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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. There are some reviews of alternative DVD+R DL media in the forum (link in my signature). From my point of view I wouldn't waste any money on any DL that isn't a verbatim one !
  2. and the boss will be able to test them himself with the "free" Xbox 360 ??
  3. Are the wombats ok tho ???
  4. I could probably get away with the Pioneer 120 - a rifle would get me into serious trouble tho !!
  5. Yeah sorry about that - a lfcrule/corny mix of is not to everyones tastes !!
  6. If I knew how to do it I would take you up on the offer so that I can see what I am missing out on !! Having been Playstation fan since the first one I intend to stick with it for the PS3, however free 360's could sure persuade me to give them a go !! Sadly the boss would be the one deserving of the 360 not me.....
  7. Sure do db ! I have just been there too !
  8. Shampooed ??? Oh yeah - I like your style big fella......
  9. I haven't seen Alien around for a while - maybe he has gone home ?
  10. Ha ha I just assumed we were right db - it was the Triffids !!
  11. Just as well your security side hasn't made you the offer of a wombat and unlimited fresh celery - no man could be expected to turn that down !!!
  12. Ah that's better, the old place is back at last !!! Thanks for all your efforts behind the scene boss !!!! Next time you want the weekend off how about you just tell us rather than shutting the place down !!
  13. Somehow despite the result being filtered I think I can guess what the last link is for !! What is the redferret one mate as I think the page is down !
  14. Well I know for a fact that volvo won't be able to spell it mate !!
  15. You would think with that money he could get a decent haircut !!
  16. Greed makes people stupid PM - we see it everywhere.......
  17. I don't even know anyone with a 360 - have you got one boss ?
  18. Tut ! That playboy lifestyle getting a bit much again mate ?
  19. All cats should be shot in my opinion - fucking useless things that they are.....
  20. Neither can I - maybe that's why I prefer to use ZoneAlarm Pro....
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