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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. I was never in any mate but sometimes hard proof works above anything else !
  2. Er - no that's just you as well db !!!
  3. Class polo - that's just pure class
  4. Mmm I have no issue with the sexuality - more the point in the website ??
  5. I always get the "Oh you're going to be on the computer all night then... ? " line.......
  6. I can't dispute that one !
  7. Oh Shit - here he goes again !!
  8. And to think, I'm supposed to be an investment banker Regards A banker ?? I am so dumb I thought you said you were a wan.....
  9. The kids would love to be there for the filming digi !! I am not bovvered at all that you are there and I am not Did you see the BBC confirmed the more adult nature of Torchwood means it will be on in the Autumn after 21:00 on BBC3 ?
  10. What you talking about Willis ??
  11. Cheers Chewy - I will give that a whirl, I have a few probs with my verifies/CPU usage so this won't fix those and I can't even see if the quality scans pick up cos I have knackered DVDinfoPro as well Just call me Jonah......
  12. Nice move jg - you might as well make some $ with the skills you have eh ? Does your house insurance cover you for that many systems in your house tho ?? Nice to see you back !
  13. I would go the route blu did to find the version
  14. Nah But if you have a link for a newer fw for my DW1655 that would be great !!! Currently on BCHB so if you could ask C3P0 to speak to the Chinese for me that would be great !
  15. Nah I think you and I are on the latest fw that is commonly available, Chewy has contacts throughout the galaxy and has posted a link to the BenQ site in China that appears to have earlier versions of the fw's !
  16. Thought not I am on BCHB !
  17. I don't think I have that one - will check, do you have the link handy again for the chinese site chewy ? Cheers
  18. Yeah I am thinking along those lines too - I would have sworn that the OEM's had different fw when I was looking at the two earlier this year.
  19. I save my logs for later reference but I don't think I would find it useful for them to be tacked on the end of my DVD's.....
  20. Odd how you get the error message tho isn't it ? I guess if it burns ok then it's just one of those strange things....
  21. Why not burn a few of the urgent ones and save some back ? That's what I do with the beta tests.....
  22. hi i mean Parallel Track Path. i seem to remember a thread in a lost forum about navigation discs and the problem then was the original disc was ptp , dual layer+r media is otp, Opposite Track Path. i cant remember the outcome of this , i was just trying to find out if the original was ptp That's the thread I remember too mate - I am 99% certain that in the end we discovered that the disc was PTP and thus not able to be backed up.
  23. I certainly did fella !! Didn't you "borrow" it from someone else tho ?
  24. The more I think about this the more it sounds familiarm - maybe I read it at another forum - will keep an eye out for you. Let us know what the fw check tool says tonight
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