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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Bugger - sorry for you Shamus....
  2. I think Andy was Jack's fave !!!!
  3. "yeah I know" © Little Britain. Hadn't posted them up before tho.......
  4. Thats kev cos I was laughing at your spelling !!!
  5. Sure do - We are not of Lightning Uk!
  6. "Our results may help the public at large realise that we are less intelligent than rodents," the researchers write. Would be more apt....... Wasn't the Cane (spelling?) toad introduced to Oz to elminate another pest, only it became a bigger one ?
  7. I have told dontasciime to stop burning his CMC MAGs at 32x !!!
  8. Its at Mexico's door now isn't it ?
  9. I like that smilie - noticed this am there were a few new ones in the list here !
  10. What it doesn't do that on yours already dontasciime ??
  11. Yup and mine Especially if it was all done "in the best possible taste"
  12. The first was interesting, didn't really like the second as it just seemed to be milking the fame of the first and then then the next couple were dire - for fucks sake are we really supposed to believe that a bloke training with cut logs in the winter conditions can beat another who is training with all the hitech equipment and lets not forget his reach must have been at least 12 longer than Rocky's
  13. Boom Boom ! Very good blu....
  14. I was surprised that spinner hadn't picked up on it - almost "came clean" yesterday but then thought I would see who noticed first !
  15. Its a top function isn't it Shamus ?
  16. Are you allergic to Verbatim DVD+R DL's ? To me its easier to use a disc that has proven to be reliable in tests by members here rather than pioneering with different brands...... Your choice though - good luck !
  17. I am sure she will, apart from cleaning up after you all the time she comes across as a very intelligent woman.
  18. wtf ?? Not sure whether the author is planning to do the suicide or just talking about the difficulties !
  19. Good luck polo and anyone else who may end up in Wilma's way.....
  20. 42 ?????? Your having a laugh mate - all the same hope you have a very happy birthday mate ! :happybday: :happybday: :happybday:
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