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Everything posted by Defenestration

  1. Crest - Try unchecking the "Prefer Properly Formatted +RW" option on the Write tab of the Settings dialog. This should cause IB to do a quick erase with DVD+RW media.
  2. I've read that some people prefer to stick with DAEMON Tools version 3 (3.47 I think) because version 4 introduced optional adware. Which version of DT are people on this forum using and why ?
  3. Maybe similar to the problems I was experiencing documented in the following thread http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1833
  4. I've a feeling that MagicISO, PowerISO and UltraISO are the same app by the same person with slightly different UI's.
  5. I guess that'll teach me to buy a cheapo french player (although to be fair it's much better than the previous Denver DivX DVD player I had) Somehow I don't think a bug report would do any good in this case - the firmware hasn't been updated in ages (even the 3rd party fw's). So..... to make up for the disappointment I'm deciding what else I can report/suggest for IB! (with the added benefit that it will also brighten up your day) PS. I thought IB 2.1 was supposed to be out last weekend
  6. Interestingly, when I burn the same disc with only UDF the DVD player has no problems with it and the names are shown as lowercase, so I guess it's a problem with the firmware giving precedence to ISO9660 when ISO9660 + UDF is used.
  7. Because of this I will now burn all my discs with ISO9660 + Joliet + UDF, since each file system only uses about 2K when there are not that many files. Are there any downsides (eg. compatibility problems) to having all three file systems on a disc ?
  8. I have a cheap H&B DX-3255 DVD player for when I want to play DivX/XviD files and have noticed that it supports ISO9660 and Joliet for the file manager used when viewing the file structure, but UDF is not supported. I checked this by burning a disc containing lowercase filenames with ISO9660 + UDF, followed by burning the same disc using ISO9660 + Joliet + UDF. The file system of the disc burnt with ISO9660 + UDF was shown with all uppercase names (indicating UDF was not supported), while the disc with ISO9660 + Joliet + UDF was shown with lowercase names (indicating that Joliet was supported). I was wondering what other makes of DVD players use.
  9. Great Smiley MJ! PM me with where you got it ?
  10. We are not allowed to discuss copying protected discs or bypassing copy protection on this forum.
  11. Sorry to be picky, but...... It's a generally accepted notation that bytes (being larger) is denoted by an uppercase 'B' and bits is denoted using a lowercase 'b'. Your calculation is also a little off. There are 8 bits in a byte, so.... USB 2.0 -> 480 Mb/s (ie. Megabits/second) = 480 / 8 = 60 MB/s (Megabytes) USB 1.1 Hi-speed -> 12 Mb/s = 12 / 8 = 1.5 MB/s USB 1.1 -> 1.5 Mb/s = 1.5 / 8 = 0.1875 MB/s = 192 KB/s (Kilobytes) These are only maximum theoretical bandwidth - As a (rough) general rule of thumb you can half it to get the actual bandwidth. Also, USB has a higher overhead than Firewire so although USB 2.0 has a higher theoretical bandwidth, Firewire often has higher actual bandwidth.
