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Movie Junkie

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Everything posted by Movie Junkie

  1. Movie Junkie


    Considering I live in PA I'm offended at all of you!
  2. Movie Junkie


  3. I'm glad I could help. I try to remember to look at some of the sales in the Sunday paper or online. If I see something like the Verbs I'll be glad to post it here like I, and others, have done before.
  4. To see the sale information go here.
  5. First, let me set the scenario; 1. Take a DVD and make an ISO from it. Write that ISO back to a blank disc. 2. Now take another DVD of the same title (everything is the same, title, company that put it out, catalog number etc.) and make an ISO from it using the same program that you used to make the original ISO. 3. Now, using the same program, make an ISO from the disc you burned in step 1. Assuming that you had no read or write errors at any time if you do a checksum on the two ISOs should the checksum be the same for both of them?
  6. Likewise MJ, my first encouter was with Firebird v0.7.1 in late '03 through a my brother, i didn't really start using it until it was released as Firefox 1.0 and haven't touched IE since then. I remember using it prior to them changing the name to Firebird. I started out using their nightly builds and then started using their releases. It's been a great experience watching it grow into what it is today.
  7. 1101010401101010401101010401101010410401271501411640401551411531451630401711571604016415015115615304016714504015014116614504016415715704015516514315004016415115 145040157156040157165162040150141156144163077
  8. 11615704016715716216215114516304015517104014616215114515614404005504011104016715 15614414516204016415015704015114604016415015116304015514117104014214504014315715 14616516315115614704016415014504015014515415404015716516404015714604015515716316 04015714604016415014504015514515514214516216304015014516214504015615716704004104 1110401641501511561530401451701431451601640401461571620401410401461451670401571404016516304015116404015116305604004011104715504016316516016215116314514404016415 14116404011412511304015014116315604716404014116315314514404016516304016415704016 16415716004015415115314504015014504014415114404015115604016415014504016415016214 14114404016415014116404012015114704011414116415115604016714116304014215115614704 165163145144056
  9. I started using Firefox before they called it that (I can't remember what the hell it was called but it went through several name changes.). I doubt I'll ever use IE again.
  10. 11517104016415014115615316304016415704017115716504014615716204014415715115614704164150141164056
  11. 156157167040054040154145164040155145040163145145056056056 1311571650471621450401411601601411621451561641541710401641501450401571561541710415715614504016715015704015315615716716304016415015116304015116304011714316414115 056 11614115004016714504015315614516704011511204016714504016714516214504015216516316 04015416515415415115614704017115716504015115616415704014104014614115416314504016 14515616314504015714604016314514316516215116417104015115604014115604014116416414 15516016404016415704016314514504016715014116404017115716504016715716515414404016 171160145040041041041040154157154 127150157157160163056056056102125123124105104041
  12. I think Microsoft is concerned. Look at what they're trying to do with IE just because Firefox has eaten into their market share less than 5% and Microsoft isn't even making money because IE is free.
  13. Good find Shamus. To all of my friends here...that would make a nice belated birthday gift...
  14. That's how I feel about my Sony DRU 710A drives. The have been chugging along since 2004 with nary a problem.
  15. 0101011101101000011000010111010001110011001000000111011101110010011011110110111011001110010000001110111011010010111010001101000001000000100111101100011011101000 1000010110110000111111
  16. 156157167040054040154145164040155145040163145145056056056 1311571650471621450401411601601411621451561641541710401641501450401571561541710415715614504016715015704015315615716716304016415015116304015116304011714316414115 056
  17. 11414516404716304016314514504015114604017115716504014314115604014615114716516214 040164150151163040157156145040157165164056
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