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Everything posted by chewy

  1. which model ultra? how are the voltage rails? definitely do what Luk said about testing with the pioneer just hooked to it's own modular cable by itself
  2. turn off the computer. disconnect the power cord open the case(that's the hard part) insert a pci card in an empty pci slot after removing back insert, put the screw in, leave the case open, attach power turn it on, if it sees it, then load drivers, if needed if not then change the slot that's all there is to it
  3. without usb2 then the speed setting will matter little as you will be limited to less than 1X dvd burning your log should show that 1 gig burn taking about 1000/60 or ~17 minutes
  4. my bad, your burner only goes down to 6X with that mid, dvd flick should take both video files in one compilation and since the first one was only a gig then you should have room for an hour more, depending upon the bitrate, for a single layer remember usb is a system intensive resource(cpu has to handle most everything) so try to have as little as possible running while burning
  5. try the yuden at 4x, that will tell us a lot
  6. Do you have a good name brand, adequate power supply? Have you burned disks sucessfully from that spindle before? 2 newer burners, both duff or issues with a bad batch of blanks or issues with the computer?
  7. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16827129007 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16827129011 I have seen some decent burns with non-verbatim dual layer and these drives the problem is the inconsistency of these blanks
  8. sony made in tawain dl are bad, the made in singapore/malayasia are the same mid cod as the verbatim, mkm 01 http://www.videohelp.com/dvdmedia?dvdmedia...=MKM.....001%20 buy a new burner if you have problems with verbatim 2.4x
  9. that's an old benq 1620 with 2005 firmware the only dvd+r dl that's supported is MKM [Mitsubishi] 001 PHILIPS CD2 RITEK D01 I would get a new burner if you want to burn dual layer much if the sony's were made in singapore they would have had that mkm mid code?
  10. Tdk's can be hit or miss, why not post your last complete imgburn log, it might give us some clues as to what's going on?
  11. maybe it doesn't like japanese made media?????? BD players have firmware updates, maybe the recorder will get one
  12. one of the tyg02's and have you tried them in another standalone player?? do you have a link to that blu-ray drive? google says it's doesn't exist
  13. use everest or http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php to the spd's from the sticks you might have to set the cas levels manually in bios that mobo is real picky about ram, I know, I love it tho
  14. rpc1, not bitsetting
  15. pioneer and bitsetting dvd+r to dvd-rom? the dangerous brothers crossflash to buffalo firmware no word on that new sata drive yet
  16. wait till all intel's quad cores start burning up
  17. looks like that is right, Liggy has added it to the binflash support list. still confused how it supports bitsetting and the regular nec's do not must have been a plex requirement
  18. evidently the drive supports bitsetting dvd+r and dvd+rw since it's an nec rebadge, what would you use for bitsetting with imgburn?
  19. you probably need to convert those media files into something that imgburn can use to make a dvd compliant disk dvd flick is a good program, I convert files like avi's into a burnable folder on my hard drive, then after checking the files I burn with Imgburn
  20. Horsepower(ram and cpu) don't seem to be limiting factors, shared cables/controllers were/are. Still don't understand why matched dvd burners couldn't burn from a single source efficiently, why do the source files have to be read twice? AFAIK enabling dual burners with nero is still limited by this. Would a large ram drive overcome this?
  21. http://www.gcco.com.au/cdwriter.php the pioneer and samsung(non sata)
  22. the first 2 are sata drives and your older computer won't support them the last is an nec and I have heard several people disappointed in their new drives
  23. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16827151151 in the USA? deal of the day for pata
  24. Mitsubishi made in Singapore should be very good media, those were good years
  25. even pata should be able to sustain 22MB/s at 16x as long as "source paths" are not shared just wish the durn imgburn windows would tile vertically, behave badly in that respect
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