  12. Hmmm, after some more testing it would now appear that Nero CD/DVD Speed does also have problems when it reaches 12x I haven't done these same tests for a while (6 months or so), but when I originally did them it only started having problems when it reached just over 14x. Not quite sure what has happened to my system to cause this - if anything my system should be faster since the hard drive was upgraded from 40GB 4200rpm to 100GB 7200rpm. After applying the reg settings that dontasciime provided I performed another burn which didn't appear to have any such problems at 12x. Another thing I didn't realize was that different write strategies are used for Verbatims DVD-R (CAV) and Taiyo-Yuden DVD-R (Z-CLV). Thanks for implementing the thread priority reg settings LUK. I will do some more testing with different thread priorities once 2.1 is released to see if that helps. After all that though, I may well end up heeding your advice and switch to burning at 8x from now on due to the conflicting test results I'm getting
  13. LUK - I understand the problems of trying to fix something that you cannot reproduce. You mentioned that you could boost the priority of the Write thread but thought this might affect the other threads. I would be happy to test a special build which has this change to see if this solves the problem, since I would very much like to solve this issue, if poss ? polopony - I did not say that IB produced coasters and did not say Nero is better as a whole, but simply stated that Nero does not suffer from the problem of the Device buffer emptying when burning at 12x on my system, whereas IB does (and so appears to have a superior way method of keeping the Device buffer filled up). I am merely reporting a reproducible problem I have with IB on my system when burning at 12x. volvo - The graphs do not prove my system cannot handle 12x burns. The NEC 4550 uses CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) to write DVD-R which means that the write speed starts out lower than the specified setting, rising as the burn progresses which results in an average burn speed less than specified speed (eg. around 8.5-9x for a 12x burn). Dropouts at certain points in the burn are also normal for an NEC drive (ie. it's just the way they work). Most of the problems on the graphs I posted are because the Device buffer kept emptying during the burn (shown by the white line). The erroneous Max speed is caused by sampling/buffering problems during the burn. I will do another test burn at 12x with Nero CD/DVD Speed which shows a smoother line (apart from the expected dropouts). BTW, the the 2 images burnt in the previous graphs were the same image. The only difference between the two was that the first one was using a 32K Transfer length. Check out the following cdfreaks review page of the NEC 4550 burner which shows a normal 16x burn on DVD-R media (note the drop-outs) http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/255/2 From my tests I personally think my system can handle 12x burning with my external firewire connected burner (during a 16x test, it only struggles at around 14x). If it can indeed handle 12x burning, then I don't see what is the problem of trying to get IB to successfully burn at this speed. I would hope LUK can find the time to look at this issue (or provide me with a test build with the increased priority for the Write thread), but also respect the fact this is a labour of love and so understand if he chooses not to. IB is my preferred burning app and I simply want it to work as well as it can on my system.
  14. Well, I've done a few tests and both IB and Nero take roughly the same amount of time for burns at 8x and also at 12x, so it would appear that Nero is in fact burning at 12x when it says it is. This also proves my system can handle burning at 12x. However, as already mentioned the Device buffer in Nero does not fluctuate wildly whereas it does (including emptying on occasions) in IB. I had another idea that some of the reader/writer threads in Nero may be boosted to priority 14 or 15 although this is only a guess. Don't take this the wrong way but it would appear that the method used by Nero to keep the Device buffer filled during a burn is currently better than the method used by IB.
  15. I mean the interface chipset on the enclosure rather than the drive ? I would not recommend opening up the drive itself since this is sealed in a dust free lab, and is never supposed to be opened.
  16. Approx 28MB/s for an external enclosure is VERY good (but within specs)! Does the 2nd problematic enclosure have the same chipset as the first ?
  17. Lucky you!
  18. I'm pretty sure it's proprietary. PowerISO has a similar proprietary format called DAA.
  19. As long as you take the flak I don't mind. I've already had at least 3 locked threads after about 180 posts - and I'm sure I've got a few left in me yet
  20. Why start small ?! The world is yours!
  21. =)) EDIT: He was also underrated in Gladiator. While Russell Crowe was good, JP and the music score made that movie for me.
  22. I like the idea. I'm just glad it's you asking for it.
  23. Joaquin Phoenix was also worthy of an Oscar IMO.
  24. Indeed. I've often found that Nero doesn't update the speed list when it should so you can be left with choices of 1x-6x, even though you might have a 16x disc in the drive.
  25. How about a Synchronize checkbox (if you can squeeze it in). When first enabled it does nothing, but subsequent typing into one of the editboxes will cause the other editboxes to be dynamically updated with the same contents (uppercased/shortened where necessary). EDIT: The state of the checkbox should be remembered so you could enable it once and then not have to worry about it again for synchronization to occur.
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