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Posts posted by Cynthia

  1. i always burn my dvd+rw on 8x and it only burns on 6min or so and now its 15 min...i didnt do anything to the burner...


    Hej! :)


    Perhaps this time you burnt more data on the disc than the days before.


    Those discs can't burn anything faster than 4x.

  2. Searched the house yesterday for some blanc CD's. In that search I found approx 500 blanc DVD's of various brands. I got all of those as gifts in the past years and as they didn't appeal to me then I put them away.


    One spindle is labeled 'SKY Recordable DVD +R 1-4X' - that really sounds a high quality brand. Perhaps as good as the old friend Princo that I also found to many of.


    So I have plenty of discs to perform these types of 'Settings' test with. :)

  3. Curious as I am - I couldn't resist doing a test.


    So based on this test - OPC is a nice thing to have enabled. :)


    Discs: Imation DVD +R 8X

    Burner: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7200A 1.05

    Burning Speed: MAX (8X)

    Discovery Mode: All Sectors


    OPC Disabled.




    OPC Enabled.




    OPC Disabled.




    OPC Enabled.



  4. Hi and welcome to the forum, sy5tem! :)


    Performing Optimum Power Calibration (OPC ) is a special technique used in newer CD/DVD recordable drives to perform a test write and read in an area inside of the lead-in, in order to determine the best laser power for recording and to adjust to each recordable disc, which may vary slightly from different manufacturers, or for other reasons.


    I guess the only way to find out if it helps - is to do two burns - one with and one without and then scan them in DVDInfoPro or a similar program.

  5. How many CDs/DVDs do You (LIGHTNING UK! and Beta Team Members) spend before releasing a new version or just for testing purposes?


    Far too many to count at a guess 1,000's


    Do you get those discs delivered by trucks? :P

  6. Hi and welcome to the forum, JBSil! :)


    You could write a DOS batch file and include your projects in that one and then come back when they all are built.


    You find the commands for the bat file in this location


    C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ReadMe.txt

  7. Hi and welcome to the forum, terrybobo! :)


    If you change this setting;


    Vista Control panel -> Advanced system settings -> System -> the tab 'Start and Recovery' -> Settings -> uncheck the option to restart automatic


    That would allow you to see what driver that is causing the blue screen (you should see the driver name on the blue text).


    Another thing: Not sure If you have JMicron SATA on the mother board. I know those connections don't like to have burners attached to them.


    The power supply is strong enough?

  8. Hi and welcome to the forum, alexh! :)


    You could post the full log. You find it here: Main Menu -> Help -> ImgBurn Logs


    It looks as your driver don't like the brand of discs.


    Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4120B A111 (E:) (ATA)


    Last firmware for that driver seems to be A117 and you have A111.




    If you update the firmware:


    • No disc in the driver
    • All other programs closed
    • Tray closed




    EDIT: Just saw that you posted the log in this thread: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=6307


    Seen some logs before and it seems that your burner don't like that brand of media even after a firmware update.


    I 22:41:37 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4120B A111 (E:) (ATA)

    I 22:41:37 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RICOHJPN-D01-67) (Speeds: 4x)

  9. I think that is when the padding comes into the picture. You set the layer break where it's desired and then the empty space between where you make the split and the rest of layer 1 is padded with crap up to max and then the second part (after the layer break) starts on layer 2.

  10. Hi and welcome to the forum, mazelda! :)


    Can you post the full log? You find it here: Main Menu -> Help -> ImgBurn Logs


    It looks as your burner don't like the brand of discs that you are using. One reason can be that you have an older firmware installed. There is a later version 1.73 compared to the one you have installed - 1.71.




    When (and if you flash it):


    • No disc in driver
    • All other programs closed
    • The tray inserted


    Edit: Mrs Slow here.

  11. You need to read the source disc first to create an image and then write the image. So direct copy - no.


    You decide if you want to delete the created image or not during the burning - just enable the option in the Write mode window (or change it in the settings and the option will be pre checked every time you burn.



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