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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Yes. It could be that the quality in the box is very up and down and the ones that are more up, show all the available write speeds. The question is just how well they burned of those that can pass the write stage as you don't verify them. Could you post (upload) this file: C:\Documents and Settings\ztes\Application Data\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\PIONEER_DVD-RW_DVR-116D_1.09_22-FEBRUARY-2009_08-38_RICOHJPN-D01-67_MAX.ibg
  2. There is a program on the Nero web page that can uninstall just certain components like the InCD function. http://www.nero.com/eng/tools-utilities.html#tab5
  3. Try 4x as write speed. Can you see that burned disc in Windows Exporer? If the above doesn't help - go for post #5. (The Taiwanese Verbatims are also nice ones).
  4. With window closes, do you mean that the program ImgBurn shuts is self down or just that the write window disappears? Do you see any ImgBurn window open after the write is done?
  5. As I have the same burner except it's the SATA model, I burned some Sumvision discs (8x rated) with the same media code as you have. It's clear that selecting the right write speed is important. The 2.4x speed gives a very good result for this low priced disc, 35% cheaper than the Verbatims I use. I didn't get any write or verify errors during the burn with ImgBurn. 2.4x write speed 4x write speed 8x write speed As I comparison, here is a Verbatim 8x, burned at 2.4x write speed.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forum, davetheraver! You should be able to find the missing things in the menu item 'File' -> 'Browse for a source file'. and 'File' -> 'Write' will start the burning process.
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum, davet! Can you post the log from that burn? It's saved in this location Main Menu -> Help -> ImgBurn Logs The error is that your writer has problems to read the burned discs. The log might show the reason for that.
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum, InternetExpert! Might be something wrong with that image. You get the same problem if you use another image?
  9. Then it's not that. Perhaps you checked the same option in the write mode window (the window you see when you burn)?
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum, Jon8c! You selected max write that for that combination of media/writer, which is 20x. But your actual speeds are very slow, even if the image is just 50% of the full discs capacity. So it should have been picking up speed more than what you have now. I also think that your CD burning issue is related to the above. It might be that the driver is stuck in PIO mode, instead of DMA mode.
  11. The error you get at the start is common when your burner doesn't like the brand you are trying to burn with. The disc you could burn before (Memorex) did they have the same Disc ID: CMC MAG-D04-00? You can check by inserting an old disc and use the Read mode in ImgBurn and look at the right info panel. It should state the Disc ID of those discs.
  12. A 12x write that looks 'normal'. The only issue might be that the read (verify) graph is max 8x. It seems your previous issue with no write speed above 6x was 'low quality' discs related.
  13. Sounds as you have enabled the option to close the program when done. Main Menu -> Tools -> Settings -> Write tab -> 'Check 'Close Program''
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum, rawr123! You have one CD/DVD reader and one CD/DVD reader that also can burn CD's. You need to get a DVD writer.
  15. Shows a pretty straight read curve that ends at 6x, and at the same time the data on the disc is ended. I think you should try to find some Verbatim media to rule out the media as the fault.
  16. I guess it's a game so you can't shrink it down in size to avoid using the last part of the disc. Perhaps just a bad disc in that spindle or that the burning works better at 8x or 12x.
  17. Hi and welcome to the forum, haulk262! The problem happens at the very end of the disc. Are these discs real Verbatims? If so, where are they made?
  18. I'm no expert in these graphs, but is looks as the writer is trying to get the speed above 6x and then suddenly drops (perhaps due to low quality of the discs) and then decides to stay at 6x, as that could be a 'safe' speed. Another interesting graph would been to see how the verify line is behaving, but as you never verified it's not possible to see if the writer 'struggles' to read the disc during the verify part.
  19. This is what you get if you burn with 8x rated Verbatims from Singapore. Used write speed is 2.4x.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD%2BR http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-RW Thousand of times is perhaps a theoretic number. If you store them as I do, a couple of times in best case.
  21. In the latest version if you have the option to delete the image after the burn enabled - get a window that asks if you also want to delete the including original tracks.
  22. Sounds as a disc from a failed burn. Sounds to me as you'r confusing +R media with RW media. +R media can only be burned once, but RW media can be burned thousands of times.
  23. As I have the same burner except it's the SATA model, I burned some Aone plus discs with the same media code as you have. The older models 115/215 works ok with this media code, but the 116/216 seems to be the pure joke with this media code. Hopefully there will be a new firmware version in the future that addresses the issue. I didn't get any write or verify errors during the burn with ImgBurn. 2.4x write speed 4x write speed 8x write speed
  24. The first part is just that you have some hard disks formatted with older Windows standard. Nothing to worry about. The other issue is that your burner doesn't seem to like that media brand. Verbatim 2.4x rated discs generally works best with most writers. If they do work with your writer, I don't know as it is a very rare burner. Just don't buy -R DL discs for video burning as that standard is not good. Verbatim RW media - that's the same thing with that - should work with most writers. The only way to know is to try.
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