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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. How is this writer attached? As you only have one writer attached - is it on it's own IDE channel? Not on one of those JMicron channels? Not having a hard disk on the same cable as the writer. The jumper at the back of the writer - is that one in 'Master' mode? Normally by default they are shipped in 'Slave' mode.
  2. Sorry for the additional editing. Was only trying to keep my post count as low as possible. The source stuff - you are burning - is that on a physical disc on the computer or some sort of network drive? To me it looks as the transfer rate from that source disc might be the problem.
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum, xpandy! You have checked that DMA is still enabled? The latest firmware for that burner is 1.05 - is that what you have installed? Can you post a log from that burn? You should find it here: Main Menu -> Help -> ImgBurn Logs
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum, skothk! You have the same writer - LITE-ON DVDRW SHM-165P6S? Please post a log.
  5. Here is something about the media it likes. Not much posted. http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters?DVDnam...p;Search=Search For the filter drivers. Use the option copy to clipboard end then past that info into a posting window here.
  6. Not much to do. I can only see two solutions. Get media that your burner like. Get a writer that your current media like.
  7. My current (lazy) rule is to use the speed below the max speed. If the disc is rated 16x - I go for 12x. But the only true way to know is to burn some discs with the same media code through the 'Discovery' mode at various speeds and then use DVDInfoPro or the freeware program Nero DiscSpeed to see what good/bad results the various speeds gives. A bad thing is that not all writers are good to do that test - but it should at least give you a clue on the speed that is the right one for you.
  8. @ majestic Is that burner in a HP, DELL, FUJITSU-SIEMENS computer? If so - see if you can find a later firmware on the computer manufacturers web page. Based on the current firmware - it looks as an OEM Nec.
  9. Try this freeware player instead - Media Player Classic. http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Media_Player_Classic.htm
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum, 00seven! If you open up the DVD in Windows Explorer - can you then see a VIDEO_TS folder and a VIDEO_TS.IFO file inside that folder? What software player are you trying to play with?
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum, jasonchang! Never used this setting myself - but it could perhaps help you to get the UDF label in chinese if you enable the setting 'DVD Video - Allow Unicode Volume Label' in this tab - in the 'Build' mode. I suggest that you try with a RW disc - to see if it works or not.
  12. This is what I found in my search. http://club.cdfreaks.com/f105/to04-firmware-ts-l632d-236506/ The issue is that it might be on this page - http://forum.rpc1.org - but it's down - so either wait some days to see if and when that page is up and running again get a new writer get those Verbatims and see if those will work
  13. LOCOENG - the new Charlton Heston...
  14. What brand/media code are you going to use? It's not the best DL writer for non Verbatim discs.
  15. Not sure if you mean the mode 'Verify' or the setting in the 'Write' mode. Verify will compare the burned disc by sector against sector from the original source. If it passes that test - your disc can be read and you know that you got a good burn. If it fails - time to investigate why your burn was bad even if the burn part showed no errors. Necessary? I think so - especially if it's something you want to be sure that can be read the next time you want to access that disc.
  16. http://www.newegg.com/ if you live in the USA. I think the guarantee time is over for that computer? If so - get whatever you like. It looks as an older computer so go for a PATA connected one (the same connections in the back of the burner as you have today). There are also SATA burners - but I doubt you have such connections in the computer. The model of the new burner? In most cases people tend to suggested what they have them self.
  17. Try to see at the Toshiba support web page if you can find it. You need to have specific information about the computer to be able to search those pages.
  18. There seems to be a later version of the firmware TO04. Is it in a Dell/Toshiba computer?
  19. Well, I would say it's older than three years. That model was released in late 2003 and DVD burners have come a long way since then. With a new burner you will also be allowed to use -R/-RW and double layer discs and burn faster than 8x on your current media.
  20. Try this freeware program - DVD Flick - it will support your video format.
  21. The installed firmware is over 3 years old. If it is a Dell computer - try to see if there is any later firmware to find: http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/...;l=en&s=gen Those discs are rated for higher speeds - but the burner can only deal with them at the two lowest speeds. Not even the 8x speed (that is the max for the burner) can be supported - I think it's high time to get a new burner, especially since you report severe play back problems with your current burnings.
  22. Cynthia


    Hi and welcome to the forum, acuk! Disable the check mark for 'Verify' in the 'Write' mode window.
  23. Curious. I've seen posts that your type of media burn very well even at 8x with the same burner. Those discs - are they 'Made in India' or 'Singapore'?
  24. My guess is that the latest one should be 1.06 as you have 1.00 now - see this thread http://forum.imgburn.com/lofiversion/index.php/t2394.html The current issue is that the web page with that firmware is down at the moment - so try to look at that page when it's up and running again. Edit: When you look for Verbatims - go for the 2.4x rated made in Singapore. Avoid the Indian ones and the 8x rated ones.
  25. There should be a later firmware for that burner. Is it an original one or is it an OEM?
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