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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. dontasciime

    New PC build

    Latency is still not too bad on Intel C2D or C2Q (mines at 67 and having latency of 47 is not exactly doing Amd any favours in overall speed is it. The Icing on Intel platform would be lower latency for memory but I can live with it. If I want to see fast memory latency I can switch my X2 6000 on upstairs.
  2. The disc's you have are not the best. Check cable and power, replace the IDE cable for an 80 wire and check molex for innner pin spreading and tighten plug back in. Update firmware http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2362 Make sure its not an OEM, tray needs to be closed without any disc in when updating firmware and follow any instructions in firmware readme.
  3. Only if your firmware is SB00 is SB01 newer Btw ImgBurn's defaults are the best so unticking things will not help.
  4. Download Memtest + ISO burn it, boot your computer with it, let it check your ram for errors. 1 error means bad ram let it go for 4-8 passes if none reported signs are good but leave it to run for 12 hours overnight on advanced test and no errors to practically rule out ram being responsible.
  5. They change all the time. It's not likely that they will be included
  6. Your right on both counts. It will be here somewhere.
  7. There is still loads of life left in 32 bit. The future lies.
  8. Also post a log of the failed attempt
  9. If you have winrar installed extract the ISO encore created and then switch to build mode in ImgBurn and feed it the extracted encore ISO/ which has become VIDEO_TS and select a laybreak that way then burn.
  10. Untick TEST MODE edit first log had test mode yes last logs test mode no what is it your burning ? If its a boot cd of somekind then windows may not show files so boot pc with it edit again, boot your pc with it if its the hard drive diagnostic tool set your computer to boot from cd in bios or press the boot menu key at post maybe f8 or f11 even esc key and choose rom drive with cd in
  11. You could argue but you would be wrong, that feature was added to help me. The FAQ is as it needs to be. So you can reply check FAQ instead of having to reply in detail to every post about DMA issues. The whole page could be filled with a search button you would still get someone who can't find it. Now this is gonna sound harsh but if someone cannot get to grips with the BASIC funtions this program offers as in read mode/write mode then wtf are they doing with a computer and maybe a vtech or fisher price is more up their street. However if they can read and willing to try what they have just read and learn from that without opening their mouth for the airplane then great and good on them. Your entitled to your opinion but your wrong.
  12. http://www.google.co.uk/search?source=ig&a...t+iso&meta=
  13. Dentist posts are becoming ever increasing.
  14. This is basically your drive http://ca.lge.com/en/products/model/detail..._gsah62l.jhtml#
  15. The lg drive you have will burn dual layer Put a dual layer disc in lg and switch to write mode and look at right hand side pane in ImgBurn for write speeds and disc recognition
  16. dontasciime

    Opinion: DVD-RW

    Why -RW ? Can your writer use +RW ? they can have the faster write speeds. I have a few verabtim -RW and some +RW as with most /RW not quite as good as WORM. Check out the Drives & Media section on the forum http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showforum=15
  17. Co's they were not scanning very well. check out cdfreaks.
  18. This is the first Dual Layer disc you have had to try and burn as that game needs to be on dual layer, your media choice does not help, get the recommended dual layer media.
  19. Get an original audio cd read to bin. Then burn that to the same cdr @16x or less if that does not play try another brand of cdr . If it still does not work give up or change cd player
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