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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Yes. That is normal. Let it continue. That way you know that the disc is ok. Can you post that log when it's done?
  2. Not normal. Try to close down ImgBurn. You installed the firmware and rebooted the computer?
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum, pccug! It doesn't look like it's a Windows installation disc. This is how it looks if I burn an installation disc of Windows 7.
  4. I had that Nec writer once upon a time and it was not good at that time either. Not knowing where you live, but a new writer costs around what a cheap keyboard costs.
  5. Check if you have DMA enabled. The write rate is not looking ok. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=967
  6. Sorry. I should have seen this before. What is it on the image you burned? A game?
  7. Set the write speed drop down box to 8x. 8x is the fastest your burner will burn with this media as you can see above. Also try to have the verify option enabled as that will show us/you if the disc can be read back (if it was burned ok). If you insert your previously burned discs in your computer and use Windows Explorer, can you see the files on the disc there?
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum and the club, William Powell! http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=9242 http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=9261
  9. Hi and welcome to the forum, aguevara! Try to use this program to get the size down to fit a single layer disc. After that you could use ImgBurn for the burning part.
  10. Put in a commercial movie DVD and see if you can play it in Windows Media Player or a similar program.
  11. Can't you change in the BIOS to get something like SCSI? Raid is usually only problems with optical stuff.
  12. A DVD-ROM can only be read, like the commercial movie DVDs you buy. The later is that you have a DVD writer.
  13. Can you start ImgBurn and then go to this place Main Menu -> Tools -> Drive -> Capabilities That should tell you for 100% sure if it can burn DVD's.
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum, ZF911! Sure you have a DVD writer?
  15. Use DVD Flick to convert it to DVD compliant files. Then burn those files with ImgBurn on a +R DL disc.
  16. It seems that in most cases changing the 'Interface' in the tab 'I/O' in the settings to something else than SPTI solves it or just install Windows own drivers instead of the Nvidia.
  17. There have been some issues with Nvidia drivers lately that made the burnings end up in an error. You have the latest drivers for the mother board installed. Just curious as you have no service pack installed for XP.
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum, danny242! I have almost the same burner as you and used the same discs and no problems here. Can you burn other discs without issue in this burner? What's the brand of chip sets on the mother board? (nVidia?)
  19. Did the problem happen suddenly (no problems before)? If it happened suddenly, it could be worth to see if a cleaning disc could help.
  20. http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=1199052 Another thread about this type of stuff. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/6/592188
  21. With a SATA you only need to connect two cables. With a PATA as your ordered it's just that + you also have to set a switch in the back of the burner to either Master, Slave or Cable Select. Put the new burner as Master and connect it to the end of the cable and your old reader/writer to slave and put it in the middle of the cable. It's easy and there are plenty of guides with pictures on the net if you should need it.
  22. That's just a CD-ROM reader. The current max value in the reading drop down list is however just 56x.
  23. I like the suggestion as I posted the same thing ages ago. My thread seems to have been wiped out in a forum cleaning. What I do would like to have added is the 22x write speed option in the drop down list. Now it seems not possible to burn with that speed in ImgBurn, unless you select 'MAX' as the speed and with 24x writers around the corner, it could be nice to have that value.
  24. I did, in post #10.
  25. Out of those two writers I would do the same.
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