way, I thought I've seen other posts on here where people had trouble with DTS 5.1 inputs and creating audio CD's. I didn't think it could be done with DTS 5.1, but I'm not sure.
  23. I use Rufus for burning existing ISO's to flash drives. You could use ImgBurn to create an ISO destined for a flash drive in Build mode, but the actual burning would have to be done by Rufus. As was said, it's probably easier just to use the Windows Media Creator Tool to download and burn its ISO to a flash drive.
  24. I was actually going to say this would make a good feature. You may want to start a 2nd post in ImgBurn Suggestions to keep it fresh in the author's mind.
  25. I would check that Win 7 Registry key branch for the Build context items you mentioned to see if they're there. If they are there, then take note of what application they want to open. I think you'll find something else other than ImgBurn, unless it is some kind of application that bundled ImgBurn with it, is being called by those context menu items.
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