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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. yep, have a look at the thread about philips/liteon/benq etc, it may do jitter to a degree but cannot scan anything with it. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=2986&hl= let me know if the images come up as the last 2 will not display on my computer due to packet loss
  2. yeah liteon is supposed to, i got 4x 1635s the 1606ps and new benq 1670 none of them do jitter.
  3. yeah the 7X versions do ram and is indeed Sony Nec venture the 5x do not have ram capability so may do the kinda scan i require. need to look into it further
  4. LUK or anyone that wants to chip in, What is you latest Writer you rate the highest for burning/scanning/ must have jitter and +r to -rom. I am looking at the latest NEC range but i notice they all are DVD-RAM, so i rightly or wrongly am concluding that these will be using panasonic chipset, thereby not having ability to do quality scans etc. was looking for nec\ 4550 after seeing lfc's drive seems nowhere has them, i lost interest in nec after getting 3540 i think i gave it away hated the silver looked like cheap plastic. cheers
  5. i never use them, when i had to clean lens of anything i would always take it apart and use lint free cloth and isopropyl alcohol. I have always been careful with the disc's i put in any drive i own, i always examine them for grease, fingerprints and clean them b4 inserting them into any hardware i have. Was told years ago by engineer not to use CD cleaners (the disc kind as they are abrasive) in my at the time 450 quid multi changer Cd player and single player, maybe the CD cleaners now are more appropriate to use. it also is verifying all images written and can read any disc iso i have at great speed. strange busy wrting another of the verbs from US in liteon 1635s now written/scanned on 1635s then scanned on what seems to be a knackered or in need of cleaning 160p6s These are the verbs from US, so they appear to be ok, though tbh the first pack of 20 i opened have scratches on them and seem to be not as well made as the /uk verbs i have, have not opened the other 2 packs of 20 yet ANOTHER EDIT Not sure what to think of this 1st packet of verbs now just wrote one in my brand new benq dw1670 then scanned it in liteon 1635s and it's terrible, cannot be all my writers/readers, unless of course my new benq hates, or rather the firmware is not very good for dual layer burning /2nd layer it falls apart 1st layer is stunning 99.10 % saying as the liteon 1635s was scanning fine before
  6. It seemed to be getting worse for my uk verbs with 160P6S drive this was scanned in same drive as it was wrote in as were the previous 4 pics. This is what the same disc scanned like in one of my other liteon drives would it seem to anyone else that the reading function of 160P6s has problems now.
  7. my 2nd burn however i burned one of my /uk verbs straight after and i am not at all pleased with that one either, higher quality scan but still not quite right or like it used to be, just about to burn another using benq DW1670
  8. http://gameplay.metaboli.co.uk/MetaGame/visite.jsp interesting i thought.
  9. I eventually managed to tracked down i think the last firmware for your drive thanks to ala42. so i uploaded it to my rapidshare folders. password will be ascii1967 DX162D_170F edit 171F was the last but hey close enough
  10. from your photo , your looking pretty hot there.

    not sure about the shoes though :D

  11. just noticed this.

    Now if there were some nice breast on show, I would home in on them pronto :D

  12. the official one was fine, cannot remember why i choose PV9N, i know as soon as i updated to it though i burn't verb and checked for quality and 98.78% or higher so it aint that
  13. It's a firmware that burns has burned all uk verbs(65 of them) id MKM with 98-99% quality it is a hacked firmware but i do not use the hacked features, in fact i forgotten what the benefit of that firmware is. The disc above has just verified ok against the image.... will try another then try one in a diff burner, will try it in my new benq 1670 as well...
  14. I bought a Navman Pin 570 it's a pocket PC as well. OK so then i went onto ebay and bought an SD wifi card. Having a spot of bother with the wifi, dunno if its down to router/sd wifi card/ the drivers and utility or the Navman pin 570. So i have emailed all companies involved with my findings and questions. I asked Navman this How would i go about updating firmware in my new navman pin 570. (as i cannot find firmware on your site) Also I bought a spectrec SD wifi card and I am having some issues, can you tell me which brands of sd wifi card can be used on this navman 570 thanks.. Their reply F'ing useless response. It's a bit like me saying to a Tennant, you can paint your door any colour you like as long as it's brown. Also they do have firmware for this device as i know other people who contacted their support over a bug, whereby it would crash when the gps map was zoomed and the reply they got was try this new firmware. I think this guy who replied just found the receptionist's computer vacant and replied
  15. mine are not much better worse than the ricoh ones i have done hope the other 59 are not like that
  16. Mine arrived this morning, had been out to get lost planet for 360, when i came back could see posty van outside my door, had to fight this horrible force gale to get there in time. Strange compared to UK verbs, their like girly lavender coloured. First one burned ok, just gonna check quality now compared to UK ones.
  17. 1X writing use 2.4x if writer says only 1x then it looks like they are incompatible with your writer, check manufacturers website or rpc1.org for the latest firmware for your writer.(did not look b4 typing) so you may already have latest firmware. may be off the mark here, as there maybe 1x dl+ not seen any, 1x dl+ seems out of spec to me though. Edit ... BTW when i suggested lowering burn speed i assumed you were trying to write them at 8X, I meant try writing them at 2.4
  18. try lowering the speed on them, don't think your gonna have much luck with those disc's with your particular drive, maybe its a completely duff batch of disc's, rather than just duff ones, if you were happy with the ridisc maybe get some more(little or no quality control on them or anything but verbs at the minute), or invest a little more money and be pretty much guaranteed a 100% burn with verbatim dl+
  19. yeah but they got concorde out of retirement for you
  20. quality will not improve on + to - makes no difference. When you record on ya cam set it to highest quality recording. I don't have a mac so software side of it i ain't got clue. Cannot see how imgburn is going to help you achieve what you want
  21. that who delivered them, not parcel farce or even royal mail
  22. Yeah your downloading the wrong type of file, you need to download THIS
  23. or if your using usb2 use 4x or 6x MAX 8x (12x and 16x work for me, not recommended though) if your using usb1 use lowest speed or buy a usb2 pci card etc
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