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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Perhaps a lens cleaning disc might help. 8x is not an option - it will only use the 4x speed. You can see the allowed speeds on the row for the media code in the log.
  2. Tried the 2.4x write speed?
  3. False alarm! Found a old similiar post where it mention that a format would take 15 minutes. Sure enough, exactly 15 minutes later it finished the erasing and continued on. This is a new PC and my first with a DVD, although I've burned DVD+RW before, I don't remember the Format/Erase taking that long or maybe I just wasn't present to watch. From Windows, it doesn't take no where near 15 minutes to format. The first time it takes a bit long time to format it correctly. The next time when you format with ImgBurn it will only take some seconds. Other programs do not really format the disc in a proper way, that's why they are faster.
  4. Sector 809 would be very close to the inner circle of the disc. Most disc scanning programs can show very the bad sectors exists. Like OptiDriveControl.
  5. Could be just a bad disc in the spindle.
  6. A log would be nice. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=14632
  7. Sure it was an empty disc you tried to burn to?
  8. Use the Build mode.
  9. Copy these two files from C:\Program Files\ImgBurn ImgBurn.exe ImgBurnPreview.exe to C:\Program Files\DVD Flick\imgburn and then DVD Flick will use the latest version when you burn from DVD Flick. If you want the output from DVD Flick to fit a single layer disc - make sure that the "Project Settings" -> General -> Target Size is set to DVD (4.3GB) in DVD Flick.
  10. You need to copy the new version of ImgBurn's .exe files to this location (that currently contains the outdated version). C:\Program Files\DVD Flick\imgburn
  11. You can mount the iso with a program such as http://www.dvdfab.com/virtual_drive.htm and then just browse the files like if they were on a burned disc.
  12. Here is a guide on how to use it. http://www.dvdfab.com/tutorial/dvdfab-virtual-drive Mount the four images and then they behaviour as you had the four images as in four different DVD readers.
  13. Mount the four images with something like http://www.dvdfab.com/virtual_drive.htm Then use the re-author mode in DVD Shrink and make a new compilation. This will not work if you want to retain menus.
  14. How do you know it's a good burn then?
  15. 4678 MB on a DVD single layer disc? Did you overburn in Nero?
  16. http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-70409.html
  17. Here are some old quality tables for that burner with various media. Look in the column for Pioneer DVR-A18L - that's your burner. I had some issues to burn Verbatim +R DL with my burner, but a guy in Stockholm was more successful. I think I had a bad spindle when I ran the tests for that media. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=12991 http://www.sweburn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=624
  18. The Pioneer DVR-118L, DVR-A18L, DVR-A18LBK, DVR-A218L, A218LBK and DVR-218L series of drives will automatically set the book type to DVD-ROM on DVD +R/RW when using original firmware. So no need to do anything, it will be done for you.
  19. You can't burn DVDs with that CD burner.
  20. I would say yes.
  21. Normally they do.
  22. (Disc ID: UMEDISC-DL1-64) you are using now is a very new media code and not all older burners support it.
  23. Optiarcs are notorious jumpers due to calibration during the burn. Never had an LG, but it could be the same behaviour you are facing.
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