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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. ImgBurn's download links work http://cdrtfe.sourceforge.net/cdrtfe/index_en.html
  2. try memtest again with advanced test clean your lens take 1 stick of memory out and try again
  3. maa lighten up a little man. It's not life and death.
  4. And on + media 1x is not an option
  5. You need a dual layer disc and pick one of the suggested layerbreaks. or search google and shrink the contents to fit a single layer
  6. have you got the same drive that firmware is intended for >? post a log
  7. Happy Birthday LOCOENG. Oh hang on, no one likes a premature congratulation.
  8. dontasciime

    New PC build

    You not got another gfx card to try ?
  9. Seems like it thinks there is sub channel data to read. Maybe it's a bug in any dvd filter, have you tried burning it with it disabled or removed
  10. Or you could buy a pioneer 112 /115 and write those disc's at 4x. Better option would be to buy verbs MIS and a new writer.
  11. If you have a Samsung ROM drive in your old xbox and are using +R disc's you have to set them to DVD-ROM. Other than that xbox with XBMC or whatever they changed name to will read stuff just fine, been about 1-2 years since I switched any of my xbox's on but I never had any problem with anything burnt with ImgBurn.
  12. dontasciime

    New PC build

    take out gfx card try another or reseat, depends what you were doing or did.
  13. Dunno if this is any good or what you need http://www.uraniumbackup.com/index-en.aspx http://www.gearsoftware.com/pro-mastering.cfm
  14. enable fastwrite regardless and do the full format and go paint your house
  15. dontasciime


    Mary Whitemouse might have objected to your avatar Shamus.
  16. Is the drive new ? Did it come with SB03 firmware or have you updated firmware ? If you updated firmware where did you get the firmware update from ? [edit forget about this bit as samsung odd have that firmware, Rpc1 still show SB02 for L version but SB03 for A version] Check out the FAQ about DMA issues as well maybe set master on a new 80 wire IDE cable. You could also untick Perform OPC Before Write in settings under write tab
  17. dontasciime


    I think there are a lot worse sites that would be on a younger persons hit list to visit b4 arriving here. I see your point about being seduced as those avatars have hypnotised me into donating well over $3,000,000 so far
  18. dontasciime


    You could always disable avatars in your board settings. Or close your eyes like I do.
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